- RT @lindaAWI … Tools may not cost; but having knowledgeable folks use the tools does!!! -//- Depends on the knowledgeable folk's altruism #
- U R correct NOTHING is free! When U compare technology/communication costs today vs 1 yr ago -SM=minuscule by comparison @ripsup @lindaAWI #
- RT @bilerico [Amy] #BIN2010 was a success if we got to know each other.-//-I hear through the tweet vine you're leaving our fair state. =( #
- Bravo LG – nice campaign http://www.youtube.com/lifeinaday Explore the video gallery. Very Cool. #IN_SM #
- THANKS #NWIndiana Blogs –I wonder why this didn't pop up in my Google Alerts? I would have thanked you sooner. http://bit.ly/cMEpX0 #
- My Twitter BFFs: @ripsup @cballing @indyscompugeek @amystark @robbyslaughter @lindaawi @mrnoobie. Find yours @ http://twitterbffs.com #
- Dear @TwitterBFF – Why am I listed as one of my own twitter BFFs? < Insert bad split-personality joke in poor taste here > #
- Twitter for iPad: Hands On with Panes, Gestures | News & Opinion | PCMag.com http://bit.ly/ctCfSl -/ /- I want one! #
- RT @ripsup Wow, I'm number 1, I feel special 🙂 -/ /- U R Special, God Love ya. =) Will I see you on Wednesday at #REBCIN #
- RT @AndrewPWilson iPad is great but really find the Twitter app very unintuitive- if I have to watch a video to use it, seems.. excessive #
- RT @Safrin Listening 2 Pandora radio online while tweaking presentation for #REBCIN -results with SM use in real estate -//-C U Tomorrow =) #
- RT @CBalling RT @mpaynknoper .. help me w/ #agvocacy training 09/08/2010 around 1 p.m. ET? Please tweet value of SM to #ag with #agchat tag #
- OK I'll bite, @erikjfisher tell me about Osfoora HD. Oh, btw, it is not Interwebs it's InterwebZ with a z. =) thnx 4 RT Erik. #
- I'm for drinks in any month, @CaraDafforn but September might work. Would coffee be ok? Is that considered a drink? #
- RT @ripsup [Amy] Wow, I'm number 1, I feel special 🙂 -/ /- I'm tempted to insert a bad joke about Jerry's Kids, but I will refrain. #
- @ripsup lol in reply to ripsup #
- Kodak launches new social media platform for Middle East http://bit.ly/b9EkEZ There are over 1 million users in the UAE alone. #
- Twitter users push the boundaries of appropriate social media use http://bit.ly/8ZlDlW -//-live tweeting during a heart attack? #
- Park51, in New Branding Effort, Revamps Its Website http://bit.ly/dac6wx -/ /- including a donate button. #
- How Twitter Helped Free a Hostage in Afghanistan http://bit.ly/cp3roK #
- @CBalling Change has to begin somewhere. One step at a time. in reply to CBalling #
- Ditto! RT @DanaMNelson @amystark can't wait to see you…-//- I want to hear more about SweetUp and Girl Geeks =) CU soon #
- @AimeePrudentRE Great meeting you, too! #REBCIN 2010 in reply to AimeePrudentRE #
- @Safrin It was my pleasure. in reply to Safrin #
- Hey @markydsr thanks for the RT a few days back and .. Hey @dszp thanks for the RT yesterday. I really appreciate it. #
- RT @CBalling A road less traveled http://twitpic.com/2mad7o #
- @DanaMNelson Fabulous job, Dana. I love the @unmarketing story. Is your presentation on @slideshare ? in reply to DanaMNelson #
- Quite possibly my favorite tweeter to follow => RT @common_squirrel stare #
- RT @chadrichards I'm not giving this up @ the end of the year. There may B a ransom http://twitpic.com/2mhloa -/ /- it is AWESOME, isn't it? #
- @chadrichards I told you that yours was my favorite, didn't I? Maybe it should be like the Oscars where we just give new ones each yr. in reply to chadrichards #
- http://twitgoo.com/1ooprl #
- @ChadRichards The Up&Comer trophy was inspired by my Daddy's bowling trophy http://twitgoo.com/1ooprl #
- RT @LugarRealEstate Ready to hear @amystark do a little Dale Carnegie Twitter style. #REBCIN -/ /- haha I only stole the name. Great 2 C U! #
- @nathanpfahler Thanks for the shout out! I hope you picked up at least one bit of valuable information that will help you. in reply to nathanpfahler #
- @aplaceonthelake As soon as I make my first million I'm so getting a place on a lake. I grew up going to Crooked Lake. I <3 lake communities in reply to aplaceonthelake #
- Wehn yuo cnnaot raed, noe hruendd ftory ccrhaetars maen noinhtg. Hlep ptoorme goalbl latceriy: http://t.co/W5UTbuB #
- Expert says parties missing boat w/ SM sites http://bit.ly/9QcoyC Liberals.. announced that Twitter had suspended an account.. #
- Ten guarantees as the NFL raises the curtain on 2010 http://bit.ly/b1BMT9 "Tweets will fly; #NFL controversy will follow" #
- Uh oh! Here is a real time suck. http://www.youtube.com/trivialpursuit @YouTube enters the world of games. #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — DukeLong BIN2010.mp4 http://youtu.be/RrExmazkEao?a #
- @KJMacDonald 6 Social Networking Faux Pas to Avoid http://bit.ly/bh9kzb ck. #6 .. Only article that came to mind quickly. in reply to KJMacDonald #
- @KJMacDonald I am pretty sure I have another one, but I have to digitally dig… and I'm running lat for an appt. in reply to KJMacDonald #
- @aplaceonthelake I totally ROCK at Trivial Pursuit. in reply to aplaceonthelake #
- RT @cherylwatterson Would like 2 set up live video on UStream.tv 4 our tweetup next week. Need some help-if U know anyone.-//-gotta hashtag? #
- Thanks for the follow! RT @twitting_lawyer My Social Media Salad 2010 http://twitpic.com/2mot89 -/- Do U know @rex7 or @NancyMyrland? #
- Earlier I told a @Verizon employee (GreyHound Pass store in Carmel) that I was going to tweet about a bad customer service experience- 1of2 #
- @Verizon FAIL http://starkrealitycheck.com/?p=826 3 hours & 20 minutes of my life that I will never get back. #verizonFAIL 2of2 #
- Great idea @dukelong http://bit.ly/bMzcdv I had no idea that your name came from your days in <clearing throat> show business. #
- Over three hours to accomplish a simple task? http://bit.ly/SRC_VerizonFAIL Hello @Verizon <tap tap tap> pay attention #verizon #
- Let me know if U need something else @KJMacDonald NO one can talk about a business better than the stakeholders working there. #
- Stakes raised in social media gamble http://bit.ly/9nxo0k "Twitter ….as public as a letter to the editor" #
- Back at ya @lindaAWI Thanks for the FF props! Have a wonderful time @ your granddaughters wedding! Beautiful cool and clear weather for it #
- Venezuela: Man Used Twitter to Try to Kill Chavez http://bit.ly/9vFDSm -//-note to would-be assassins -do not tweet your plans! #
- Most influential media Twitter feeds http://bit.ly/aUfyLQ "shifting in the aftermath of that earthquake called the Internet"-//- great line #
- Here's the link to the list mentioned in my previous tweet. http://bit.ly/cpLbHn Nice job, Cornell.edu #
- Harrisburg University plans social media blackout http://bit.ly/doM3au #
- Social media wrap: GOP leads Democrats on Twitter (call it the Snooki effect) http://lat.ms/aWcRvP -//- ck this @daltonsbriefs #
- How to define commitment? Consider a bacon and egg breakfast. The chicken was involved but the pig was committed. #
- RT @LindaAWI 13 yr-old g'son walk me 2 my seat…9 yr-old g'daughter is doing a reading -//- there's only one thing to say about that- awww! #
- #ff => @pamelareilly1 It wasn't an original thought, Pamela … I think Shakespeare wrote it first. =) Thanks for the RT! #
- RT @asudduth ..VZW cust for 9 days & not impressed. I didnt quality 4 my work discount; their suggestion: buy a new device-//- #VerizonFail #
- Back @ Ya! RT @joshhumble #FF @kmullett @NancyMyrland . @RockyWalls .. @AmyStark @NickiLaycoax..-//-grouped w/ peeps I admire UR2Kind, Josh #
- RT @NancyMyrland ..Israel..one of my favorite places on Earth! @twitting_lawyer @rex7 -//-3yrs ago this connection would NEVER have happened #
- thnx RT @raekridel … I'd like to get an e-book reader. Any suggestions? Kindle? Nook? Or just go for an iPad and have it all? #
- thanks for the RT Amy. Back @ ya =) RT @4thfrog RT @AllThingsAging #Aging studies program @UIndy reaches tech milestone http://bit.ly/dqbqEh #
- Thanks for the http;//bit.ly/SRC_VerizonFail , @martinmdrhit and @asudduth I really appreciate it. =) Have a great weekend! #
- RT @alxconn OK, tweeps, I need a Jabber client that properly supports Windows Speech Recognition. PSI and Pidgin both don't accept input. #
- RT @typelabs ENFP Personality Type cracking the type code http://ow.ly/1Djof #myersbriggs -//- ck this @BengtWendel <= #FF him, btw #
- You and Zack do some nice work @RockyWalls => http://bit.ly/cSAKj1 It's my pleasure to help you tweet up the #getlinkedexpo =) #
- @NYTimes FAIL – For free access to this article and more, you must be a registered member of NYTimes.com -/ /- then it is not free. #
- San Bruno fire Twitter reactions http://bit.ly/aEuTKI "Twitter captured the first, raw reactions immediately after the noise." #
- HEY #IN_SM If someone says"Twitter is a waste of time" they R ONLY telling U how they use it http://bit.ly/SanBrunoTweets #
- "Worst Week in Washington" Winner: Twitter! http://bit.ly/9tcOVn -/ /- Critical thinking and evaluative skills are more important than ever. #
- @NancyMyrland When connections like that happen it gives me a renewed sense of optimism 4 our species. Ain't Technology Grand! in reply to NancyMyrland #
- @RealtorMichelle Thanks for the RT Michelle. Did U look through the tweets? VERY powerful stuff there. My heart goes out to #SanBruno in reply to RealtorMichelle #
- RT @lindaAWI Wedding vows at g'daughter wedding yesterday were awesome. Recognized the equality between man & woman in "life companionship" #
- RT @BgKahuna @RockyWalls I don't think my wife wants me working on my "networking" skills -//- shes not the only 1 who feels that way =) #
- I kid, I kid =) RT @RockyWalls Thx @AmyStark for helping to promote the #getlinkedexpo Maybe @BgKahuna will attend . – http://bit.ly/cSAKj1 #
- Hands down my favorite #Texan CPA who I've never met => @JBF_CPA U R 2 generous =) Thanks for your #FF shout out. #
- RT @BengtWendel Some weekend fun: IKEA Let Loose a Herd of 100 Cats Into Store to 'See What Happens' http://gizmo.do/9htaO2 #
- @raekridel iPad would be my vote, hands down. Let me know what you decide and the result. Good seeing you on twitter =) in reply to raekridel #
- @BgKahuna how's the little guy? and how is @gotchababy ? I hope everything is copacetic. in reply to BgKahuna #
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