- I dare U 2 watch this & not smile http://bit.ly/c3o62l It's so amazing when you see someone's passion shine through. #
- RT @indygeeknet Thanks to @amystark @mycardoc & @edeckers 4 contributing on @LeahsGotIt's column. Look 4 this 2 run tomorrow in the AM. ^jf #
- @indygeeknet thanks! I look forward to reading it. Please forward me a link when you have one. in reply to indygeeknet #
- RT @DrThomasHo @AmyStark I think @chucklasker is going to #Kauai -/ /- #Indiana will soon lose two talented tweeters. =( #
- RT @misterpoppet ..It's still too much glitz for me-//-Bring on the glitz for me! I'm the 1 who brought tiaras 2 the last #nwindiana tweetUp #
- Hey @TypeAMom your conference website – quite frankly – kicks ass! http://typeamomconference.com/ wow! #
- RT @indygeeknet : @AmyStark It's now up and running as our headline story on the main page. Check it out: http://bit.ly/IndyGeekNetJuly5 ^jf #
- @techyuppie One day I would love to do all my business correspondence via @replies in the public timeline, I know. I'm wacky! in reply to techyuppie #
- @techyuppie http://bit.ly/IndyGeekNetJuly5 My favorite line, "One point [Amy] brought up, among many.." <= code for long-winded =) in reply to techyuppie #
- @techyuppie my email addy: Amy at Stark reAlity Check dot com , btw. Did U C the original email I sent? I'd be interested in your opinion. in reply to techyuppie #
- @techyuppie I sent it to @LeahBarr I whipped out a twitter soapbox and wrote a long response to Leah's questions. It was more like an op ed. in reply to techyuppie #
- RT @TalktoDiane .. Nice quote on @IndyGeekNet -//-THNX Diane! I love your comment "I am a “wanna be” Geek…" http://bit.ly/IndyGeekNetJuly5 #
- Thanks for the opportunity, @techyuppie and @LeahsGotIt — I tweeted about it before with the wrong twitter handle. d' oh! #
- Twitter's Newest Revenue Plan http://bit.ly/bRB3z1 -/ /- I Found=>"Why Twitter Will Eat Your Soul" in the tags. Really? #IN_SM #
- U R welcome – U deserve the exposure RT @typeamom @AmyStark Thank you Amy! -/ /- I'm glad to say I know you virtually, Kelby! #
- @TalktoDiane There's a nonprofit that could benefit from my skill & network but they're vacillating between Fundraiser? or Awareness Raiser? in reply to TalktoDiane #
- @TalktoDiane You know which one I am. =) How are your beautiful girls? R U going to see High School Musical @BeefandBoards ? in reply to TalktoDiane #
- RT @techyuppie …just so you know, we proudly publish all viewpoints in our op-ed section. We're not a slanted publication #freepress #
- U have a great week, too, @Lovtoo #
- Bio Retweet =>@3_141592653590 Web http://3.14159265... Bio 3.14159265358979 -/ /- I TOTALLY forgot pi was on twitter. #
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