- THANK You, Linda. The pleasure was all mine. RT @lindaAWI So gr8 to have you at #Indy #AWI Girls Night Out last nite. What energy-what fun. #
- A+ RT @BeefandBoards "I don't wanna be rich, just live good." -Patsy Cline http://ht.ly/1NNdP -/ /- This is a Fabulous Tweet. Bravo! #
- Hey @downhomebruce – You'll enjoy the @BeefandBoards gang – @SeanStumpf @Eddie_Curry @shelleybandb <== good peeps =) #
- Hey @sssemester Are you out there right now? Check your DMs #
- Hey @natfinn guess what my nickname is this week? #
- @RsquaredProd I don't know, that's why I was asking @natfinn <wink> in reply to RsquaredProd #
- Good Information! RT @Douglaskarr Great find from @localseoguide – Google confirms MayDay Algorithm Change http://selnd.com/9PDF2s #
- RT @Ed Dear haters from 2006/2007 please 'note' Twitter went from beta to #18 http://bit.ly/cseTIq [Top 10 by 2011?] #
- Hey @actong Every time I see your name I think of Auctung Baby at the end of Terry Tate draft day (min/sec 2:37 in http://bit.ly/dDwBd6 ) #
- Could you send a different link @actong ? The ChannelPro article didn't come through. Do U know about bit.ly Amanda? We should talk again. #
- I'm changing the A in my THARG! principles from Authenticity to Accountability. If UR Transparent & Honest by definition that IS authentic #
- There's a rumor that @FileSafeServer Guy, Kim Brand, will be at the H&C behind The Vogue in BR Fri 9:00am – Stop by and say hi! #
- Hey @pamelareilly and @sssemester – I'll be at H&C at 9:00am to meet with @FileSafeServer I want to introduce you to him <= @KJBrand #
- RT @shawnmcpike: Awesome – an article which finally describes why I may be good at #socialmedia — I have big ears. http://bit.ly/c04cvL #
- RT @Ed • Obama was at Oil billionaire Getty's house fundraising, while skipping the memorial for the 11 killed? You can't make this stuff up #
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