Any organization remotely affiliated with the health-care industry must incorporate social media in their outreach and education programs.
This article focuses on care-givers for aging parents, but there are other types of care-givers who are finding support on various social media platforms.
On a side note– who is the big decider about November being “National Caregivers Month” anyhow? I don’t recall voting on this. Is there a government agency in the U.S. that makes these declarations? Please don’t misunderstand, I don’t begrudge Caregiver’s claim to November, I just want to know who to ask to start a National Redhead’s Month.
Boomers Spend 150+ Minutes/Month on Facebook; Twitter Makes Top 10 List
CHICAGO — Baby Boomers caring for aging parents rely on the Internet, and social media in particular, for emotional support and practical suggestions, spending more than 150 minutes per person per month viewing 1,010 pages on Facebook
, over 70% more time and more pages than the average Internet user, according to the Age Lessons Boomer Social Media Study. The research examined the online habits of 3.8 million Boomer caregivers and was fielded by comScore.
Top 10 Sites for Boomer Caregivers by Reach
Facebook [91%]
Amazon [76%]
Wal-Mart [41%]
Federated Media Publishing [41%]
Linked In [37%]
Target [33%]
Technorati [32%]
Shopzilla [20%]
Twitter [21%]
My Life [21%]
WordPress [29%]
Yelp [30%]
November is National Family Caregivers Month in the United States.Read more at