- Don't tweet that: How not to be a Twitter dork http://bit.ly/cUS90s "Part of complete coverage on Netiquette" #
- Thanks Joe! RT @business901 Amy, @kevintame is moving 2 Indy from Utah, joined #SI 2day -needs a quality intro thought I would start at top #
- Hey @kevintame Congratulations on moving 2 the Great State of #Indiana U will love it! What kind of peeps would U like 2 connect with? #
- @marksherrick Thanks Mark! I started following @extralife <= fabulous twitter handle btw. Very descriptive and appealing to gamers. in reply to marksherrick #
- @tommytrc T O M M Y ! ! ! Good morning! It's a beautiful day here in Central #Indiana – How's the weather up North? in reply to tommytrc #
- Hey @NancyMyrland the tweet intro. was meant 4 @GirlsIncIndy <=& @JenWiedenhaupt were @ a training class & want to connect w/ local tweeters #
- @NancyMyrland It's my hope @jenwiedenhaupt & @GirlsIncIndy will connect w/ U directly as part of their training. Nothin' to it but to do it! in reply to NancyMyrland #
- Right back at ya! RT @lindaAWI Morning delight .. @AmyStark @InspiredMomma @dave_carpenter ..-/ /- made me think of http://bit.ly/dd08ra #
- @lindaAWI haha Beautiful plug Linda, Thanks. I hope yesterday was wonderful and I hope today will be even better! in reply to lindaAWI #
- rt @GuyKawasaki The top 10 web scams http://is.gd/cJb2l #
- RT @BengtWendel Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. – Thomas A. Edison #
- @lindaAWI I always walk away from giving a training Energized! I'm sure you do, too. Is that at Dooley O'Tooles today? in reply to lindaAWI #
- @InspiredMomma I'm glad you enjoyed it. I used 2 sing it ALL the time when it was popular. When I searched YouTube that one was listed first in reply to InspiredMomma #
- @InspiredMomma Now I can't even think of the word delight without that song popping into my head. in reply to InspiredMomma #
- @lindaAWI Break a Leg! =) in reply to lindaAWI #
- Thanks for responding @indyscompugeek I'm in the midst of training Kim Brand the @FileSafeServer guy and you're his first real conversation #
- RT @1080Group Are you remembering to hydrate well before speaking? Lots of upside, only downside is, uh, "the dance" 🙂 #
- @NancyMyrland "Starbucks clobbers all consumer brands on social media" #2 Coke, #3 Whole Foods — http://bit.ly/9ZPKBA in reply to NancyMyrland #
- RT @ripsup … potential clients or 2 B used by the people U R selling 2 -/ /- Aren't they the same? c.c. @FileSafeServer @indyscompugeek #
- More Thanks! RT @NancyMyrland @AmyStark Thanks for the RT Amy! -/ /- and thank you for showing me the "c.c." idea! I haven't used that yet. #
- 1 Hr Now RT @IABCIndy 2 hours left to claim your FREE @brewhouse and #starbucks gift cards. from #IABCIndy http://tinyurl.com/22mjpl9 #
- RT @kevintame <=.. joined Teach 4 America & will B teaching Secondary Math. I'm looking 2 connect w/ people involved w/ ed -//- @drthomasho #
- RT @AaronCraigIABC @jessrodg Did you see the @IABCIndy Twitter promo which involves the strawberry festival? http://tinyurl.com/22mjpl9 #
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