Twitter Updates for 2010-06-11

Don't tweet that: How not to be a Twitter dork "Part of complete coverage on Netiquette" # Thanks Joe! RT @business901 Amy, @kevintame is moving 2 Indy from Utah, joined #SI 2day -needs a quality intro thought I would start at top #...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-10

We need to talk, after that you need to shut up. -Hugh MacLeod -//-L'ing right OL Brilliant! Thanks, @BengtWendel # It's whenever 2 or more tweeters meet face to face. Have you heard of MeetUps? RT @jenwiedenhaupt @AmyStark Hi there!...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-09

China Hails Internet, Praises Twitter -//- @drthomasho I haven't read it yet but I am dumbstruck by the headline. # Blagojevich trial: An annotated Twitter feed -/ /- ck this @Rex7 & @nancymyrland Reporters tweeting...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-08

RT @BengtWendel Sticking to one's core values makes it easier to stay on course. #coaching # @lindaAWI A good morning shout to favs @InspiredMomma @AmyStark @vixwrld @dave_carpenter @LollyDaskal .. -/ /- Right back at ya, Linda! in reply to lindaAWI # Social...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-07

RT @BengtWendel @AmyStark It's cool to see your face on TechCrunch -/ /-It's cool 2 C U mention it. THNX # @CBalling some cliches are dead on- "Diversity IS the spice of life!" in reply to CBalling # [1of3] Quote from...