Headlines such as the one I amplify’d below are so dangerous.  Here’s the comment I posted on the web site where the article, “Why social media is a waste of time…”

Don’t worry about being boring, worry about listening!

The article makes the assumption that social media are like broadcast media where information flows in one direction. The MOST important social media activity is LISTENING and responding. Marketing and not being boring activities only come AFTER => Brand Management, Public Relations, Rumor Control, Crisis Management, etc…

You can bet your ass customers are out there talking about your organizations whether you like it or not. They don’t care about the FI regulations and they are not bound by any rules of engagement. If they had a lousy experience at your branch, they are going to tweet about it, or share it with their facebook friends, or make a video on YouTube. If they hold a grudge, it’s even worse.

By the way…
According to Pew Internet and American Life project, 58% of all Internet users do ONLINE BANKING.