- Stem Cell Therapy News Now Available on Twitter http://bit.ly/9mIs8K "real-time updates on treatment success stories" #
- A quick video describing Google's social search function http://bit.ly/bvub4m #
- Hey @kathysipple – we should revel in our Uber Techie Geek Chick Diva -ness! #IN_SM we both rock! #
- @LolaMcIntyre I can't believe I called you by mistake and started into a conversation without even realizing it. D'oh! You keep warm, too. in reply to LolaMcIntyre #
- Hey @davewoodson doesn't the #iPad use wifi? I didn't realize it was tied to at&t! Free wifi = great /-/ at&t = #fail U R correct #
- @lindaAWI definitely! I have 2 pick up some sheet music for my daughter's audition on my way there, so don't FRET if I'm a moment or 2 late in reply to lindaAWI #
- THNX 4 the RT yesterday @BFastSinclair . The twitter job board originated in UK. Sadly the Brits are far ahead of #Indiana in "getting" SM #
- Thanks for the compliment @GregCooper ! I mentioned 2 @KathySipple that of the 17 thought leaders on the #rebcin site there was only 1 women #
- #Indiana women need 2 B more assertive as thought leaders in SM @GregCooper -Tweeting as a Pushy Dame- no one can accuse me of NOT trying =) #
- Good Morning @HoldemTalkRadio and @JC_Russell I hope your day is successful and you laugh right out loud at least three times! #
- @DrThomasHo .. there will be #iPad models which have 3G as well as WiFi -/ /- WiFi model will be more expensive up front, no doubt in reply to DrThomasHo #
- RT @curtmoss Actually, the WiFi only models of #iPad are cheaper. It's $130 more if you want 3G connection, too. -/ /- thanks Curt! #
- #iPad connectivity discussion RT @dszp … No contract required with AT&T, $15/mo for 250MB, $30/mo for "unlimited" -/ /- thanks David #
- @MichianaRealtor @kathysipple @GregCooper Each of us could pack a room for a session and THEN lead a panel discussion at #rebcin 2011 in reply to MichianaRealtor #
- Uber Techno-geek Babes and Social Media Scholars @MichianaRealtor @kathysipple ? A year can be an eternity in Post Internet Time, though #
- Everyone please welcome my friend Jan Dye – @Mytydye – from the Tie Dye Restaurant on #Indy's East Side. FABULOUS Burgers – truly. #
- I want a #Droid, too @davewoodson But I don't want to pay Verizon the extra $30 a month required to get one. I already pay them $125 a month #
- FULL Disclosure — My Brother, Doug Stark owns @BeefandBoards BUT that doesn't mean it isn't an extremely fabulous place, just ask anyone =) #
- It was GREAT 2 meet you f2f @aplaceonthelake I spent many a summer's night on Lake James and Crooked Lake. Northern #Indiana is gorgeous. #
- LOL RT @MichianaRealtor @GregCooper @kathysipple @amystark 3 stooges? #rebcin -/ /- http://bit.ly/cOnqNm I'll be the one playing the spoons #
- Thanks for welcoming @MyTyDye , @crbill ! That was very nice. Too bad they don't have a location in Costa Rica =) #
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