- Checking out "Disney High School Musical on Stage is pure fun, well done" on Smaller Indiana: http://ning.it/adq59F #
- Hey @jenwiedenhaupt – you should connect w/ @lauren_sarver <hey Lauren, Jen is involved w/ the other Non-profit I mentioned> #INconnecting #
- T O M M Y ! ! ! RT @tommytrc ..Disney High School Musical.. <LOL> @BeefandBoards and I thank you for that tweet. You totally rock! #
- Right Back At Ya, Jen and Linda! RT @jenwiedenhaupt Good morning to ya'll!! @indyscompugeek , @lindaAWI, @AmyStark, @GirlsIncIndy #
- RT @LeahsGotIt @amystark @paulpoteet @mycardoc @edeckers Testing. Are you folks gettin' my emails?- / /- a motley crew =) I'm workin' on it #
- RT @KristieKreation [Amy] …NAG… A bird told me you would be there a wk early!! 🙂 -/ /-Thanks for keeping an eye out for me. #
- Narcissistic RT @techyuppie @rickyleepotts Yeah… @amystark is teh awesomez! -/ /- I am interpreting this a compliment. Thanks! #
- @techyuppie Thank you most kindly. =) in reply to techyuppie #
- RT @techyuppie [Amy] I'm a geek with passion. And, yes, that helps me sleep at night. -/ /- Kim Brand the @FileSafeServer Guy is, too #
- @techyuppie He doesn't tweet often, but I think U 2 might benefit from connecting <cc @FileSafeServer <=passionate #IndianaGeek #IN_SM in reply to techyuppie #
- @tommytrc it is a good day when your cute little pinchable avatar pops up in my tweet stream =) How's life up North! in reply to tommytrc #
- RT @BengtWendel Best Blogs of 2010 (TIME) http://bit.ly/cOmiUN #
- @tommytrc When? How far is it from Madison? What if I said yes? in reply to tommytrc #
- King Abdullah's US visit to be shared on Twitter http://bit.ly/bO7vAV -//- if you're interested the account is @SaudiEmbassyUSA #
- haha RT @common_squirrel jump jump #
- Hey @ripsup can you send me a tweet description including the link where you want to send people? http://tada4.me/chirpStream/ #
- RT @BengtWendel Features and Benefits Are So 2009. Sell To Driving Emotion -Sell to the soul, then deliver http://bit.ly/bozdYT #
- RT @socialmedia247 8:00 pm tomorrow night #Appleton #039;s Social Media Day celebration on June 30th. http://bit.ly/8X8E0G #socialmedia #
- RT @rickyleepotts I just unlocked the "World Cup 2010" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/93H99N -/ /- your parents must be so proud =) #
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