Twitter Updates for 2010-07-02

Tweets in Japan fall silent in election campaign "'Twitter diplomacy' is already getting off the ground" # @jwpalmer I'm sure everyone had a fabulous time. I've an idea I wanted to share and I'm sad I couldn't be...

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-01

RT @CBalling RT @mpaynknoper R U a #farmer trying 2 figure out social media? I made an #ag & SM page..4 U @trufflemedia # Thanks for the warm morning greetings @vixwrld @lindaAWI you are two examples of fabulous #Indianapolis women making a...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-30

Checking out "Disney High School Musical on Stage is pure fun, well done" on Smaller Indiana: # Hey @jenwiedenhaupt – you should connect w/ @lauren_sarver <hey Lauren, Jen is involved w/ the other Non-profit I mentioned>...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-29

..Why hotels should avoid social media "Don’t go there unless you have to"-/-<=dangerous attitude #IN_SM # T O M M Y ! ! ! RT @tommytrc A new Twitter record – 3282 tweets per second # @aballstudio d' oh!...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-28

RT @CBalling RT @TheEconomist Inflation in job titles … -/ /- I'm Indiana's Twitter Empress, U know =) cc @natfinn # Narcissistic RT @lindaAWI @jane_expressive .. you're becoming quite the Twitter expert! I'm impressed &...