• Just received an email from @Biz saying there are now over 70,000 registered twitter applications. (1of2) #
  • (2of2) is there any way to track how much money developers are making as a result of these twitter apps @biz ? #
  • White House tweeting spreads president's message http://bit.ly/dlnBae New Media director Macon Phillips @macon44 #
  • Hey @macon44 I want to be New Media Dir. for #Indiana, could you send me a copy of your job description to show @mymanmitch ? #
  • RT @ThomScott A business based on brand is, very simply, a business primed for success. ~ David F. D’Alessandro #
  • @tommytrc T O M M Y ! Good Morning =) You always brighten up my tweet stream. Thanks for the RT. in reply to tommytrc #
  • @TalktoDiane Because of twitters open api – geeks all over the world can make money from develophing 'em. I just wonder how much? in reply to TalktoDiane #
  • Four-Legged Support Staff http://bit.ly/cI3MSr -/ /- You probably already know about this blog, @nancymyrland #
  • Apple, Facebook, Twitter, HP decline to testify re: Human Rights and Law http://bit.ly/cAwTnV ck this @drthomasho #
  • Don't beware the Ides- March 15th Free Webinar on Twitter Basics http://bit.ly/tttwitter Know anyone who is twitter-challenged? #
  • THANKS @HarrisonPainter You are so sweet! Let me know your next event so I can spread the word. That's what "Social" is all about đŸ˜‰ #
  • RT @lindaAWI @AmyStark. I'm excited about your WEBINAR sponsored by AWI "Tip Toe Through Twitter" http://bit.ly/tttwitter/ -/ /- Me, Too =) #

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