- RT @CBalling A friend is trying to register on Twitter but his email is already taken.-//- That's weird. Have a PW reset sent to email addy #
- @CBalling He may have started an account and forgotten it. OR have him set up a new gmail account. I recommend everyone have one anyhow. in reply to CBalling #
- Hey @lindaAWI I recommended @CaraDafforn connect with you at a meeting earlier. Empowering women is important to her, too. #
- Thank you, @typertist for the "Special ƒ๏ℓℓ๏ω►" earlier today. That was mighty neighborly of you. #
- RT @kmullett you can do + google addresses. myemailaddy+twitter2 [AT] gmail [dot] com -/ /- do you have an example of when this makes sense? #
- @CBalling Was your friend getting email notices even though he had not signed up? I recommend sending @twitter a message about it. in reply to CBalling #
- RT @CaraDafforn #Indiana is a great state with leaders in social media like @amystark -/ /- back at ya, Cara. Nice meeting with you today. #
- Hey @Twitter — Please let me know what ALL of my @replies are missing? My latest @reply is showing as 09-19-2010 =( <1of2> #
- 2of2 @Twitter am I being punished 4 Not tweeting over the wkend? I have a good reason-meet my new grand niece http://twitgoo.com/1ow3li #
- @kmullett ah. I have 3 email addresses but they all go through google because of their spam filter. I hope @CBalling 's friend connected ok in reply to kmullett #
- @CaraDafforn I've been thinking.. Ning group on this platform might make the most sense http://www.classroom20.com/ = $0 and GREAT programs in reply to CaraDafforn #
- @CaraDafforn You could also use Track Ahead… @HarrisonPainter is the go to person for this platform and he is very helpful. in reply to CaraDafforn #
- Hey @ScLoHo — Do you know who runs behind Secret Ft. Wayne? http://www.facebook.com/SecretFortWayne There are no admins listed. #
- Thanks, @ScLoHo There is no contact name on the website, but @kmullett found it in whois http://bit.ly/dzOALr Thanks Kevin! #
- RT @CBalling Bono "does advocacy work, not charity work" took in $15m, $184k to charities http://is.gd/fmhXA -/ /-he should be ashamed #
- Twitter Users and Bloggers Open to More Than Earned Media http://bit.ly/aiqRPY "$179 per blog post and $124 per tweet" #
- Schools plan to limit teachers on social media http://bit.ly/aAEim0 Teachers would have to get written approval from parents. #
- ArtPrize's Hub serves as command center for tracking social media http://bit.ly/9POfwk Cool idea #
- Social media can rule your life, college finds http://bit.ly/cgn1YE Early conclusions – use SM AND traditional communications. #
- Twitter account probed after Tuesday's school shooting http://bit.ly/9K8j8G #
- RT @BengtWendel RT @hamlesh FACT OF LIFE: After Monday and Tuesday even the calender says W T F #
- Social media come of age in business world http://bit.ly/dvWWtM Wow– SM employees in St.Louis make 30-120k??? I'm moving. #
- Looking over the SM / twitter articles yesterday is quite revealing. Literally HUNDREDS of stories about attack on Tuesday. #
- Hey @VickySanchez I never thanked you for the RT last week. It'll be great to meet you f2f next week. #
- RT @seegullmedia A New Landmark of Denmark, The Wave in Vejle http://bit.ly/9NqmAS -/ /- very cool. #
- RT @lindaAWI …when something of value is "under attack", it's true value has arrived! … -//- I agree. Attacked or copied. #
- @CBalling so you feel the shame only lies at the donor's feet for not investigating unreasonable overhead? I don't agree. in reply to CBalling #
- @CBalling if a celebrity lends his brand to a cause it is his responsibility to investigate so donors don't have to. IMHO in reply to CBalling #
- @CBalling I think shame is making a comeback, or maybe it's my hope. Social media is a great vehicle for public humiliation. in reply to CBalling #
- @lindaAWI I've never seen SO many twitter articles in a two day period and they are still rolling in. As you said, "it has arrived" =) in reply to lindaAWI #
- @lindaAWI Wonderful seeing you yesterday, Linda. It's been too long! in reply to lindaAWI #
- @bonowillsaveyou how do you feel about the CEO of the American Cancer Society making over $5 MILLION in one year? in reply to bonowillsaveyou #
- @IMAVEX RT How long do you think social media jobs will last? -/ /- SM isn't JUST marketing. It's about customer service, too. in reply to IMAVEX #
- @IMAVEX SM = grassroots two-way communication via Internet protocol and it will never go away. It may change names, but it's here 2 stay. in reply to IMAVEX #
- Interesting RT @CBalling And speaking of #Bono on Twitter. You'll love this –> @paul_hewson -//- Protected tweets… hmmm. #
- @tkographix reminds me of KathyLeeGifford and the Walmart fiasco.Celebrities SHOULD know-that's why they have publicist/agents in reply to tkographix #
- @CBalling YES I think humiliation can affect celebrities. It certainly effected a change in KathyLee and Walmart scenario. in reply to CBalling #
- @CBalling ESPECIALLY if it has an effect on their ability to make money. e.g. Tiger Woods losing millions in sponsorships. in reply to CBalling #
- Interesting and telling read, @CBalling http://is.gd/fmWFf — Hey @LindaAWI you may want to check this. #
- @CBalling humility has a VASTLY different meaning than humiliation. in reply to CBalling #
- @dszp Your senses are correct. There is a HUGE conflict which accompanies all major paradigm shifts throughout history. in reply to dszp #
- Thanks for the rousing debate this AM @joshhumble @tkographix @CBalling -But I must turn my attention to the mundane (i.e. making money =) #
- @IMAVEX Lots of diff definitions of SM. If you define it as "word of mouth" then you're correct, it is WAY not new. in reply to IMAVEX #
- @IMAVEX WOM via Internet Protocol is relatively new, however, and it will never go away. How do you define social media, Ricky? in reply to IMAVEX #
- Hey @raekridel did you see this link posted first by @tkographix then RTd by @CBalling http://bit.ly/bU9hcC GREAT 2 CU last week, btw. #
- @IMAVEX I hear ya. Or rather I read ya. =) in reply to IMAVEX #
- Thanks again @CBalling for sending me http://www.dilbert.com/2010-09-13/ I've used it several times now. #
- RT @robbyslaughter … @mrnoobie's thread on @ChaCha STILL lives! http://bit.ly/cap99w -//-It SO could have been nipped in the bud early. #
- @typertist RE: http://twitpic.com/2qytjj – ▬►Just Me! -/ /- It says photo could not be found and I wanted to see the real you =( in reply to typertist #
- @nathan_hand You should also follow @HarrisonPainter and check out @trackahead AND http://www.classroom20.com/ in reply to nathan_hand #
- @ripsup I've been using it as a case story on how NOT to react & respond to social media whining. The fact that it goes on and on is amazing in reply to ripsup #
- @ripsup PLUS it's an #Indiana company I WANT them 2 improve & provide lots of jobs locally. PLUS I like @mrnoobie & like 2 give him traffic in reply to ripsup #
- 97-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor’s Story Shared on Twitter http://bit.ly/cImTAt -/ /- wish I knew the twitter handle. #
- T O M M Y ! ! ! @tommytrc Long time no tweet! I hope all is well in Wisconsin with you and yours. thnx 4 the RT! #
- The teens who took over Twitter http://bit.ly/agwJOe "1,800 news stories containing the word 'Matsta'" #
- Beautiful @typertist http://twitpic.com/2qytjj Thanks for sharing and thanks for the early #follow recommend. You Rock! #
- @tommytrc Wish U could share some rain w/Central #Indiana Dry as a bone here since July. What's the official total @PaulPoteet? in reply to tommytrc #
- …great photo from WISE! – its the reflection nebula DG 129 gripped in the claw of constellation Scorpius http://cot.ag/bklSFI via @NASA #
- RT @leroyng If your life is in danger, who do you want to save you – John Rambo or Terminator ?? -/ /- @ChuckNorris of course #
- Ball State football coach Parrish: Twitter OK unless it causes distractions http://bit.ly/ctbFpa #Indiana #Muncie #
- Area school integrates Twitter into the classroom http://bit.ly/ahI5Nh -/ /-don't get excited #Indiana … the school is in CA #
- Thanks for the http://bit.ly/cImTAt RT @leroyng @mike_kohn @VickySanchez @WishesBot2010 Still no answer on twitter handle. #
- Man Complains About Company on Twitter – Company Contacts Man’s Employer http://bit.ly/ahgnar @PriceChopperNY SM #FAIL #
- Schultz Credits Social Media for Saving Starbucks http://bit.ly/bLEN85 "able 2 squash false rumors B4 they got out of hand" #
- RT @BeefandBoards Hey @AmyStark! Did you catch your bro on TV this morning? http://ht.ly/2ITEH -/- I think he meant 6 million total =) in reply to BeefandBoards #
- @ripsup I've never heard anything derogatory about @IN_Intelligence and that speaks volumes cc @douglaskarr @kyleplacy @HarrisonPainter in reply to ripsup #
- RT @wilkersonrick .. are you still available to sub for me next Thurs @ #BNI http://www.chainreactionbni.com -//- Lunch is open that day in reply to wilkersonrick #
- Woo Hoo! So far I love the new @twitter layout. BRAVO! #
- RT @typertist RT @tommytrc: RT @AmyStark: http://bit.ly/cImTAt / 97-year-old Holocaust survivor Anka Voticky’s twitter ► @AnkasStory in reply to typertist #
- Thanks a million @typertist for the twitter handle. I now follow @AnkasStory http://bit.ly/cImTAt 97-yr-old Holocaust survivor in reply to typertist #
- @PaulPoteet Thanks for the flush out, Paul. You da man… the weatherman, that is. =) in reply to PaulPoteet #
- @AndrewPWilson Your 🙁 made me very =( Could U send an email? amyATstark reAlity check dot com -I wasn't sure what U needed so I dropped it in reply to AndrewPWilson #
- @AndrewPWilson No doubt it was an "I D ten T" error on my part. in reply to AndrewPWilson #
- X4・ダブルズームキット】1名様」!Is trending- I've no idea what it means or even the exact language. Ain't technology grand. #
- @tommytrc
Back @ ya T O M M Y !!! RT @tommytrc #ff @dynasty348 @AmyStark @JenMilan720 @typertist THANKS for the love!!! #FF =) in reply to tommytrc # - Thanks for the #FF shout out! RT @jc__russell … Thank for being cool!!!! #FF -/ /- Do U think you could convince my daughter I'm cool? =) in reply to jc__russell #
- @wilkersonrick It is digitally inscribed on my Google Calendar. 11:00 am Logan's on September 30th. I will sing your praises! in reply to wilkersonrick #
- RT @robbyslaughter @AmyStark who is an expert @ giving, online & off. When her ship comes in, we'll need to build a new harbor. in reply to robbyslaughter #
- @robbyslaughter As Yenta in Fiddler on the Roof would say, "From your mouth to God's ears" Thank you so much for that Robby. in reply to robbyslaughter #
- Please drop what you're doing and #FF my friend and twitter savant, @robbyslaughter – he is a gentleman and a scholar. in reply to robbyslaughter #
- RT @rgrosskett #FF Internet Marketing @jim_brown @slingshot_SEO @kyleplacy @firebelly @douglasskarr @jamespaden @chrislucas5 in reply to rgrosskett #
- May I ask a question about your #FF Internet Marketing group @rgrosskett ? Who among them thanks you for your kindness? Just curious. in reply to rgrosskett #
- #FF RT @WebGrrrrl Yep! RT @typertist TGIF @tommytrc @OhDaddy @harrisonloveall @MartyMcPadden @hostageek @2sonsup @VAinParadise @mmangen in reply to WebGrrrrl #
- THNX 4 #FF @typertist ! Because I have the groovy new Twitter I was able 2 easily Follow @MartyMcPadden @hostageek @2sonsup @VAinParadise =) in reply to typertist #
- @jc__russell 15 going on 3. Payback has earned a fair reputation, I was the same way with my mom and she is WAY cooler than me. in reply to jc__russell #
- #FF = Follow Friday, @ElaineLuke . It is a way to recommend groovy tweeters like your friend @willislove . in reply to ElaineLuke #
- @ElaineLuke For Example.. "I recommend my favorite niece named Lainie for #FollowFriday She has a wonderful soul" I <3 ya, mean it =) in reply to ElaineLuke #
- @Twitter , Did I mention how much I LOVE the new interface? No learning curve and so much wonderful info above the fold. #
- RT @Latrell ツ #sincewerebeinghonest it takes strong emotions to hate someone…So hate on me! =//= that's quite profound, actually in reply to Latrell #
- Stephen Colbert on Capitol Hill: Did he help … ? http://bit.ly/90vOnL "Never underestimate the power of pure attention" #
- Hey @willisLOve if @ElaineLuke thinks you're a good person, you're ok in my book. She has impeccable taste – I'm her FAVORITE Aunt Amy in reply to willisLOve #
- @DrThomasHo wow … and here I was thinking to myself, "I doubt you'll ever see a comedian testifying to the Iranian Parliment." in reply to DrThomasHo #
- I like 'em 2 Hazel RT @Hazewalker #ff I love following these people …@lindsaymanfredi .. @caradaffon @whalehunters @edeckers @nancymyrland in reply to Hazewalker #
- RT @DrThomasHo Christopher Coates testimony..US Civil Rights Commission re: New Black Panther voter intimidation case http://miso.io/dv7oXU in reply to DrThomasHo #
- @DrThomasHo Equal time =) Although I'm still glad the US has a sense of humor. Lots of countries take themselves too seriously. in reply to DrThomasHo #
- @CBalling ck Christopher Coates testimony..US Civil Rights Commission re: New Black Panther voter intimidation case http://miso.io/dv7oXU #
- Ain't Technology Grand! RT @fumi_fuji 今日とても久しぶりに、昔大変お世話になった方に連絡をいただきました。その方はわたしのビジネスの師匠の1人ですが、来月久しぶりにお会いできるかもしれないので楽しみです。明日からもがんばっていきましょう~ in reply to fumi_fuji #
- @davidinindy I agree wholeheartedly. I think if more countries had jesters in government, it would be a more peace filled world. in reply to davidinindy #
- haha RT @davidinindy RT @history_geek Love it. Old Spice guy talks libraries. http://ow.ly/2JAaD -//- How's life treating U David? #
- Where does Iraq go from here? العراق، من هنا إلى اين http://www.youtube.com/user/AlArabiya -//-Fabulous use of social media. #
- To the affiliate marketing tweeter who sent me 3 tweets within 24 hours containing the word URGENT => I reported you as spam #
- Mayor urges San Antonians to use social media to discuss city's future http://bit.ly/ctPm0k -/ /- ck this @MayorBallard #
- SOCIAL CITY RANKING http://bit.ly/dtaqhI -//-#Indianapolis 24th Salt Lake City, UT 8th!?! Come on Indy let's pick up our game. #
- 1st time I marked tweeter as spam in public timeline @NickiLaycoax I typically just block 'em. Long time no tweet, how's life treatin' ya? in reply to NickiLaycoax #
- Dear Mr.Lamberth-twitter name withheld, identical tweets RE:making money online means U R the 2nd tweeter 2Day I marked as SPAM #
- There are 6 BIL people on earth and 4 BIL twitter ready devices giving remote areas-like the Congo-unprecedented access to a global dialog. #
- Repressive regimes-e.g.China & Iran-will find it increasingly difficult 2 control the flow of information 2 their citizens & internationally #
- Twitter is the world's LARGEST bridging social-capital group in the recorded history of our species making it an evolutionary game changer. #
- A tool for the twits http://bit.ly/bgWlZD -//-The 3 preceding tweets were an answer to the author who REFUSES 2 use twitter. #
- @toyetoyetoye Thanks for the words of encouragement! I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Central #Indiana day! in reply to toyetoyetoye #
- @innovatevision Thank you most kindly for the RT. I love your logo and twitter background, btw. Very nice. <this is Richard, right?> in reply to innovatevision #
- haha RT @innovatevision It's very interesting 2 find out that Word of Mouth didn't exist before Social Media-//-WOM via IP IS relatively new in reply to innovatevision #
- @innovatevision Actually I would date it back to Darpanet in late 50s, but in the history of comm techology that is still relatively new. =) in reply to innovatevision #
- @jackodile I agree. in reply to jackodile #
- thnx 4 the RT @markydsr Do you often use TwitLonger.com ? I've seen it a couple of times but I do my best to keep it to 140 characters in reply to markydsr #
- RT @jackodile .. Whitton appears to be an educational elitist. She obviously only wants to talk and not to listen.Witton= #CommunicationFail in reply to jackodile #
- @innovatevision bite me =) in reply to innovatevision #
- I agree, @innovatevision @ripsup – I just like to mess with ya sometimes. =) in reply to innovatevision #
- @innovatevision Let me know when you post a retort – I will be sure to post a counter-retort to it. That's just the way I roll. in reply to innovatevision #
- @knvs_info I appreciate the heads up on that twitter app, but I use email if I can't fit it into 140characters or less. =) in reply to knvs_info #
- @NickiLaycoax Decent works for me, too. It's way better than lousy. =) Enjoy the weekend! in reply to NickiLaycoax #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Homecoming Dance 09-25-10 http://youtu.be/uKch2d9DJVI?a #
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