- @HarrisonPainter I've been keeping an eye on @JoinDiaspora and @Kickstarter <= micro venture capitalism.. #loveit =) in reply to HarrisonPainter #
- @dszp @sssemester Some congregations are using it poorly. NOT leveraging the power -NOT connecting – NOT "socializing" but broadcasting. #
- @dszp @sssemester – but don't get me started. Thanks for the RTs btw. #
- Have U ever signed on 2 find peeps thanking you for RTs, mentions, or #ff recommendations yet you've never seen them before? #
- @sssemester The Vatican has its own YouTube Channel http://bit.ly/b0G & the Pope has encouraged Catholics to tweet. Maybe it's Protestants in reply to sssemester #
- @sssemester And the Dalai Lama had a tweet chat with peeps in China just yesterday http://bit.ly/arrzoA in reply to sssemester #
- Twitter’s role in Bangkok conflict unprecedented http://bit.ly/bTzdUJ -//- ck this @DrThomasHo @AaronCraigIABC #
- @AaronCraigIABC Twitter is FAR more than just a marketing or customer service tool. I would love to speak to your group about this topic. #
- @AaronCraigIABC San Diego fires, hostages in Mumbai, #Iran elections, Haiti- small sampling of events where twitter made a difference #
- @AaronCraigIABC I'll put away my twitter soapbox now. =) #
- @lindaAWI You should keep track of the @deltablog situation and write a post about their response. I'm glad you're home safe and sound. in reply to lindaAWI #
- RT @RexEspiritu okay, Amy, so who are you, anyway? – /- I've a BA in Philosophy, don't get me started – I hope you have a great day too Rex #
- @sssemester Predatory behavior, eh? Remind me if I'm wrong -didn't Christ hang out with the scourge of society? We should have lunch soon. in reply to sssemester #
- @sssemester Because of its transparency SM has a different vibe than the "Internet predator" thing. PLUS if they want ANY members in 10 yrs in reply to sssemester #
- @sssemester they need to learn the skills now or they'll be SOL. er… um.. Can I draw the line at tax collectors? =) in reply to sssemester #
- @lindaAWI LOL in reply to lindaAWI #
- @HarrisonPainter Wish I had an excellent idea to pitch on @kickstarter — I LOVE the vibe. Social Media plus micro-philanthropic fundraising in reply to HarrisonPainter #
- RT @LolaMcIntyre: @AmberMaynard @AmyStark Enjoyed our meet-up Thursday! -//- Hey Lola, doesn't it make you feel great that Amber signed up? #
- RT @pamelareilly1 @sssemester None, although there must be a few out there somewhere. -//- The Pope and the Dalai Lama are using SM big time #
- @pamelareilly1 No butting in at all, glad you joined the conversation. @sssemester knows my personal frustration. I've been banging the …. in reply to pamelareilly1 #
- @sssemester @pamelareilly1 .. SM drum at The Garden's marketing committee for 2 years now. They're finally using fb but still too broadcasty #
- @lindaAWI I always want to go to NYC =) We should have lunch next week I want to hear everything in reply to lindaAWI #
- hey @@sssemester @pamelareilly1 I have to don my chauffeur hat for awhile. I LOVE this type of twitter conversation but I must leave. #
- @RexEspiritu I like kickin' it old school.. Ancient Greeks. Everything else seems to be a variation on a theme to me. in reply to RexEspiritu #
- @pamelareilly1 Potential is right. Messages good and bad can spread globally at the speed of light now. Stands to reason if you…. in reply to pamelareilly1 #
- @pamelareilly1 … have a good message -like love and compassion- you would want to use any means available to spread it. in reply to pamelareilly1 #
- Did you mean you'll be in Indy on Wednesday or Thurs @lindaAWI ? Wednesday would work best for me… maybe coffee? #
- Why Do I Need Social Media for My Dance Studio http://bit.ly/baeXtE -/ /- Hey @Eddie_Curry -Do you have Ron Morgan's email addy? #
- Zed suggests use of SM to boost interfaith dialogue http://bit.ly/c5ERlW -//- It was a timely conversation @sssemester and @pamelareilly1 #
- RT @edeckers Start calling @h3lio "Helio Ness" because he's Untouchable. #indy500 #
- http://twitgoo.com/wqyih #
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