- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection… http://t.co/ukUw8gMp (via @peoplewerx, @NewMediaScape & @sandyscoaching) #
- Always be a poet, even in prose. – Charles Baudelaire via @BonVoyage1000 #
- RT @beautynewzflash: Beautiful Glass by Chihuly http://t.co/KGU788N8 #
- Q: What do these Costumes Reveal about this company? http://t.co/NCfBBq3E A: stupidity and a total lack of PR savviness, #
- Humorists can never start to take themselves seriously. It's literary suicide. ~Erma Bombeck #
- I just realized this was a geek holiday. 11-01-11 Have a good one. #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection of my interests: http://t.co/9z1bC9R2 (via @AmiAhuja, @caesarion & Joe) #
- RT @cpollittiu: BBC News – Google Maps to charge for usage http://t.co/RLqL0sq1 #
- The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations. –Benjamin Disraeli #
- Please be my guest @hildygottlieb – "I often quote myself, it adds spice to my conversation." George Bernard Shaw. #
- RT @BengtWendel Fat Finger Mistake Yields 7 Landing Page Lessons: A Cautionary Tale http://t.co/xfMdRcLM by @amystark via @kuno #
- Thanks for that influential RT @BengtWendel =) #
- I RTd it-have 2 read it l8r @drthomasho Did U C the #Teacher offer from @Xtranormal $10/month and 50 cents per student http://t.co/xkKmt2DT #
- That is a great story @cballing Thanks for sharing it – I added it to my @bufferapp. How's life, my friend? Family good? #
- I agree @tangiblewords it's a fabulous play on words. WCFields had some GREAT lines. Did you try saying it aloud? It's even funnier. =) #
- Work? @cballing I'm resisting the urge to type, "it's a 4 letter word." #
- haha RT @cballing I've a kid wanting a snowblower 2 go into biz clearing drives. He's worried about taxes /liability. He's 9 #AmericanDream #
- Hey @beautynewzflash and @supershoutout Thanks for the Halloween greetings. =) #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection of my interests: http://t.co/QfTeFOGU (via @Debbas, @BohlsenPR & @SkyBlew) #
- RT @drthomasho @AmyStark “@coolcatteacher: I agree with @Larryferlazzo the changes to Storify rock http://t.co/Lz39NV5y #blogchat .. #edchat #
- RT @washingtonpost: The real #OccupyWallStreet is happening online http://t.co/v3sPhw9E #ows via @oninnovations #
- RT @vknipper: Mobile Marketing: Websites, Apps, SMS & QR Codes – Luxury or Required? http://t.co/O1uD8cym via @mktgtechblog #
- TY! RT @gpomagen: GPO Daily is out! http://t.co/Rovdty3m ▸ Top stories today via @AmyStark @LynnNoe @designhermomma @MegFGian @iupress #
- Google to start scraping Facebook comments on third-party sites -SmartBrief on Social Media http://t.co/g1EM6oCD via @nancymyrland #FB post #
- RT @JayOatway Half of all Twitter users do not consider the legal risks before tweeting, according to a new report – http://t.co/UEpCeuUq #
- RT @cballing Great story RT @TruckingSchool Restarting Your Life at 57 – My father has been out of work for two years http://t.co/NGQCnkGQ #
- Totally Narcissistic RT @edeckers: I gave @AmyStark +K about Indy on @klout http://t.co/332tyFgD -/- Thanks Erik! #
- I <3 Mark Twain.. -Worth another RT @indycopiercat:…Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. Mark Twain #
- The history of Mount Rushmore – great images. http://t.co/NzEmTjMC #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection of… http://t.co/bQP6F7cm (via @WebListMarketer, @TazzzzMann & @cyberzook) #
- Fall, please don’t leaf us just yet! http://t.co/nJAeqYYe via @NYBG #
- RT @libraryofct: Scientific American's online archive to 1845 goes live http://t.co/81ibjZm8 #
- RT @forbes: Japan's Good Design Awards 2011 http://t.co/LN0qmF3C #
- RT @NthMarketing Government – If you think the problems we create are bad, just wait until you see our solutions. #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection of my… http://t.co/8gqXo7Wm (via @jeffreypjacobs, Mashable & Coachforyou) #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection of my intere… http://t.co/WI4Fqdy4 (via @WhyPR, @caesarion & @MizzSocial) #
- #INdiana Social Media Summit and SMackdown Awards – Top 10 Tweets http://t.co/qjZHZMlC #
- The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection of my… http://t.co/aiMx5kyz (via @FredGarvin_, @cryswashington & Wsamuel) #
- AMAZING! I've witnessed something similar, but nothing that lasted this long or involved so many. http://t.co/C5L0HIxQ #