- Make Social Media Your Job-Finding Weapon – Forbes http://t.co/b10hfXVU #
- 48 Significant Social Media Facts, Figures and Statistics Plus 7 Infographics http://t.co/bRYbDDxg #
- People actually wanted to be the "Donut Queen" Hey @IndyDonutGuy http://t.co/4X9GAcED #
- RT @tommytrc: I really love my local social media friends… -\\- T O M M Y ! ! ! #
- Forbes India Magazine – Which Countries Mix Business And Family? http://t.co/SdAE5ii2 #
- 30 Ways the World Used to Be Cooler http://t.co/2AkkCpqp 26. Puppies hung out in pockets of soldiers. Or better yet, Cary Grant #
- Groovy Public Domain Image http://t.co/h9FGWhdp Rohde Gersdorff and Nietzsche — So much mash up potential here. #
- Rohde Gersdorff and Nietzsche — So much mash up potential here. http://t.co/h9FGWhdp #
- RT @marcapitman Here's how to keep your nonprofit "green" on Earth Day and ANY day! :)8 http://t.co/zhEZfDk2 in reply to marcapitman #
- RT #@jafurtado Future of Harvard Libraries Uncertain, by By Hana N. Rouse and Justin C. Worland/Harvard Crimson http://t.co/98lB94ov #ILF12 #
- Twitter List Daily is out! http://t.co/E0lxmZ2s #
- Raise your hand if you ever went ice-skating on the pond in front of the Indianapolis Pyramids? http://t.co/CS5F9WNq w/JP #
- 1924. Indy 500. http://t.co/GtikNTLG #
- Comic sans haters gonna hate. http://t.co/zo63njjY #
- be happy 🙂 http://t.co/VQNBs7hx #
- @historicindiana We should definitely have flying cars by now. Don't you agree? #
- RT @randyclarktko Ah late April in Indiana. The sun is out, grass is green, flowers in bloom, and 44 degrees. in reply to randyclarktko #
- TY #FF S/O RT @KnighTFarB @96lild @_freaklynice_ @_Lucyjr @_TrueSentencesx @Abdulphin @AineCoogan97 @AJBRAMLETT @Allday_lilJ @AmberK25Eight in reply to KnighTFarB #
- Thursday April 26th Panera Bread in Merchant's Square @JulesIndy? in reply to JulesIndy #
- RT @marcapitman ..Your assigned reading for your board? Special discount on bundles of – Ask Without Fear! http://t.co/CbksWrnO #
- Stark ReAlity Check is out! http://t.co/iGDKYihI ▸ Top stories today via @quakerquaker @daveaustin53 @vanessaddvzla #
- I spent a year in that town, one Sunday.– George Burns #
- In a country as rich as this,no one should go hungry,no one should lack an education, & there should be flying cars.~Lewis Black #
- I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. ~Groucho Marx #
- ‘Glee’ Gets a Big Welcome Back From Twitter [INFOGRAPHIC] "Big Brother http://t.co/sVbNarkt #
- I want this as my next driveway. http://t.co/zP3hShmo #Green #Driveway #
- Twitter List Daily is out! http://t.co/E0lxmZ2s ▸ Top stories today via @jonahlupton @socialmoxy #
- @NancyMyrland Will John be at McCordsville tomorrow? in reply to NancyMyrland #
- http://t.co/wmI6eq9V How Streaming Video Is Killing the DVD [INFOGRAPHIC] #
- Ginger http://t.co/pasfFxxa #
- How George Takei Went From Star Trek to Social Media Superstar http://t.co/qKeDPtvv via @mashable -\\- It's OK 2 B Takei – He rocks #FB #IN #
- Ditto squared RT @pamelareilly1 Ditto RT @randyclarktko: @AllisonLCarter @bethannbud @RockyWalls @pamelareilly1 Y'all are great! in reply to pamelareilly1 #
- Columbus, #Indiana http://t.co/Kldnj1U2 #
- Stark ReAlity Check is out! http://t.co/iGDKYihI ▸ Top stories today via @434arw @scottwagoner62 @randyclarktko @benrisinger @p2son #
- Twitter List Daily is out! http://t.co/E0lxmZ2s ▸ Top stories today via @maritesson @dodihandy #
- Ice Cream Man! #
- Every @ mention sets of my text tone which sounds just like the theme song to Dark Shadows @LeilanMcNally http://t.co/Hc8YF3xv in reply to LeilanMcNally #
- Carmel is perfect. How about Sometime early Tuesday @julesindy — Panera Bread Merchants Square. in reply to JulesIndy #
- haha @LeilanMcNally Those tweets set my phone off each time. It was very dramatic. http://t.co/VvIUoia6 Just like Dark Shadows cc @ajmotia in reply to LeilanMcNally #
- RT @firebelly: How To Transform A Facebook Account Into A Pinterest Pinboard http://t.co/QT5rJbPF #
- Hey @leilanmcnally Just an FYI– RT @ajmotia: Don't care for pictures of cats? You probably shouldn't follow me on Instagram then. in reply to ajmotia #
- RT @kyleplacy: Chevy Volt & Klout: Is Tapping Social Influencers Enough? http://t.co/9b0TSDhp via @kathikruse #
- RT @MarshaCollier Recovering A Lost Art: How to Ask a Question <–Enhance the occasion, … http://t.co/tZGrWDDZ #
- I'm glad you finally got to meet @GregCooper f2f @leilanmcnally. Greg was at the very first #TweetUp I organized back in #AughtNine =) in reply to LeilanMcNally #
- So great to see you today @gregcooper it's been too long. I'm lucky to have such great friends who I NEVER would have met B4 SM in reply to GregCooper #
- #FF these fine peeps=> @CaraDafforn @HildyGottlieb @NancyMyrland I'm proud to say they're on my "peeps-I-hug" twitter list. in reply to CaraDafforn #
- May I tag along? =) RT @firebelly @PapaSlingshot blended happiness and a book project! We need lunch to catch up! in reply to firebelly #
- A witty saying proves nothing. –Voltaire #
- With fame I become more and more stupid, which of course is a very common phenomenon. — Albert Einstein #
- We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves. –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe #
- Twitter List Daily is out! http://t.co/E0lxmZ2s ▸ Top stories today via @daniellelaporte @socialmoxy #
- RT @quotesforall Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. ~Soren Kierkegaard #
- Hey @IndySOW @CaraDafforn @cballing — You should really look into http://t.co/you7wiUK You all follow @HildyGottlieb right? #
- RT @HildyGottlieb Creating the Future's Philanthropy Lab meets today http://t.co/O1nxFwbC Preparing to have my brain stretched… #
- As well you should, @firebelly =) Hey @drthomasho Wish you were still here. Tomorrow is our #OldSchool #NotSoImpromptu #TweetUp @ #H amp;C 9AM in reply to firebelly #
- No #CC Then I want to be #Glinda =) @davewoodson cc @IndianaBluejay @daltonsbriefs I <3 #NWIndiana #Indiana #UGuysRock in reply to davewoodson #
- Then I want to be #Glinda =) @davewoodson cc @IndianaBluejay @daltonsbriefs I <3 #NWIndiana #Indiana #UGuysRock in reply to davewoodson #
- Sounds Great @JulesIndy Are you in Louisville or Indy? in reply to JulesIndy #
- Jack Benny was famous for stealing jokes @BgKahuna I think it's only fitting that you steal that line and make it your own. cc @CS_indy in reply to BgKahuna #
- Sorry you won't be there @Hazewalker I hope you have a great time in Bloomington. =) in reply to Hazewalker #
- I think it would be great to have a coffee #TweetUp in Spearfish SD @CBalling but I don't have a hog! cc @coach_trina @caradafforn in reply to CBalling #
- Hmmm… I hadn't noticed that @firebelly – although now I'm wondering why YOU noticed it and mentioned it. <wink> in reply to firebelly #
- Absolutely @firebelly The more the merrier cc @GregCooper @ChadRichards @HubbardCravens #NotSoImpromptu #420 #TweetUp in reply to firebelly #
- I guess that leaves me out @IndianaBluejay I'm a prude. Maybe someone up in #NWIndiana should play the part cc @davewoodson @daltonsbriefs in reply to IndianaBluejay #
- I know what you mean @ChristineMMTTM It looks like my Aunt Fern's Dining room. cc @CBalling in reply to ChristineMMTTM #
- Stark ReAlity Check is out! http://t.co/iGDKYihI ▸ Top stories today via @webgrrrrl @simonjgray @aroundindy @joshhumble @cynthiambarnes #
- RT @DennyCoates "Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision." – Winston Churchill #
- I don't deserve this award, but I have arthritis and I don't deserve that either. –Jack Benny #
- Gags die, humor doesn't. –Jack Benny #
- http://t.co/qw52PWlW API-Mosaic- crayonbox group. Constructed using a Perl script with ImageMagick, and a lot of help from the Flickr API #
- See you Friday at 9:00AM on 4-20 for the #NotSoImpromptu #TweetUp at #H amp;C behind the Vogue =) @firebelly @GregCooper @ChadRichards in reply to firebelly #
- Twitter List Daily is out! http://t.co/E0lxmZ2s ▸ Top stories today via @smoothsale @kellymccormick_ @wenbryant #
- It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid, then open it and remove all doubt. — Mark Twain #
- It'll be great to see you guys @GregCooper and @ChadRichards – I look forward to catchin' up. #NotSoImpromptuTweetUp4 20 9:00AM #H amp;C in reply to GregCooper #
- @EliasBiz d' oh! Got it now! I was coming from google image search for API. Thanks for your quick response =) in reply to EliasBiz #
- I know the feeling @CaraDafforn I'll do my best to get downtown soon. I need a hug =) #FaceToFaceWillAlwaysBeKing in reply to CaraDafforn #
- #OldSchool #NotSoImpromptu #H amp;C #TweetUp 9:00AM Friday the 20th @edeckers and @hazewalker ? #
- I really like it and want to use it in an infographic @EliasBiz — I promise to give you credit. =) in reply to EliasBiz #
- Hey @EliasBiz – Where did you get the groovy mashup on this blog? http://t.co/jaxM0FSa #
- #TTRTT http://t.co/OaV8GOqS Top 10 Reasons Twitter is on Top of the Social Media Food Chain: Number 4: Open API #
- Hey @GregCooper @NancyMyrland @firebelly @ChadRichards How about an #OldSchool #NotSoImpromptu #H amp;C #TweetUp 9:00AM Friday the 20th? #
- #Facebook http://t.co/BmoK7VUB Flowchart: Should I Accept That Friend Request? #
- Beautiful images, Kevin, Bravo! http://t.co/FZoSuCjU #
- RT @BengtWendel "Did you ever stop to think,and forget to start again?" — A.A. Milne in reply to BengtWendel #
- Please let me play Glinda @daltonsbriefs @davewoodson @indianabluejay Please =) in reply to daltonsbriefs #
- Hey @coach_trina Any friend of @CBalling is a friend of mine. I know what you're thinking – I should raise my standards. =) in reply to CBalling #
- How Branding Works In The Social Media Age Infographic http://t.co/2tTEamIg #
- Stark ReAlity Check is out! http://t.co/iGDKYihI ▸ Top stories today via @benrisinger @stevenwabx @harrisonpainter @quakeranne @bzo #
- To have become a deeper man is the privilege of those who have suffered..–Oscar Wilde #
- RT @badbanana Put a shirt on, Hologram Tupac. #
- Schramm Communication Model http://t.co/tJmdbNS4 #
- Seurat knew a lot about dots. http://t.co/nHKdQBCT #
- They were a gift from Janet Reno. She wore them on the day they caught the Unibomber. – #glee #
- Twitter List Daily is out! http://t.co/E0lxmZ2s ▸ Top stories today via @socialmoxy @nurse_w_glasses #
- The main difference between men and women is that men like the Three Stooges. — Woody Allen #
- RT @pgsimoes The Printing Press of the Digital Environment… http://t.co/7x3vt75i in @profhacker #elearning #edtech /– @drthomasho #
- You're welcome @pgsimoes ! in reply to pgsimoes #
- #Ed #EdChat http://t.co/eZyyg2Tv 16 Ways Educators Can Use Pinterest [INFOGRAPHIC] #
- I just hung up with mom @IndianapolisVet — Sweetie slept last night, too. 3-4-3! in reply to IndianapolisVet #
- In An Airplane Lavatory, Artist Creates Flemish-Style Self-Portraits http://t.co/pAm8ySem #
- I tried calling her a couple of minutes ago wondering if we are 3 for 3 @IndianapolisVet she didn't answer, though. I'll keep U posted. in reply to IndianapolisVet #
- This is so weird, @IndianapolisVet I was just thinking about you. I saw Mom late PM yesterday. Sweetie slept 2 nights in a row.. TY TY TY! in reply to IndianapolisVet #
- I gave @pgsimoes +K about eLearning on @klout http://t.co/KwuCEms5 cc @drthomasho #
- Dark to light. http://t.co/6sqenTJK #
- Which Social Network Should You Use — and When? [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/jwSebWIt #
- Stark ReAlity Check is out! http://t.co/iGDKYihI ▸ Top stories today via @nancymyrland @vanessaddvzla @quakerquaker @two_cranes @cballing #
- Website simplified infographic design Planning, design and optimising a website simplified by inter http://t.co/tmz2wPxL #
- Website simplified infographic design Planning, design and optimising a website simplified by inter http://t.co/tLDcMRWB #
- RT @ConorCusack Google's Education On-Air Conference: May 2nd, 12-10 PM https://t.co/dmWorfKj #Education #Google #Trends -\\- cc @drthomasho in reply to ConorCusack #
- Hey @GPOmagen thanks for including me in your daily. I appreciate it. in reply to GPOmagen #
- Twitter List Daily is out! http://t.co/E0lxmZ2s ▸ Top stories today via @calypendorsers @conorcusack @cselland #
- The Ice Cream Man! #
- My week on twitter: 37 retweets received, 20 new followers, 37 mentions. Via: http://t.co/yYpaj94h #
- It's a tool, @jerryzehr , that sends me social media advice via e-mail — for example – recommending I should #FF those peeps in reply to jerryzehr #
- From @Crowdbooster "Thank your top RT/Mentioners for the week with a #FF @antonvandenberg, @elfwyn, @jerryzehr, @willisteam and @KnighTFarB #
- RT @harrisontweeter “Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” – Robert Louis Stevenson in reply to harrisontweeter #
- New Blog => Tweet Archive 2012-04-16 http://t.co/GkYcmZN6 #
- Stark ReAlity Check is out! http://t.co/iGDKYihI ▸ Top stories today via @aroundindy @historicindiana @drthomasho @benrisinger #