- @robbyslaughter I went to the rapidpoll.net site. I didn't like google ads, or the aesthetic value PLUS they don't offer jobs in #Indiana in reply to robbyslaughter #
- @robbyslaughter My desire 2 C #Indiana succeed isn't just lip-service.Unless there is some egregious fault w/ an #Indiana Co I'll vote 4 it in reply to robbyslaughter #
- @mustudiosweb I'm a proponent of free and easy. @formspring was free and easy plus it's headquartered in #Indiana. in reply to mustudiosweb #
- @mustudiosweb I've been using Google Docs 4 all my presentations for the last 2yrs. Good to know they are stored in the cloud. in reply to mustudiosweb #
- @mustudiosweb I've been looking for a reason to use these free charts in a presentation http://bit.ly/8FfuoQ #I<3Hans in reply to mustudiosweb #
- @FluidSurveys Bravo! Nicely tweeted. #
- Wow. I've been added to over 35 lists since Monday. What's up with that, @drthomasho? #
- RT @EastCentralBapt @amystark I'll be at your presentation on Friday… Look forward to meeting you. -/ /- Likewise, I'm sure =) #
- @mustudiosweb I was on a panel discussion with @ChrisLucas5 from @formspring. I shook his hand and sense he's a good guy. in reply to mustudiosweb #
- @mustudiosweb I enjoyed the @formspring interface -intuitive,clean & pleasing to my aesthetic. Plus they're an #Indiana business in reply to mustudiosweb #
- @robbyslaughter @noahwesley -I'll always turn 2 @formspring now because I'm used 2 the interface & I want this #Indiana small biz 2 succeed! in reply to robbyslaughter #
- Hey @noahwesley – @prebynski sent me the @wordpress code that generates the groovy tweet stream via #fb. Would you be willing to help… #
- @noahwesley .help w/my blog. How many words/day does a blogger write? I consider myself a micro-blogger but w/12K updates I bet I write more in reply to noahwesley #
- @prebynski you are so nice, Brandon. I want to be able to mark tweets throughout the day with a hastag – e.g. #IN_SM or #indSM…. in reply to prebynski #
- @prebynski ..then once a day collect all tweets in my tweet stream with that hashtag and post it to my blog as a daily post. in reply to prebynski #
- @prebynski @Noahwesley was gracious enough to offer his help at the SMackdown event. I will DM my user-name and PW to you both. in reply to prebynski #
- #UhOh I whipped out my twitter soapbox again #Indiana http://bit.ly/4BrdA6 #IN_SM ackdown @indyagent @harrisonpainter Snarky "Starky" alert #
- @sushirevenge Here is the link to the #TweetersAlmanac http://bit.ly/3m2q8z It's a free download with live links to various tweeters. in reply to sushirevenge #
- @davewoodson Thanks for the RT Dave! Did you vote on the #Indiana INfluentia common hashtag yet? http://bit.ly/4vqDPM in reply to davewoodson #
- @AlohaArleen humuhumunukunukuapua'a By the looks of your avatar, I'll bet you've been crazy busy the last couple of weeks Congratulations. in reply to AlohaArleen #
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