- RT @ScottWilliams #FistBump & Good Monday Morning To You… Monday's are always great for fresh starts. #
- Social media talks about rioting 'constructive' http://ow.ly/6fpEA #
- Happiness is a by product of an effort to make someone else happy. Gretta Brooker Palmer #quote via @BilliBaty #
- "There are better things ahead than any we leave behind." – CS Lewis #
- haha I just received the following DM "Thanks for the follow! Have you seen my facebook page? -//- I responded "No Is it lost?" #
- People Buy From People Redux – How does it apply to social media. http://t.co/fD0Xdfx #
- With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die. –
Abraham Lincoln # - I love our ability to make fun of ourselves. http://ow.ly/6gok7 – Funny Hurricane Cartoons from the New Yorker. #
- Twitter hires former Hill, @FCC veteran @colin_crowell to head global policy: http://t.co/ivqXTKQ #
- RT @SkipCody Measuring 10.6 on the Twitter Scale bit.ly/q0UeKa #map ##mapl#googlemapt#twitter #
- RT @usatodaymoney: Internet advertisers begin offering new Do Not Track icon http://t.co/bxNo0Gu #
- RT @WaltWinchel Social Media Is A Journey, Not A Marathon Or Sprint http://ow.ly/6gWjD #marketing #business #advice #
- Fast #SocialCRM Fact: According to @Gartner, social CRM will be a $1B subsector of the CRM market by the end of this year. via @heidiskinner #
- RT @johnlleroyjrmd: It's Time to End the War on Salt: Scientific American http://t.co/zAHFdCF…sciam13'> via @sciam #
- Hey @bufferapp May I ask what makes you different? What sets you apart from other platforms that send out tweets? #
- @bufferapp good answer and mega bonus points for answering promptly and succinctly. #
- Hey @jmctigue I've been looking @ @Bufferapp -might prove useful. Plus they get mega-bonus pts for responding to my tweet in a timely manner #
- Hey @CaraDafforn I haven't seen Nuvo but any article on manure should be fun =) cc @CBalling We should all have lunch again soon. #
- Hey @SkipCody You're welcome. I only RT really good stuff. =) #
- @WaltWinchel is TFTM thank you for the mentions? #
- RT @washingtonpost: JCPenney pulls 'I’m too pretty to do homework’ shirt http://t.co/f23nOnA #
- Hey @DonKincaid -I just ran across this and thought it might interest you. http://t.co/TI73thi #
- RT @huffingtonpost: The 11 most influential tech CEOs on Twitter http://t.co/cAIIEQQ #
- Very cool image of the Eiffel Tower being struck by lightning http://t.co/mSlpxYr #photography #
- Did you know there's a Cornhole Association? http://t.co/v9bzxRi I'm going to sleep better tonight now that I know #
- When social media 'hinders' revolution #cnn http://ow.ly/6iLfr #
- RT @libraryofct: On this day in 1969 a coup in Libya brought Moammar Gadhafi to power http://ow.ly/6iBSL #
- There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. – Opera Singer Beverly Sills #
- Hey! Can anyone help out=> RT @CBalling Thinking of buying an elderly friend an #iPad Is it a complete PC replacement for basic user needs? #
- Hey @CBalling you should ask @drthomasho . I think his answer would be yes. He <3s his iPad #
- @vknipper thanks for the RT! Did you connect with any of them? #
- Thanks @kristathomas The absolute brilliant power of #SocialMedia @CBalling – ask and you shall receive =) Hey C, Salad soon? #
- Me, too. Y'all are awesome RT @typertist http://t.co/TzDLnsC @WebGrrrrl @OhDaddy @tommytrc @tvorse @MoreThymeBlog @schronico @jeff_hayes #
- It's a day of the week beginning with the word T. You know what that means.It's T O M M Y ! ! ! Thursday! cc @tommytrc #
- RT @akvet Remember to be kind to each other…. #
- Awww Thanks @BgKahuna I thought that would be the consensus @CBalling The mouse is a difficult task to master when you start late in life. #
- Sept 6th lunch is good for me @CaraDafforn cc @CBalling @beofbliss @indycm #
- Am I the only person who doesn't know about the #ManureMandate RT @CaraDafforn Thoughts on the manure mandate? #
- #SmartMove RT @MarshaCollier Expand your business "15 minutes of fame" with your customer by sending a follow up "thank you" #custserv #
- Hey @CBalling would you have known these three people without @twitter? cc @nlitvin @akvet @caradafforn #
- Good Evening @WebGrrrrl I hope you're having a great Friday! #
- Hey @WebGrrrrl I meant Thursday. I've been a day ahead of myself all week. =) #
- “It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.” – Jim Rohn #
- RT @newsongmission … AMEN! #
- haha RT @amlibraries: Bacon and Nothingness #replacebooktitleswithbacon #
- “It Always Seems Impossible Until it’s All Done.” – Nelson Mandela #
- Auto Message=>I'm kicking @bufferapp 's tires.Sign up with this link and we both get a bonus space http://t.co/uruaDLe #
- RT @WaltWinchel Americans: Y'All Love QR Codes! http://t.co/VH075YG #marketing #business #sales #tech #socialmedia #victoriasecret #mobile #
- All great achievements require time. –Maya Angelou #
- I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself. —
Maya Angelou # - Never look back unless you are planning to go that way – Henry David Thoreau #
- 'Like' http://t.co/opzyu6n to get enough fans to set vanity URL to promote it to my daughter's classmates @Hagerty2014 … via @drthomasho #
- Hey peeps –can you spare a quick #fb LIKE in the name of education? http://t.co/uoCWanA < Hey @DrThomasHo Only 3 to go!> #
- Hey @DrThomasHo I just put a call out, you should be over 25 shortly. I posted it on facebook, too. Hey @cjtheisen ck http://t.co/EF7hqfe #
- Hey @CaraDafforn I'll invite @GottaGo to join us for lunch if you'd like. Are we on for the 6th? I know @cballing can't make it. =( #
- Narcissistic RT @kmullett The Kevin Mullett Daily is out! http://t.co/mO3COSf ▸ Top stories today via @amystark @muhammadinc @domfosnz #
- Thanks @kmullett – I really appreciate that coming from you. =) When will you be in Indy next? Wanna see SinginInTheRain @beefandboards ? #
- Hey @vknipper I've been focusing on connecting with #Plumbers lately. =) I hope you're enjoying your long weekend! C ya Tuesday on Skype #
- Hey @DrThomasHo it's over 25 now. =) #
- "Success or failure is caused more by mental attitude than by mental capacity." – Sir Walter Scott #