• Klout's CEO: Why Social Media Matters for Entrepreneurs http://ow.ly/5S4OQ #
  • RT @VanityFair Is Quitting Smoking to Blame for Obama’s Irritability, Instability, and Confusion? http://vnty.fr/mQkI4w #
  • RT @CNNMoneyTech: Twitter landed influx of cash for expansion after "significant" funding round led by DST Global http://bit.ly/n4Bl5D #tech #
  • "Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life." — Mark Twain #
  • People will forgive & forget mistakes but they will NEVER forget a cover-up. Just ask Nixon or Clinton. -Amy Stark #
  • I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation. –George Bernard Shaw #
  • I'll be there in spirit @GregCooper I'm too busy lately to even tweet.. well… tweet for myself that is.. Things'll calm down after 10th #
  • @AFSgtWow It's always a pleasure to see your smilin' avatar pop up in my stream. =) Thanks for the RT. #
  • @ejmusgrave1 @AroundIndy @IndyAgent and me. <= Hey Elizabeth… that would be a fun group for our next #TweetUpSoiree #
  • THANKS! RT @HSchoegler The @HSchoegler #SocialMedia Weekly is out! http://t.co/0WMHGPE ▸ Top stories today via @amystark #
  • Hey @NealSchaffer Would you be open to answering a Linked In question? I don't want to pester you, but I've a Linked In conundrum. #
  • Thnx RT @andressilvaa #Internet – Monday List: @ronnypassarge @Thewebtycoon @patrobins @RodSeip @AmyStark @entrecon @Barb_White @frankreed #
  • @andressilvaa I hope Monday List has nothing to do with having a "Case of the Mondays" http://t.co/DLx1t90 #
  • @stevenwabx There R 6 Billion people on the planet & 4 Billion of them have twitter ready devices. There are over 600 Million FB users 2Day #
  • @stevenwabx do you need more? #
  • In retrospect, I probably should have grown up to be good at something. via @BadBanana #
  • Why Your Company Should Not Conduct Social Media Background Checks http://ow.ly/5UsOm #
  • @PlumbersPartner, sign up for Klout and see how we compare! http://t.co/5T3Orxq #
  • @StevenWABX I think the phrase you're looking for is "#Indiana's Fabulous Social Media Dame" =) #
  • Thanks for the RT @bnjmntrb RT @AmyStark: Why Your Company Should Not Conduct Social Media Background Checks http://t.co/mK9dLai&quot; #
  • RT @tglee73 "There's only one way to succeed in anything and that is to give everything."- Vince Lombardi … http://t.co/BxHAwgq #
  • @ejmusgrave1 you can change yor current username and not lose anything cc @edeckers @gottago #
  • #stark11 I need to get bloody Mary mix ..do we need anything else for breakfast?- Deb #
  • #stark11 Is there a PowerPoint to go along with that? Maybe a line-graph? #
  • #stark11 can't we just take them to the t-shirt shop and have someone else do 'em? #
  • #stark11 What is this alcohol doing in the middle of my ironing? -Doug #
  • #stark11 ok Howie does them the best! Take all your shirts to Howie.- Doug #
  • #stark11 I am here. So beautiful http://t.co/dYEcmIC #
  • #stark11 what? http://t.co/NS744Eo #
  • @sssemester thanks for the Oscar pic . Sarah especially was happy to see her puppy. I hope all is well. Break a leg! #
  • #stark11 i never thought to use my iguana as a chick magnet- Howie #