- National Gallery visitor attacks Gauguin painting, screaming "This is evil" http://wapo.st/evOxoi #
- If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port, and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort .. http://bit.ly/huvKVp #GeekMeetsDrSeuss #
- A red letter day when I receive a tweet from @KLibman Thanks for the RT (<= retweet), Keitha. Please add some wisdom to the twitterverse #
- @LLAmos Great to see your avatar pop up, Lalita! I hope life is treating you well =) #
- @Eddie_Curry it's always your fault =) I hope you're not mad that I shared the ugly step-sister secret. cc @ejmusgrave1 @BeefandBoards #
- @LLAmos fine as wine! What a great expression. =) #
- @TwitSprout More bonus points for tenacity. #
- Hey @IndyGeekNet @codatory @techyuppie Thought you might be interested http://bit.ly/h3WGfg Did you know about YSlow? #
- RT @CBalling "Family dog kept watch over missing 2-year-old overnight" http://is.gd/bHG2wJ -//- Go Dogs! I mean Dawgs! =) #
- @ejmusgrave1 as memory serves, Kenny, Doug King and Curt Dale Clark wearing blankets cc @Eddie_Curry @BeefandBoards #
- @TwitSprout Bonus points for tenacity. =) #
- @CBalling You never hear about cats doing this kind of stuff. Thanks for sharing. #
- @ejmusgrave1 lol #
- There's one in the OLD file – first time @BeefandBoards did 7 Brides. cc @ejmusgrave1 #
- @ejmusgrave1 as memory serves, Ron Morgan was in it, too. I'm not even kidding. #
- @TwitSprout I just tried to send a DM, did you receive it? #
- @CBalling and @CaraDafforn Are you both dialed in for Tuesday 4-5 12:30pm – Paradise Across from Kittles? It's on my calendar! #
- @CBalling That cat was attacking the dog, not protecting it's owner. That doesn't count. See you in a few =) #
- RT @mike_gingerich: #Webinar on #Facebook Marketing by @tabsite & @kuno – Apr 12. Sign-up 2day! http://ow.ly/4uiDa #
- RT @PamMktgNut – "Real power of social is connecting with real power in the real world!" via #Webtrends #Travel webinar <-Yes!! #
- Hey @NancyMyrland do you know @genomicslawyer ? He probably is already following you, Nancy, but I thought you might like to connect. #
- Great Images! http://on.natgeo.com/gpcJNj #
- You create your own universe as you go along — Winston Churchill #
- RT @CBalling Any music people know this song or artist? http://is.gd/b9amjQ @nlitvin #
- @CBalling It was wonderful having lunch with you yesterday. I was certain you and @caradafforn would have lots of common interests. #
- @indyscompugeek I don't know? #
- Who Doesn't? =) RT @vknipper … @WaltWinchel LOVES Comic Sans 😉 #
- @TwitSprout I was being a bit sarcastic. I tried DMing you from Tweetdeck but it said you were not following me. =) #
- @IndyBoomer My tweetdeck wasn't refreshing properly. I'm just now seeing your tweet, Mary Pat. What kind of a social media peep am I anyhow? #
- @CBalling no =) #
- @CaraDafforn I'm sad we couldn't talk longer at lunch yesterday. I always learn something new when we meet. #
- RT @DrThomasHo what's best way 2 capture & playback tweetstream for a hashtag like #orlando2011 -//-Hey @kmullett what's the tool U use? #
- Thanks for the mentions and RTs @JacquelinPeters @RAFlorin and @nogueiradiana mighty neighborly of you. =) #
- @indyscompugeek ah… I'm not sure who the artist is? My friend @CBalling wanted to know. I posted it because it was well made… #
- Hey @CBalling — @indyscompugeek found this for you http://amzn.to/eDWMsg — Thanks Indy's Computer Geek <= sounds like a superhero. #
- Bio RT @webmemorials Share memories of your loved ones with family and friends here: #
- bioRT @19Sixty3 London based Photographer… Also on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/violinconcertono3/ -//-cc @PaulDAndrea @JoshHumble #
- @TwitSprout =) #
- RT @jmctigue RT @CPollittIU: RT @postclickmktg: 7 Keys to Successful Lead Nurturing by @fearlesscomp http://bit.ly/fgPGMb #
- Now this is a clever Billboard. Bravo Hot Wheels! http://bit.ly/hnmcO4 #
- Hey @BengtWendel I just found @brainfitness I thought you'd like them, too. #
- @LinkedIn What happens when the employee who set up a business page is no longer with the company? How can we get it released? #Frustrated #
- Any advice @mr_linkedin ? What happens when the employee who set up a biz page is no longer with the company? #LinkedInProfileHeldHostage #
- RT @andersonjake Man, people are tearing it apart in the comments. RT @amystark: .. Clever Billboard. Bravo Hot Wheels! http://bit.ly/hnmcO4 #
- @WaltWinchel good question! I'm not sure how I'll ever have the time to digitally disconnect for that long! #
- thnx 4 RTing the Hot Wheels billboard. I want to meet the person who thought of it. cc @ryankiechle randyclarktko andersonjake tkographix #
- RT @PeteOlsen Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind…. John Wooden #
- @LinkedIn thanks for your quick response! Much obliged. #
- @IndyVal coined the phrase, Drive-by TweetUp. I love it! RT @BgKahuna Mini Tweetup with @amystark http://twitpic.com/4i22fr #
- @brainfitness I don't remember where I found you, but when I saw your handle I immediately thought of @BengtWendel – he's a brainiac! #
- @PeteOlsen Hi Pete! #
- @isapientweedie It should be in the list, I agree. #
- RT @tkographix: #FF for their mastery of all things SEO, social media, and marketing @CPollittIU @jaybaer @douglaskarr @kmullett @kuno … #
- @BgKahuna R U telling me U have documented proof of using the phrase Drive-by tweeting in 1992?! What do U have 2 say about that @IndyVal ? #
- Thanks for the props, @lindaAWI Here is an #indy #follownow right back at ya. #
- @BengtWendel Thanks, Bengt! You always send good info. I hope you're having a great Friday =) #
- RT @CBalling Gadhafi Does Swimming.ly on the Internet! via @wsj http://is.gd/euke7m -//- I'm not changing it would mean he wins! #
- @StevenWABX Always makes me smile to see your avatar pop up in my stream, Steven. =) You're the best! #FF #
- RT @indychristian "@paulsteinbrueck I'm convinced [Neil] knows everyone who has ever lived in the Hoosier state// Incl @AmyStark Ms #Indiana #
- I appreciate your #ff @rgrosskett You too, @jc__russell <= btw, cute avatar, JC. Is he your son? #
- Hey @BobWarren It's always great to be listed in your "Dames with Brains" #FF shout out. Makes me smile. #
- @BgKahuna But not in 1992 for heaven's sake. So YOU Coined the phrase #DriveByTweetUp . Will you corroborate, @MyCarDoc and @jojosmojo ? #
- @mr_linkedin Thank you! It was sweet of you to answer. #
- This may be my favorite @Pepsi ad ever! http://youtu.be/RTLVMKtn0Ew LOVE the audio and the visuals are fabulous. Bravo! #
- RT @PeteOlsen What are you up to today Amy? -//- about 5'4" #