- RT @HildyGottlieb "#NPCons Chat http://is.gd/cm0dY "-//-2Day-May25 -4pmET Looks interesting! Follow #NPCons tweet stream. #
- RT @FileSafeServer Venter synthetic life was all over the media Mon. "The End Times" http://bit.ly/aU9oyE Hope this fixes Darwin's problems #
- @lindaAWI I thought Miss Thing had full school days Wed&Thurs -Found out Mon two half days. So today is my last full day before Summer Vaca. in reply to lindaAWI #
- @lindaAWI so yes… Wed will not work for me. But it's my intent to go to #SSGNO if I'm still invited =) in reply to lindaAWI #
- RT @myCMPS: Good morning all. If you can't handle the heat, stay indoors in the comfort of air conditioning. #
- RT @FileSafeServer Upgraded Win SBS server @ client-80pg instruc. manual+4 days-mult restarts-Tech Div is now Complexity Tax #
- RT @sushirevenge: Ugh, terre haute… -/ /- haha — Poor Terrible Haute, right @Eddie_Curry ? #
- @StevenWABX Studies have shown that office workers who curse amongst themselves are closer knit. Interesting, eh? in reply to StevenWABX #
- Hey @SirKenRobinson Did you ask to appear next to Venter's Talk? http://yfrog.com/1624146132j er..um.. does anyone else see it? #
- @sushirevenge @hostagehoosier My friend @Eddie_Curry went to ISU and he introduced me to the phrase "Terrible Haute" =) #
- RT @BeefandBoards Hey girl! Good 2 C U today!-/-It was good to be seen =) Hey could you send me a tweet with all B&B Tweeters? Sean's on now #
- Hey @sushirevenge @hostagehoosier – @Eddie_Curry did admit 2 me f2f earlier — he introduced me to the phrase, "Terrible Haute" #JustSayin #039; #
- Did you see the HBO special about Larry Bird and Magic Johnson? #TerreHaute ROCKS! @sushirevenge @hostagehoosier @Eddie_Curry #
- RT @AaronCraigIABC http://starkrealitycheck.com/?tag=amystark via TwitterRemote -/ /- I just told @ScLoHo how WordPress is a challenge 4 me #
- RT @HildyGottlieb "#NPCons Chat http://is.gd/cm0dY " -//-2Day-May25 -4pmET Looks interesting! Follow #NPCons tweet stream. #
- @AaronCraigIABC I'm more of a MICRO-blogger. Could my topic be- "Twitter as a Trusted NEWS source AND an AWARENESS raising tool?" in reply to AaronCraigIABC #
- @AaronCraigIABC Could we make all the arrangements openly via Twitter? It'll raise awareness for IABC and drive traffic to your website. in reply to AaronCraigIABC #
- Hey @ScLoHo It was great to learn your SM background. It was equally great to converse w/ someone w/ "getitude" = someone who gets it. THNX! #
- RT @SCOREMentors Congrats 2 Nat'l Small Biz Ower of the YR from FL & runners-up from S. Carolina & Illinois -//-Hey @FileSafeServer ck this #
- RT @ScLoHo 7 months until Christmas eve.. #JustSaying -//-who started #JustSaying , btw? I used #JustSayin #039; earlier today after seeing it =) #
- RT @CHRISVOSS Paper.li – read a Twitter stream as a daily newspaper http://bit.ly/aipqkq #
- Lessons from fashion's free culture http://bit.ly/JohannaBlakley2010 AMAZING lessons for #IP Hey @NancyMyrland & @CreativeCommons ck this #
- RT @HildyGottlieb If you're preparing for #NPCons chat, try http://tweetchat.com/ Easy to follow chat & automatically adds # #
- @Mojojohanna Fabulous TED Talk. Here's an easy to remember bit.ly link=> http://bit.ly/JohannaBlakley2010 Use it in good health! in reply to Mojojohanna #
- Hey @CBalling check this chat. => RT @HildyGottlieb – @MarionConway What might that then mean if your practice were transparent? #npcons #
- Hey @StevenWABX Do you have any expert knowledge on the etymology of songs? There's a discussion on my FB page about the history of a piece #
- @WilkersonRick and or @LolaMcIntyre — Help me out. What is the word for "etymology" as it pertains to a specific song? #
- RT @CBalling RT @nprnews Income From Private-Sector Pay Sinks To Record Low http://n.pr/cFqELa -/ /- Even I know this is a bad thing. #
- @CBalling Well I guess that means we just need to roll up our sleeves and create some new Private Sector Jobs… I have a few ideas =) in reply to CBalling #
- @CBalling "Party on Garth" until you're rioting in the streets because promises CANNOT be kept. I actually like Garth http://bit.ly/bA4ifP in reply to CBalling #
- LOL RT @CBalling @AmyStark Sounds like you need a big govt grant to get it going! Lol! -/ /- from your tweet to Big Brother's eyes =) #
- RT @hostagehoosier Getting married in Indiana? … -/ /- do you know @HeatherSong or @LEventoBoutique ? #
- @CBalling Wayne's World http://bit.ly/9kIziB in reply to CBalling #
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