piip.IN is an continuation of The Tweeter’s Almanac: The Great #Indiana Initiative of Aught Nine

The mind map below is an off-shoot of Stark reAlity Check’s Services Mind Map



Mission: Project Indiana via Internet Protocol ( piip.IN and @piipdotIN on twitter ) is a collaborative project where organizations from all three sectors ( non-profit, for-profit and government ) come together to showcase Indiana’s grooviness to the world.

Vision: Keep Indiana relevant as we – collectively as a species — navigate the paradigm shift from The INdustrial Age to The INformation Age.

Governing Ethics: Transparency, Honesty, Accountability, Reciprocity and Gratuity

piip.IN ‘s INaugural favorite quote:

For forms of government let fools contest; Whate’er is best administer’d is best: For modes of faith let graceless zealots fight; His can’t be wrong whose life is in the right: In faith and hope the world will disagree, But all mankind’s concern is charity. – Alexander Pope

piip.IN ‘s Mood: Happy

Additional Information for Affiliates:

Correspondence regarding piip.IN between its affiliates and Stark ReAlity Enterprises, Inc. will occur in a Social Media public time-line ( e.g. @replies on twitter, wall-to-wall exchanges on facebook, etc…). Emails and DMs are allowed only in cases where common sense confidentiality prevails.