Twitter Updates for 2010-05-27

Hey @nancymyrland @typeAmom @sssemester ck => @Mojojohanna <= she has valuable information to share AND she has #get_it_tude =) # RT @ScLoHo Back from a day in Indy… nice to see @AmyStark -//- That worked out beautifully! I'm going 2 see Patsy Cline...

Twitter Updates for 2010-05-26

RT @HildyGottlieb "#NPCons Chat "-//-2Day-May25 -4pmET Looks interesting! Follow #NPCons tweet stream. # RT @FileSafeServer Venter synthetic life was all over the media Mon. "The End Times" Hope this fixes...

Twitter Updates for 2010-05-25

@WayneMansfield "There are two ways to spread light. Be the candle or be the mirror." -Edith Wharton. Thank you, Wayne =) in reply to WayneMansfield # RT @tommytrc @AmyStark I'm lost over lost.-//- Check out the #LOST stream before the finale —...

Twitter Updates for 2010-05-24

Did you count how many times you see or hear the word Stark, Eddie RT @Eddie_Curry Saw Iron Man 2 in IMAX Saturday night. It was just okay. # @pamelareilly1 @sssemester I've been thinking about our #twiscourse < rather than discourse — I'm reaching, I...

Twitter Updates for 2010-05-23

@HarrisonPainter I've been keeping an eye on @JoinDiaspora and @Kickstarter <= micro venture capitalism.. #loveit =) in reply to HarrisonPainter # @dszp @sssemester Some congregations are using it poorly. NOT leveraging the power -NOT connecting – NOT...