- @amanda I just sent you an email with a couple of images you may-or may not-want 2 use w/ the twestival wrap-up. Thanks for your hard work! in reply to amanda #
- Thanks for the RT @PRStorm The fluidity with which technology is changing makes it difficult to predict trends, but that was a good article #
- RT @lindaAWI Excellence is something we grow into by responding to life events with greater calm & deeper faith! #
- Journalists To Look At Facebook, Twitter And The News http://bit.ly/6Z7edC -//-twitter ethnographer/journalist-an ideal job 4me #
- Pope urges Catholic priests to Twitter God's word http://bit.ly/7LphIU -//-Hey #Indiana Catholics the Pope wants U 2 tweet #
- @wilkersonrick yep in reply to wilkersonrick #
- Isn't the #TweetersAlmanac qualitative research @CBalling ? Have you checked out my blog lately? http://bit.ly/4PqvBD #
- Let me know who they R-I will send them a resounding tweet recommendation @kathysipple -#Indiana should be proud of its Influentia #IN_SM #
- Hey @KathySipple Did U C that @dukelong referred 2 us as "Uber Techie Geek Chicks"? http://bit.ly/a2dIHV My mom will be so proud #
- I called several bookstores to see if they had Thou Shall Prosper on their shelves with no luck. It's on my list, I promise @CBalling #
- RT @lindaAWI Life only gets complicated when we're not where we need to be. Must come out of the 'rough' to find the right path! #
- Even if you're on the right track you'll get run over if you just sit there. – Will Rogers #quote #loveit #
- Thanks @BgKahuna and @marktillman http://bit.ly/7LphIU The Pope and I appreciate your retweets. Go in peace. =) #
- Hey @davewoodson — check with @KathySipple on the Realtors from #NWIndiana. She grabbed their business cards. Great 2 C U, btw. =) #
- RT @JC_Russell @AmyStark heya -/ /- right back at ya, JC … enjoy your evening. #
- @davewoodson Next time you're in #Indy lunch is a must! I've two #rebcin regrets – I didn't see your session OR @natfinn f2f =( in reply to davewoodson #
- FINRA Cautions Advisors About Social Media http://bit.ly/97ICtg -/ /- hey @rex7 and @nancymyrland its from my investment banker bro-in-law #
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