- RT @DeepakChopra
Happy Independence Day India # - Japanese Tsunami Shattered Antarctica's Ice Shelf http://t.co/YoN3by5 #
- Garys Social Media Count http://ow.ly/63gVj Very Cool, @garyphayes Have you seen this @cpollittiu ? #
- From the field: Pacific Tsunami Creates Icebergs in Antarctica: Scientists were able to observe http://ow.ly/63rr5 #
- @typertist Thanks for the RT There are lots of instances when I'm proud of #Indiana #
- @typertist Social Media is Big Brother. Do U think knowing the entire Internet could be watching will have a major impact on human behavior? #
- RT @carrieatthill Fun way to start a week! :)RT @typertist .. @mmangen @hostageek @tiglu @VAinParadise @AmyStark Have an Hakuna Matata Day! #
- What you DO speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say. – Ralph Waldo Emerson #
- What is the hashtag? RT @newsongmission: @AmyStark New Song Mission Fall Festival, October 15, 2011, 2-6 pm, start spreading the word!! #
- RT @dszp “@mike_gingerich How text messaging as we know it will die in 3-5 years http://t.co/8eRJVj1” //the sooner the better! #
- @tommytrc Hey T O M M Y ! ! ! I'd like you to @MeetTMClifford <= just started following me. Confused me for a bit. =) #
- RT @deejmon Ledface uses the ‘Collective Brain’ to help solve your day-to-day problems: Try it now http://t.co/xWA0kJ5 via @thenextweb #
- @typertist haha of course. #
- @dszp @mike_gingerich Free SMS sounds an awful lot like twitter, doesn't it? #
- Good One! RT @megnorris Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bacon #replacemovienameswithbacon #
- RT @BengtWendel How Neil Young Became the First Artist to Get Sued for Not Being Himself http://t.co/kpq9Hj6 via @markmcguinness #
- RT @ChrisKnipper 4 Social Media Lessons From the Emma's Pizza Twitter Fail http://t.co/acJWUPk via @HubSpot #
- I need to sign up 4 Instargram don't I? RT @DanielUlichney Bubble in the sky http://t.co/NWDDKSl via @instagram #photo #summer #
- RT @fastcompany: Is @google breaking its own Google+ real-names only policy? via @jmctigue #
- RT @WaltWinchel Taking #QR codes to the next level! http://t.co/iwaZDaD #webdesign #design #art #tech #branding #marketing #
- RT @DalaiLama We need an inseparable combination of material and internal, or spiritual, progress. -//- did U C this @BengtWendel ? #
- #Indiana evening sky. How's this, @pauldandrea ? http://t.co/12YCbFx #
- TEDxNASA “Extreme Green" Wednesday, TODAY! August 17, 2011
2:30 PM – 8:00 PM (PDT) http://t.co/VOoa1qa # - Laughter is the closest distance between two people. – Victor Borge #
- Really? RT @qikipedia If a man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty. JAPANESE PROVERB #
- RT @DanielUlichney Facebook set to enable postcode advertising #
- Here's the link that should be attached to the last tweet. http://ow.ly/65KNw #d #039;oh #
- Bio RT @_PenelopeNYC Coffee-Drinker, eReader Addict, Cheesecake Model, Blogger. I'm very busy and important=//= May I steal that last line? #
- @dszp There are 4 BILLION Twitter ready devices out there. That's pretty ubiquitous cc @mike_gingerich #
- Narcissistic RT @mwgrover The MWGrover Daily is out! http://t.co/zPDDSp4 Top stories today via @afpihq @hoosieraccess @amystark #
- RT @WaltWinchel 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Inbound Marketing Agency http://t.co/lazGflc via @HubSpot #inboundmarketing #tips #
- Clever. Everyone wants a hug. RT @FrankCunhaIII FREE HUGS IF YOU LIKE MY FB PG http://t.co/Jhzd0UT #Architect #Artist #RT #
- RT @newsongmission We are busy planning the #NSMFallFestival — Oct 15 — 2-6PM on our Brown County campus. http://www.NewSongMission.org #
- @newsongmission I made a couple of revisions to your tweet before RTing it. #
- Sample Tweet FROM @BobSchloss : Hey @newsongmission Don't forget to order those important things #NSMFallFestival #ToDoList #
- @dszp once an account is set up, you can use twitter on basic cell phones… Free SMS #
- @dszp isn't a basic SMS capability standard with every basic cell phone? cc @mike_gingerich #MyIgnoranceIsShowing #
- @dszp ah.. comes the dawn. #
- @dszp if it is an option with every basic cell phone connectivity provider- that means 4 Billion twitter ready devices … right? #
- @pauldandrea The brief tutorial at lunch that day made a world of difference. Thanks for your help, Paul. #
- @dszp oh… sorry. I whipped out my twitter soapbox again. #
- @dszp you're correct. I was tweaves-dropping and took the conversation down a new path. But I'm glad we had this conversation. I learned! #
- @dszp lol right. #
- RT @instagram Photos from the London Riots: http://t.co/CBNgp0h cc @DanielUlichney @WaltWinchel #
- I always say, keep a diary and someday it'll keep you. –Mae West #
- RT @GuyKawasaki 100 greatest cinematic punches #
- New HubSpot Post => The Majority of Email Conversions Take Place on Day 1 [Data] #
- @dszp side-twiscussion — haha yes – a twangent if you will =) #
- @pauldandrea Next time we have an impromptu luncheon / tweetUP I'll have lots of questions. #
- Thanks RT @BengtWendel Twitter Facts and Figures Infographic for the Stat Geek http://t.co/F1Jczhf – @AmyStark have you seen this? #
- Thanks! RT @gthead The Inbound Marketing Daily is out! http://t.co/FN9OtJr ▸ Top stories today via .. @jesskstark @ryan_burkhart @amystark #
- Me, too. RT @jesskstark Enjoying what you do is priceless. I personally am thankful that I am in that camp. #
- RT @Ed § "retweet" added to the Oxford English Dictionary: http://t.co/cAIamYo (I remember when we made up the word 🙂 #
- @WVtravelEKM I know someone with that company – @DennisBeeson may be able to give you some tips. #
- @WVtravelEKM Love ya, Mean it. =) #
- THNX @_PenelopeNYC "I'm very busy and important" I think I'll start using it as a signature in my emails. Glad 2 know where it came from. #
- I love it when research backs up what I've been saying for 2 years. http://t.co/R3biXu8 #
- Twitter users are more likely to impact your brand than any other social network http://t.co/uY1umCH -//- sound familiar @BengtWendel ? #
- @ericmarasco Thanks for the RT. I love it when research backs up what I've been saying for 2 years. =) #
- Two Truths About Social Media – Part 1 http://t.co/VZLjtCU Thanks for sharing your wisdom, @NancyMyrland #
- #Indiana State Fair Stage Collapse- A Storify Aggregation by @amystark http://t.co/ZedqhKV #
- Indiana State Fair Stage Collapse by @amystark (featuring @MikeMagan @317lindquist @GottaGo @tommytrc @WTHRcom) http://t.co/ZedqhKV #
- How Are People Using Twitter? [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/NO0BMty via @mashsocialmedia @mashable D Spaulding-a #FB friend-sent this to me #in #
- T O M M Y ! ! ! — U DO 2 — @tommytrc #
- @MsSwank thanks for including me in your daily! I appreciate it. #
- @MikeMagan I first learned about it from your facebook post from Hootsuite maybe? I'm fascinated with information dissemination. #
- RT @IndyStateFair Have your heard? The 2012 @Indystatefair will be the "Year of Dairy Cows." Can't wait, @INDairy! #
- @BloggForProfit Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. #
- RT @jacklugar Committed to creating jobs in #Elwood #Indiana #
- Hey @BloggForProfit I forgot to put RT on that last tweet. Hey Everybody – That groovy saying about planting seeds was from @BloggForProfit #