- Good Morning! If you're in Indy come visit me @WFYI U can register up until 9:00am Today! 6-2 http://bit.ly/dB96ON Just send Sally an email #
- @jenwiedenhaupt Woo Hoo. Glad you're on twitter! Think of some REALLY hard questions to ask me. The hashtag will be #AFPIndy in reply to jenwiedenhaupt #
- Good morning @lindaAWI Sorry you can't make it today. You will be missed. =( #
- @tommytrc anti-gamer, eh? Check this TED Talk http://bit.ly/ds5FPB What if we could solve real world problems in a gaming environment? in reply to tommytrc #
- @lindaAWI tweet me a REALLY TOUGH no holds barred question about SM adoption and I will share it with the group. in reply to lindaAWI #
- @dszp Hey David! How was the cruise? Did you miss being connected to the grid for the 48hr blackout period? in reply to dszp #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Social Media tips for non-profits http://youtu.be/WfEOcAEZiOY?a #
- RT @Rex7 Disney Puts Tickets on a Facebook – http://nyti.ms/a3TBvG #
- Hey @MattHAustin Tell me about the #Indianapolis Digital Strategist position, Matt. It looks interesting. #
- Drop What your tweeting and follow @jenwiedenhaupt she was at my presentation today and we had a great discussion… she is a good person. #
- Great 2 C U, Linda! U already rock Social Media! RT @kibiorg Listening to @AmyStark talk about…getting volunteers to "listen" for you #
- @GirlsIncIndy Answer to question 1 – a)set expectations w/ peeps b)GoogleAlerts Once a day c)tap into impassioned donors who R SocMed savvy in reply to GirlsIncIndy #
- @GirlsIncIndy I didn't answer your question 2 very well. Can U ask me again in a tweet? I'll RT it. THNX again 4 sending them! in reply to GirlsIncIndy #
- @DrThomasHo there were about 30 peeps.I had so much fun. I've been using @Prezi and I Love it! I have to find 1 citation B4 posting. #
- @DrThomasHo I'll check Your SlideShare out tomorrow and re-post it during the business day. If you're free- this Fri 3:00pm H&C BR TweetUp #
- RT @KristieKreation .. Thank u 4 the grt time @BeefandBoards Friday! I love that place! -/ /- I had such a wonderful time. What fun! #
- @lindaAWI Social Media participation IS a brand building activity. U R by default building brand whenever you interact. Great time today! U? in reply to lindaAWI #
- @dszp I chastised Kim Brand -the @FileSafeServer guy- 4 not replying 2 the tweet U sent. He is learning -and he's ok once U get to know him. in reply to dszp #
- RT @TechCrunch Twitter Testing ‘Friends In Common’ Feature http://tcrn.ch/blkSxN -/ /- Thanks 4 the heads up @NoahWesley Very nice. #
- RT @pauldandrea Outside, catching fireflies and watching the bats. Pretty night. -/ /- Great image, Paul. Thanks! #
- RT @pamelareilly1 RT @aballstudio: Setting up the kaleidoscope at Installation Nation #InstlNtn10 http://yfrog.com/jp69igj #
- @IndyCouponDeals Ain't that the biggest nothin'?!? Thanks for RTing @NoahWesley 's tweet. http://tcrn.ch/coiSHa I feel so special. in reply to IndyCouponDeals #
- @DrThomasHo You always are using the best SM tools. Everyone was shocked today when I told them I tweet from my PC 99% of the time. in reply to DrThomasHo #
- Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly. – Mae West #quote #
- RT @BengtWendel In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away… RT @motivcoach #
- @pauldandrea I can't stand mosquitoes. I've heard if you eat garlic they leave you alone, but then so does everyone else. =) in reply to pauldandrea #
- @ripsup LOL in reply to ripsup #
- @Coxymoney LOL yeah isn't it crazy? @NoahWesley sent me a tweet about it. I feel so special. How's life treatin' ya, Ryan? in reply to Coxymoney #
- RT @marcapitman My first tweet from my iPad! -/ /- Bravo! Were your ears burning today around 1:00pm? I told some #AFPIndy peeps about U #
- RT @Coxymoney Amy: life is treating me well! @Schindigs and @schindigsfund are both fab! -/ /- Great to hear, er.. um.. I mean read =) #
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