- #followfriday @LindaAWI because she declared 2010 to be the year of the woman before it was vogue =) #
- RT @PRStorm @AmyStark Yes-//-I think that yes was directed to @NilaNealy who asked about tweetdeck- linkedin- stuff – Hey Nila PR said yes. #
- Hey #Indiana! #Anderson Creative Solutions invited me 2 speak today-1/8 @ noon http://bit.ly/5XAqSA Ridge Crossing Auditorium #
- You should #followfriday => @parrotheaddad5 & @JBF_CPA Because they consistently show their brilliance in recommending me. =) #
- @BgKahuna Thanks Neilan. Did I spell it right? I remember at Tie Dye you were talking about how it is always misspelled. in reply to BgKahuna #
- Ck Joe Dager's comment to my snarky remark in the Smaller #Indiana Nonprofit PR sub-group http://bit.ly/5NW08X THNX @Business901 #
- #Indiana Good Guy #followfriday => @BgKahuna Look at you promoting a #nwindiana TweetUp. You rock, Leilan. I'm glad I know you. #
- #FollowFriday these fine folk => @roundpeg @nancymyrland @CPollittIU @ChoosingChange …a credit to #Indiana, all of them! #
- @CPollittIU As well I should be! =) in reply to CPollittIU #
- Please #followfriday @prebynski -right now. He's a trustworthy Central #Indiana geek & a Christmas Miracle brought him a puppy named WEBster #
- LOL Everyone #ff => @robbyslaughter On more than one occasion I have referred to him as a #followfriday savant. #
- @davisr66 What's NOT to love? We're fabulous. in reply to davisr66 #
- @CPollittIU Wow. I am honored. That was one of the nicest tweets I've ever received. I <3 #Indiana Geeks in reply to CPollittIU #
- @CPollittIU Whatever! LOL #
- RT @andersonpr Thank you 4 a great discussion today! We all learned a lot! -/ /- entirely my pleasure! I'm glad it worked out so well! #
- @andersonpr Will you send the link to the Marsh Story Blog. I'd love to post a link. @douglaskarr has a similar story about a bank. in reply to andersonpr #
- #followfriday @HarrisonPainter who started the hashtag #loveit RT @ShawnieQR @CPollittIU @AmyStark Digital Marketing Professional – LOVE IT! #
- I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk w/ you at the @paulpoteet 's Gotta Eat event, Leilan <Did I get it right this time @BgKahuna ?> #
- RT @PRStorm …#in #Anderson.Great discussion.I'm looking for a twitter app for my #Blackberry Storm -//- @drthomasho @prebynski ? #
- @BgKahuna I've tweeted before, and I'll tweet it again. Twitter is a Giant Dr Suess book in the Makin' in reply to BgKahuna #
- @ShawnieQR I always smile when I see your avatar pop up in my tweet stream. Thanks again for jumpin' in and helping before the SMackdown in reply to ShawnieQR #
- RT @natfinn … is life about longevity or footprints? #nwindiana #indiana #
- I love #Indiana geeks. You can TRUST Brandon, @PRStorm RT @prebynski @AmyStark I use UberTwitter Be on the lookout for http://tweeteev.com/ #
- @davewoodson It feels that way, doesn't it? How do you feel about four quadrants? #NW _ NE _ SW_ SE and Central Indiana? in reply to davewoodson #
- @davewoodson We could have virtual Saturday Night SMackdowns between territories. Just a thought. in reply to davewoodson #
- @davewoodson btw… ck @natfinn's blog post, "An open letter to Amy Stark" We're voting until Monday at Midnight. http://bit.ly/4vqDPM in reply to davewoodson #
- @davewoodson Are you following -Joe and Scott= @Business901 @ScLoHo Scott? Vera Bradley has a couple of accounts 2 My hometown represents! in reply to davewoodson #
- @davewoodson A truer tweet has never been tweeted. <try to say that three times real fast, it was even hard to type> in reply to davewoodson #
- Uh oh… here comes the chauffeur's cap. #
- Please #FollowFriday my new #nwindiana #Indiana friend @KathySipple because it's wonderful to hug someone the first time you meet them f2f #
- So @CoachCharrise would #SouthBend be in the #nwindiana quadrant or the NE #Indiana quadrant #
- @davewoodson There's a reason The #TweetersAlmanac is subtitled "a rebuttal to a pithy negative comment which spread virally.." on the cover in reply to davewoodson #
- @davewoodson Lots of high powered well-connected marketing folk started a viral"twitter is a time-waster" meme in Central #Indiana in 08 in reply to davewoodson #
- @CoachCharrise Who are the South Bend Influentials on twitter -besides you of course? Do you guys ever TweetUp? f2f will always be King in reply to CoachCharrise #
- @natfinn PLEASE send me a link to a 5 territory Virtual SMackdown Twitter Event Blog <NW and SW> vs <NE and SE> vs Central #Indiana in reply to natfinn #
- @ripsup You #nwindiana ittes need to be SMackin' down some Central #Indiana peeps who think Indianapolis = Indiana. in reply to ripsup #
- @CoachCharrise Pick a time and a place 3 weeks out. Then send tweets to top 5 Influentials in South Bend according to Twitter Grader. in reply to CoachCharrise #
- @ripsup Once we #Indiana speaks with 1 voice, I say we have an #Indiana vs #Chicago SMackdown #Chicago really should be in #Indiana anyhow. in reply to ripsup #
- @ripsup 4 quadrants of #Indiana & Central Indiana. A total of 5 Social Media territories battle it out —all the while honing our SM skills in reply to ripsup #
- RT @andersonpr Supermarket social media faux pas http://bit.ly/4tvreL -/- my friend Shawn wrote up a great Social Media #FAIL story RE Marsh #
- RT @gk4r Getting my tools all in order for a malware cleanup tomorrow… Hopefully it goes well… -/ /- Good Luck! #
- Thanks for the #followfriday shout outs @robbyslaughter @Christy_Andersn @Brokenanvil_CT @Mamacita … Mighty Neighborly of ya! #
- @LeahsGotIt Did you REALLY recommend me in the same tweet with the @MythBusters ? You're one reason Central #Indiana totally rocks. in reply to LeahsGotIt #
- Hey @Kathysipple I just finished the .png file with transparency and was going to email it to you and couldn't find your addy quickly #
- @KathySipple – If I save it as a jpg it won't work as well, but I can send you both versions. #
- RT @natfinn @AmyStark heh????-/ /- Since you're using tweetdeck I've no clue to what you are referring. No doubt I'm being dense #
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