Twitter Updates for 2010-06-06

RT @jenwiedenhaupt it's late but it's still friday! #FF cool peoples – @AmyStark, @hallworks4me -/ /- You are so sweet Jen, thank you # RT @ripsup : @AmyStark ..think you already heard but congrats on making TechCrunch any idea...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-05

RT @Hazewalker "Unforgiveness is the poison you drink every day hoping that the other person will die." Debbie Ford # Thank you most kindly for the #FollowFriday shout outs @LaurieAGriffith @unitedwaypc @nwivolunteer @pcpoy You all totally Rock! #...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-04

RT @motivationlive Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. Napoleon Hill -/ /- I'm counting on it # RT @BengtWendel I got nice captcha-text when I signed up: existential enriched -/ /- #BestCaptchaText # RT @zeloniss to...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-03

Good Morning! If you're in Indy come visit me @WFYI U can register up until 9:00am Today! 6-2 Just send Sally an email # @jenwiedenhaupt Woo Hoo. Glad you're on twitter! Think of some REALLY hard questions to ask me. The hashtag will be...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-02

Who's the tweeter behind @ArtWithAHeart2 Please send my best regards to Andrew and tell him I was right about Social Media =) # RT @CBalling RT @statesman Did U quit Facebook today? Apparently, today was the day to do it @omarg's story about it:...