- RT @NASA Watch the @NASA_Edge launch show live on NASA TV's Education Channel at http://www.nasa.gov/ntv Click the Education links. #
- When did the #InfomaticMeme begin, I wonder? -//- The Demographics of Social Media
http://t.co/RUepBE5 via @adage # - Hey @IndianaBluejay — @davewoodson was right! I was referring to the classic line from A Christmas Story. #
- @IndianaBluejay @davewoodson but this conversation made me think of "Be Italian" from "Nine" http://youtu.be/OK7y2e3PNRw #I #039;mABroadwayGeek #
- @IndianaBluejay Yes please scrap your plans involving fishes. =) @davewoodson 'll vouch for me. #
- None! but Miss Thing loves SPICY! @CaraDafforn which slow cooke meal prepared at home in a minute do you favor? Spicy, Sweet, Savory? #
- Hey @JoshHumble & @PaulDAndrea do you know anyone who might be interested? http://bit.ly/lDRHF0 <= @Kuno Client looking for #photographers #
- Build Your Social Media Influence With Twitter Lists http://t.co/DAT6U5A by @jmctigue New blog post. #
- @woodycollins No =( are you in town? We need to have some coffee soon and catch up! #
- @joshhumble May I ask your opinion… If a random brand sent you a tweet about wanting photographers …. (1 of 2) #
- @joshhumble (2 of 2) do you think that would be spammy? This company wants a whole network of #photographers nationwide. #
- I deleted almost all my @Twitter lists today -because they needed a total refresh. Your post inspired me @jmctigue http://bit.ly/ki2CCp #
- @jmctigue I had some mediocre lists that I deleted to start fresh with your advice. #
- @CaraDafforn Miss Thing hasn't mastered the art of hinting at anything quite yet, she's direct. =) #
- @woodycollins Tell me more > 7PM This Thursday May19th? If you will be there, I'll come just to say hey to you. #
- #ThanksToSocialMedia I met @joshhumble and @PaulDAndrea <= 2 talented #Indiana #Photographers I call friends. =) #
- @IndianaBluejay that hashtag is still cracking me up cc @davewoodson #
- @CaraDafforn what works best for you? Noon works for me. I'll probably just get a soda, but it will be good to talk. =) #
- @woodycollins Did YOU start the Linchpin group? And you're just now telling me about it? I'll try to not to let my feelings be hurt. =) #
- @woodycollins can you send me a link? The one I found is for the December meeting. #
- Build Your Social Media Influence With Twitter Lists http://t.co/DyxMgXw -//- First New List I'm making => #Indiana Photographers – Friends #
- Fun Clip 2 watch if you're a fan => Napoleon Dynamite' video clip: Will the indie hit translate into animated hilarity http://bit.ly/jOSBRx #
- Hey @Twitter – I'm focused on getting some groovy lists together and I keep getting an #ErrorOnPage Warning sign and then nothing happens =( #
- Hey @KristieCapow there's no physical way I can make it to NAG.. BUT I will tweet with you @IndyBoomer and @IndyCopierCat during the meeting #
- @IndyCopierCat @IndyBoomer @KristieCapow — Miss Thing told me Mon about her choir concert tonight. That had not been in my plans for 2day #
- @IndyBoomer – Tell everyone at NAG I miss 'em and wish I could be there to talk about being a MasterMind Group… like Napoleon Hill's #
- @KristieCapow LinkedIn Webinar May 25th Please mention it at NAG http://bit.ly/mEQtgA I hope you're free It's more fun when you're there #
- Call of Duty has more concurrent users than Facebook http://tinyurl.com/3q9cljc via @milblogging #in #fb #
- @pauldandrea I know lots of peeps you know. Being "near" the top among that group was pretty good in my book. =) #
- @digitoll "error on page" w/ the yellow caution triangle-bottom lft hand corner of the active window. I tried changing browsers -didn't help #
- RT @tommytrc I LOVE —> @atypicaltaylor -//- If T O M M Y ! ! ! loves you — you're ok in my book, too. #
- Interviewed a Rock Star—A #Socialmedia Rock Star that IS!: http://t.co/oqFbvWK #
- Narcissistic RT @NancyMyrland: Thanks to @AmyStark …. so kind to me and others. =||= thank you Nancy. You're good people! #
- @typertist I RTd it. Nice piece I agree with your assessment of T O M M Y ! ! ! Thanks for forwarding it to me. #
- @digitoll I promise. I'm sure I did everything correctly and the name was not too long =( #
- RT @CaraDafforn: grateful to @AmyStark a true lady of charity.=||= takes one to know one. =) thanks for listening. You are a good person. #
- RT @CaraDafforn: ears are burning @cballing. Discussed real gratitude today … An attitude of gratitude because #givingfeelsgood #
- Anxiously awaiting Miss Thing's spring concert. I'm a sucker for school choir concerts and she always shines! #
- @CaraDafforn @cballing I am grateful to call both of you friends. #
- I just looked in the program Miss Thing's choir is singing "It's raining men" hallelujah! Choreographed by my dear friend Kenny Shepard #
- @CBalling a-BOYT (a = the a in akin) #
- Join me at the upcoming Seth Godin Worldwide Meetup Day! http://meetu.ps/Ww4M #Linchpin #
- Great to talk with you @KMullett Here's the link http://bit.ly/mhmSD5 I only know 2 peeps attending besides you. It will be fun! #
- Hey @kmullett the address for Paradise Bakery is 9510 A N. Meridian Street 46260 See you at 7:00PM #
- Denmark to Claim North Pole http://j.mp/jiGw3y U can too up until a UN deadline set for 2014. I think #Indiana should claim it. #
- @qixotic I think we have to go through the UN to make it official, though. I'll start the hashtag #IndianaClaimsNorthPole =) #
- Random Bio RT @prentms I enjoy twitter because I can chose to communicate with fun, bright & interesting people who give more than they take #
- @prentms ditto that! #
- The key to life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that you've got it made – Groucho Marx #
- Hey @CaraDafforn — I'm honored. I wonder how they will determine the winner? Twitter Grader? Klout? cc @MetromixIndy @baisebeige #
- RT @CaraDafforn smelling the blooms of the pink peony? #Indiana #039;s State Flower. A little later than usual but beautiful. #
- @digitoll I did try a different computer and it worked. How did you know? #
- @GregCooper Were you there? Miss Thing is in the Accents next year (her junior year). I'm not bragging. No really, I'm not =) #
- @GregCooper she's smart too, btw. =) #
- @ScLoHo haha… Glad 2CU RTd one of my favorite Grocho Marx quotes. I think he would have kicked some serious butt on twitter. #
- @ScLoHo I hope all is well with you and yours. Always great to see your avatar pop up in my stream. #
- @deb0508 Thanks for the RT Deb! I'm sure Groucho would appreciate it, too. =) #
- @digitoll I'll bet you know an acronym for the OSI model, don't you? =) #
- @digitoll THNX 4 your help and advice. I was hoping to write a blog post about carefully crafting lists, but it's put a crimp in my plans #
- @blurDave THNX 4 including me and @LadyGaga in the same #FF recommendation it made me feel special. I wonder if she'll thank you too? =) #
- @blurDave I'm going to show it to Miss Thing (that's what I call my 16 yr old daughter) to impress her. Have a great weekend. #
- @StevenWABX You are too kind to me. I'm glad to know you as a friend and assomeone who understands "Humor is reason gone mad."
Groucho Marx # - #ff @typertist she is kind and giving. #
- Thanks for the recommend, @Morgan_Coop that was very nice. I'm honored you included me with @mashable. Thank you. =) #
- #ff my friend @GregCooper he's a pro =) ||Hey Greg, who initially tweeted that #FF recommendation? -the one to which this tweet is a reply #
- @GregCooper A preposition is something U should never end a sentence with. I hope all's well! When RU treating me 2 a delicious H&C Ice Tea #
- Thanks for that back at ya @GrandmaOnDeck and here's a double back right back at ya. =) cc @GregCooper #
- @GregCooper perfect! #
- @JeanBansemer thank you for the #FF shout out, Jean. That was nice. #
- Thanks for your #FF shout outs @jc__russell @nikkivoelzke @MarcBusko_Bars @HoosierWX and @SwitchingGranny I appreciate it. #gratitude #
- Very Cool RT @brewhouse QR code on my race bib to results page. Nice work Geist Mini planners http://twitpic.com/50b8hb #
- @digitoll LOL How did I know you would know that? #
- RT @noahwesley Ashley Furniture doesn't have free cookies anymore? You are dead to me. #shun #
- RT @NancyMyrland All of these AmLaw firms are using JDSupra to distribute their content. Are you? http://bit.ly/kiBJcU #LMA #
- #Tweavesdropping RT @randyclarktko @DonKincaid Is your being quiet a by-product of being immersed in passions? #
- @NancyMyrland My week was very interesting. Very interesting, indeed. =) I hope all is well! #
- @randyclarktko it's very selfish, actually. What you put out comes back. cc @DonKincaid #
- RT @ScLoHo: As @DonKincaid is relaxing, [Amy]& @randyclarktko R chatting, I'm scheduling Music video Blog posts #WhatYouDidBeforeTheRapture #
- @ScLoHo L Right O L, Scott. To answer your question => #WhatYouDidBeforeTheRapture – I tweeted =) #
- RT @ejmusgrave1 RT @IMS: Fans in attendance today can head towards the @CocaCola stage for a special Q & A with past pole winners #Indy500 #
- Hey @CaraDafforn – Here is the UK Bullying group with whom you should connect => @bullyinguk #
- @CaraDafforn AND here is the Hip Hop Genius School I mentioned. http://vimeo.com/22591307 What else did I say I would send? #
- @bullyinguk Hi! @CaraDafforn and I had lunch earlier this week and she has a connection to an anti bullying group here in the U.S. #
- Hey @jmctigue — @CPollittIU sent me a link to your ebook about Social Media and attys in an email. Could you tweet me a link? #
- Dear tweeter who sent me an invite to view something when U only have 11 tweets and 0 following/followers, I marked you as SPAM #
- RT @NancyMyrland All of these AmLaw firms are using JDSupra to distribute their content. Are you? http://bit.ly/kiBJcU #LMA #
- @nwozniak Not really, I tweet something about it every now and then because I used to just ignore it and didn't want to be mean about it. #
- @nwozniak then my friend @Ed told me marking as spam was a good idea 4 the whole community -weed 'em out. I encourage spam marking now. #
- RT @BengtWendel How-To: When to Disconnect http://bengtwendel.com/how-to-when-to-disconnect/ – A great message in 90 seconds #
- RT @NancyMyrland Mario Andretti, Johnny Rutherford and Rick Mears…this is #Indy500 history! http://twitpic.com/50kuv0 #
- RT @DrThomasHo “@WISH_TV: Mitch Daniels not running for president … http://ow.ly/1cNJa1” // I want @MyManMitch for Vice-President #