- @natfinn – ok got it. I thought you tweeted something about writing a blog when @davewoodson and I were talking about the SMackdown in reply to natfinn #
- I think I will start a whole new hashtag ==> #IDTenT For those moments when my ineptitude shows. #
- Mahatma Gandhi
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. -Mahatma Gandhi # - @natfinn ah… now I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down. in reply to natfinn #
- #fb RT @StevenWABX "We should always tell the press freely and frankly anything that they could easily find out some other way" #
- @burchie I've been meaning to ask… could you post your Smackdown comment and photo of @DaltonsBriefs here in twitter? #
- @burchie Every time I think about it I laugh. in reply to burchie #
- @burchie LOL http://ow.ly/i/iEC#22z #
- @natfinn Use rocketon avatars to have a virtual Sat night Smackdown? http://bit.ly/4W7nan Am I the last person to learn about rocketon? in reply to natfinn #
- @LouisvilleTails no I don't remember you, but please take no offense. The part of my brain that remembers names never fully developed =) in reply to LouisvilleTails #
- @PRStorm I hope you received a good answer to your Blackberry Storm question. It's important to check your @replies whenever you tweet. in reply to PRStorm #
- @natfinn As quickly as things change on the Internet, I have no idea if they're even still around. in reply to natfinn #
- @LouisvilleTails ah –Yes! What's shakin' Jules? How's the new job? in reply to LouisvilleTails #
- ‘Lost’ episode: Did couch potatoes really bump Obama speech? http://bit.ly/5ilJk1 “OBAMA BACKED DOWN!!!! Groundhog Day is OURS!" #
- @drthomasho @prebynski @daltonsbriefs @natfinn @kathysipple @douglaskarr Latest Did You Know Shift Happens http://bit.ly/8o0gaZ #
- The clue phone is ringing again about social media. http://bit.ly/8o0gaZ Pick it up #Indiana #
- @davewoodson My Daddy was a Boiler, too. He played Purdue's theme song on the piano every once in awhile. I miss him. in reply to davewoodson #
- @LouisvilleTails Keep me posted and be sure to send me a tweet or 2 about it. You might also want to connect with @JasonFalls he's from KY in reply to LouisvilleTails #
- I'm losing patience w/ organizations that claim to have a great SM strategy.. http://bit.ly/8BtMzf ..and yet have NO clue how to use twitter #
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