- Twitter Fighting Pennsylvania Subpoena.. http://nyti.ms/chxCWT -/ /- Note 2 Tom Corbett -No one was paying attention 2 these tweeters B4 #
- After Facebook and YouTube, Pakistan blocks Twitter http://bit.ly/cJwt2x #
- Culture Wars vs Censorship What's a Social Network to Do? http://bit.ly/cF8jce -//- SM = democratization of information. #
- Thanks for the early #FF shout outs @lindaAWI @JBF_CPA … right back at ya. #
- @lindaAWI I hope you have a safe and uneventful flight. I'm anxious to hear all about your NYC trip. in reply to lindaAWI #
- RT @BeefandBoards Yes, Amy! The audiences are CRAZY for Patsy Cline! 🙂 http://ht.ly/1NNhX =/ /= full disclosure => My bro owns B&B #
- Dalai Lama to hold Twitter chat today http://bit.ly/arrzoA "Although Twitter is…blocked in China, it's…widely available" #
- haha RT @RyanNewYork: New Tweetdeck version allows you to block all Justin Bieber related Tweets. Great feature. http://tinyurl.com/28w4dpk #
- RT @TheSCICoach: The harder you fall, the higher you bounce. – Unknown -/ /- I think it was Tigger who said that. #
- Thanks for the RTs @Brad_King @SteenOhman -it was mighty neighborly of you #
- Isn't it sweet when repressive regimes are confounded by a bunch of tweeters? Thnx 4 RT earlier @CarlsonSpeaking @amoyal @brucemcdonald #
- THNX Back @ ya RT @rgrosskett: #FF Internet Marketing @jim_brown @slingshot_SEO @firebelly @douglasskarr @jamespaden @chrislucas5 @AmyStark #
- I'd say you put the F in #Followfriday @emc440 Thanks for putting thought into your recommendations. You're clever. #
- RT @30lines Google's Pac-Man logo isn't a "social media" story. It's just well done & worth talking about. How R U getting people talking? #
- I'll bet you a quarter this was shot #Indiana http://youtu.be/dLymisVND-4 Brilliant #GMC Pick Up Games. #
- RT @tommytrc: Verizon iPhone Could Attract More Than Half of Carrier's Customers [REPORT] http://bit.ly/c53nuu #
- @tommytrc T O M M Y ! Everything YOU tweet is good =) in reply to tommytrc #
- RT @chrisgarrett RT @ChrisPirillo "Mantrapreneurs" People who make money by doing nothing more than repeating other people's ideas… #
- THNX RT @dszp “@RingCentral is growing & we're hiring! Currently in search of all-star mgr of [SM]”-//-Open a branch in #Indy @ringcentral #
- @dszp That is my ideal job, David. Thanks for thinking of me. I have to find that in Central #Indiana or my daughter will never forgive me in reply to dszp #
- #followfriday => @tommytrc T O M M Y ! =) #
- Many congregations ignore social media http://bit.ly/dfP6yy ck this @sssemester #
- Venture firms chase Web's next sensations http://bit.ly/9Is707 #
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