stark REALITY check
at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Faith
Digital Approach
In a letter of recommendation a former co-worker — and my all-time favorite Network Engineer — Tim Byers wrote, “Amy lives to learn and learns to create.” Those few words sum up my overall strategy and how I can offer the most value to you, your mission, or your business.
Stark ReAlity Check Specific Services
Here is a list of services I offer that I LOVE to provide because they closely match my unique talents, and I’m exceptionally good at delivering results (in no particular order):
- Speaking to various groups, businesses, and individuals about leveraging the power of digital communications.**
- Reviewing a personal or professional digital presence, designing a custom digital strategy, then setting up a publication process.*
- Designing digital and live events — webinars, unconferences, educational events, competitions, etc.
- Creating digital campaigns, contests, collaborations, then maintaining them through completion.
- Growing digital communities organically.
*This requires someone internally who can devote their time to the learning curve, and then maintain the calendar.** I have fun creating and giving tailored presentations — using my flair and experience in the arts to convey brand messages.
Designed with WordPress
at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Faith
Designed with WordPress
stark REALITY check
at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Faith
Twenty Twenty-Five
Designed with WordPress
Proudly powered by WordPress