- @PaulPoteet Weather is a point of commonality for everyone. You are informative and a gifted tweeter. in reply to PaulPoteet #
- What if we had to vote for one weatherman in each city. Run a competition during the whole month of April in preparation for May in #Indiana #
- @Dafforn good point! How about #WeatherPeep? e.g. "I vote for @PaulPoteet as Indy's official #WeatherPeep" in reply to Dafforn #
- New and improved #IndyTwestival site http://bit.ly/IndyTwestival list of Confirmed Hosts & a few Confirmed Spaces -Ck This @pamelareilly1 #
- RT @ZnaTrainer *NOW!*chat w/ me! FINALLY FOUND *FOR* YOU* YOUR* #Dreams coming TRUE! 1 718 506-1574 Burn 1000s of CALORIES in MINUTES! #
- Intel invests in social media incubator Betaworks http://bit.ly/aVOSEn -//-Hey @Intel U should SO hire me 2 B in this project #
- RT @douglaskarr "The majority of ppl are afraid of going for the top, so they compete with everyone else for average" (para) 4hr work week #
- @indychristian Hey Neil! Check out bit.ly/IndyTwestival I think @ICG should Be an Event Host on March 25th – pick a space and time. #
- @Dafforn Awww. You just made my Day! @DavidInIndy has encouraged me 2 B a self-validator, but I must admit I adore compliments like that. in reply to Dafforn #
- @DrThomasHo That would be incredible, Dr. Ho. I'm honored that you tweeted that. in reply to DrThomasHo #
- While Facebook & Twitter Sit on Sidelines, MySpace Jumps Into Bulk User Data Sales http://bit.ly/9E2L5D -//- 2 paragraphs #
- "data is intended 4 crunching by everyone from academic researchers 2 music industry information scientists" http://bit.ly/9E2L5D #
- RT @Dafforn @AmyStark Ladies need to stick together, encourage and nuture as we rise like cream to the top-//-do you know @LindaAWI #
- RT @bradjward This Just In: The weekend is now the worst time to post an update on your Facebook Page. #
- @heathersong -your new place is beautiful, Heather. Hey @8greatTowns – have you been to @leventboutique in Downtown #Carmel in reply to heathersong #
- @heathersong you should connect with @marketingveep @BFastSinclair @dgrigsby <=all live in #Carmel I think -Also connect w/ @Keywerx in reply to heathersong #
- @ListyNotice Is this @BrandonCorbin ? http://listy.me/99cdd1 That is some list you have there, I'm honored to be listed. #
- Ain't it the truth! RT @donotgiveup Everyone is wise until he speaks. Irish Proverbs #quotes #
- @brandoncorbin Thanks! I gave that tweet a gold star! in reply to brandoncorbin #
- @LolaMcIntyre I definitely would vote 4 @BernieBay 2 speak @ #BIN2010 May I ask for your vote, Lola? http://bit.ly/dpc5yz Sign in w/Twitter in reply to LolaMcIntyre #
- @jesseluna Thanks for the RT on the Bulk User Data Sales. Did you see Tim Burners-Lee? Data is all the rage http://bit.ly/dp1OHm in reply to jesseluna #
- WOW! Just checked my bit.ly account-409 Peeps-out of 679-clicked http://bit.ly/IndyTwestival Great exposure 4 sponsors&hosts #
- @LolaMcIntyre There's momentum in #IN_SM partly because of your efforts #BIN2010 = Midwest #SXSW THX 4 Your Vote =) in reply to LolaMcIntyre #
- @LolaMcIntyre and thank you for that tweet, it meant a lot. You should be a host for @IndyTwestival http://indianapolis.twestival.com in reply to LolaMcIntyre #
- "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt"- MarkTwain – #quote @ripsup #
- RT @NoahWesley "The key to a good viral video is boobies & kittens." #sxsw #viralvideo -/ /- I'm so glad you're there.Have fun! #
- Hey @DaltonsBriefs -does @mymanmitch have the authority to deputize me to watch over the #Indiana Tweet Stream? I'm not even kidding. #
- RT @IndyTheatre #Storyteller Peter Cook is SO FUNNY! Safe to say that everyone in the audience – hearing and Deaf – is having a great time! #
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