- WooHoo I received 2 votes as a Blog Indiana Speaker http://bit.ly/dpc5yz Thanks @CPollittIU and @HoosierPlew I'm honored, truly. =) #
- RT @lindaAWI Wishing you out of this world SUCCESS … we'll celebrate @ Dooley's #AWI -//-is drinking allowed? St. Paddy's day is very soon #
- THNX 4 the shout outs @ThisIsRio @JC_Russell & Thanks JC 4 reminding me of my carefree college days listening to Prince http://bit.ly/aGyI2c #
- Laughter is the closest distance between two people. -Victor Borge <Possibly my all time favorite #quote , @StevenWABX> #
- "You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you." <a close second @StevenWABX > #
- LOL @kmullett It really puts that whole King Arthur legend into perspective.Tweet "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition " & C what happens #
- @StevenWABX L right OL! Thanks for that visual. Who doesn't love #MontyPython , eh? in reply to StevenWABX #
- @wilkersonrick @moondogtavern 5:30pm –fountain square duckpin bowling ck @indytweetup for that time. I've three more awaiting final ok in reply to wilkersonrick #
- I want to ask U something in all sincerity because I value your opinion @prebynski and please be frank, Brandon (pt1of2)… #
- @prebynski Do you think I'm good enough to self-promote my #BIN2010 session, "How to win friends and influence tweeters?" #
- #IN_SM RT @prebynski @amystark …@chadrichards … Please vote “Social Analytics: A New Era of Web Measurement” http://bit.ly/dABNIJ #
- @tommytrc T O M M Y ! That tweet made my day! This is #BIN2010 's third anniversary and they have open voting on session topics. in reply to tommytrc #
- @tommytrc – @Prebynski sent me an @reply w/ a plug for his session, which I highly recommend – He's a good #Indiana guy & GETS Social Media in reply to tommytrc #
- @tommytrc My session is = Business Micro-Blogging: How to Win friends and Influence Tweeters http://bit.ly/dpc5yz in reply to tommytrc #
- @tommytrc ah… that was so sweet! I'm fabulous, THNX. How's your new job? U should make the new Company pay U 2 live tweet @ #BIN2010 in reply to tommytrc #
- @tommytrc Congrats on the new job. I have a better idea… why don't you sign up to be a speaker? I'll vote for ya! in reply to tommytrc #
- @Keywerx I want 2 get an answer from the peeps I asked 1st. Give them a chance at dibs! I'm also gonna ask #BIN2010 to sponsor geek help in reply to Keywerx #
- @tommytrc Aug 20-21st IUPUI School of Informatics Groovy space, even groovier peeps – @NoahWesley and @HoosierPlew R good guys #BIN2010 in reply to tommytrc #
- @tommytrc Come on down! in reply to tommytrc #
- RT @comcastcares Agree..Linchpin RT @correlationist Changing company culture is every employees responsibility, not just C-Suite #sbs2010 #
- @Keywerx Exposure to Social Media Geeks Worldwide who'll want 2 come 2 #BIN2010 -Hey @NoahWesley & @HoosierPlew indianapolis.twestival.com in reply to Keywerx #
- @tommytrc LOL in reply to tommytrc #
- @indytweetup Hey is the duckpin bowling place online? Fountain square is such a great place, I hope we can UStream from there in reply to indytweetup #
- RT @StevenWABX .. Help, help I'm being oppressed -/ /- makes me laugh every time. LOL #
- U made my day @noahwesley THNX 4 "Tip Toe through Twitter on the Ides of March" recommend! http://bit.ly/tttwitter #tttwitter #
- @noahwesley What if you do a pre Twestival thing at that fabulous @Brewhouse event #inSMhr There is no rule stating it can't be pre-recorded in reply to noahwesley #
- Then we'll get your stuff on the #IndyTwestival site right away. Check out @indyTwestival "Other Cities" List. @NoahWesley #
- I just voted for my own session http://bit.ly/dpc5yz & ..er..um <eyes cast downward and kicking at dirt on the ground> I'd like your vote 2 #
- an early #ff recommend to @FullCircleC She must be brilliant, because she voted for me at #BIN2010 Thanks! #
- @brewhouse We were discussing how #BIN2010 would get killer exposure as a sponsor for #IndyTwestival. Did you get my email? in reply to brewhouse #
- @brewhouse It would be great to make the #inSMhr event part of the <clearing my throat> twestivities on Thurs the 25th =) in reply to brewhouse #
- @brewhouse Get some live action footage of #Indy's Social Media Elite at Play, and show off your gorgeous place Downtown. in reply to brewhouse #
- Oh! do not attack me with your watch. A watch is always too fast or too slow. I cannot be dictated to by a watch. -Jane Austen #
- RT @IamChrisBarnes Formula One F1 season starts this Sunday in Bahrain. I'm ready for the action, are you ? -/ /- Are they coming to Indy? #
- I agree @edeckers pointy sticks are right out. "Pointy" is a funny word. Some words are just plain funnier than others. "Watch" isn't funny. #
- @TalktoDiane It's always great to see you, too, Diane. You were an early SM ADAPTER – which is vastly different than an early adopter. in reply to TalktoDiane #
- LOL RT @StephBKNY "As the Irish poet Bobby McFerrin said 'Don't Worry, Be Happy.'" – Michael Scott #theoffice #
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