- RT @MindfullyChange Very little is needed to make a happy life. It is all within yourself, in your way of thinking ~ Marcus Aurelius #
- RT @HaggisKiwi #ikeOS v4.5.0 available @ http://bit.ly/hbUZVn -//- Very Cool @Kuno Creative Client, If you are a #GIS / #GPS geek ck it out #
- Thanks Chad! RT @kuno: Social Media – The Big Picture #NewPost RT @CPollittIU #
- @ronaldskelton Thanks for responding. I’d love to take a look at the link. You don’t have to wear camouflage during the training, do you? #
- @joshgillespie Thanks! #
- @ronaldskelton =) #
- @blurDave At the risk of embarrassing myself, what is #MM ? I’m not quite sure to be thankful or insulted =) #
- RT @Eddie_Curry .. @ejmusgrave1 Anytime…anyplace! -/- It’s a trap, Elizabeth. Run away =) #
- Hey @KristieCapow ck this RT @StickerScan do you use business cards, put a QR code on back … http://goo.gl/oymMY #
- RT @SeanMcPheat “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn #fb #in #
- Hey @jmctigue and @CPollittIU Look who just started following me => @TwitSprout – I like their color scheme, so I’m checking ’em out. #
- RT @vknipper: If you’re a solid HTML/CSS developer in the Cleveland, OH area, @Kuno Creative has a great job for you: http://bit.ly/heXRZz #
- @TwitSprout ok… I’ll bite. Explain to me what a white label request is? #
- @kmullett LOL He did it on purpose because I wrote it =) http://bit.ly/gsGodT cc @CPollittIU #
- Cherry Blossom Run Attracts Widespread Congressional Support http://t.co/6aTdbCe #CreditUnions #
- Hey @crimsonhexagon U R mentioned in @Kuno Creative’s Blog- Social Media:The Big Picture http://bit.ly/gsGodT Did it show up as an alert 4 U #
- RT @jlisak This webinar will be referring to timing regarding posting, tweeting, emailing, etc. To follow the conversation, follow #timesci #
- @jlisak <waving> #
- RT @JasonFalls Everyone’s using social media, right? WRONG. Small biz 2nd half of 2010: 27% = Facebook, 7% =Twitter. More: http://ar.gy/CKR #
- Dan Zarrella #TimeSci Webinar Mixtapes http://t.co/JFqqg54 -//- Great idea, #GroovyMusic during an after party on twitter! #
- Nice seeing your avatar pop up in my stream, @VKnipper I just learned lots of great stuff during #timesci about tweeting frequency #
- @ejmusgrave1 Tech Sgt. Mark from @434ARW informed me we could not wear large sombreros during the Cinco de Mayo Social Media Fiesta Flight #
- haha RT @IndyBoomer @IndyCopierCat @AmyStark @KristieCapow I will be there at 5:30 and hope i don’t have to make new friends 🙂 #
- Hey Mary Pat, I don’t think @IndyCopierCat or @KristieCapow pays attention to the tweet stream. Let me know via twitter if plans change! #
- Ck my last tweet @IndyBoomer I made the mistake of not including you w/ your twitter handle. =) cc @IndyCopierCat @KristieCapow #
- Hey @HaggisKiwi I just emailed you the directions and jpg to change your twitter background. Let me know if you don’t receive it. #
- The email has 3 images inside plus an attachment @HaggisKiwi I hope things are going well for you this Wonderful Wednesday Morning! #NZTime #
- Good News & Bad News @IndyBoomer @IndyCopierCat @KristieCapow GN= Miss Thing made the choir she hoped for! BN = I can’t make it tonight =( #
- @ejmusgrave1 I’m pretty sure Tech Sgt. Mark will not allow adult beverages on board. No Booze. No Sombreros cc @434ARW #
- @typertist It is so nice to see your avatar pop up in my stream! Long time no tweet. I hope life is treating you well. #
- @TwitSprout I’m still not quite pickin’ up what you’re putting down. Could you send a link explaining the process and how it’s beneficial? #
- @OhDaddy @nikkivoelzke Waves back to everyone. I’m glad @typertist started the awesome wave earlier. #
- RT @JeffLast: @typertist @OhDaddy @nikkivoelzke Good Afternoon!-//- It has been a Good Afternoon, Indeed! #
- @kmullett right… I knew that part. I’m unclear what, “we can white Label FOR reports with your logo”. I’m being dense, aren’t I Kevin? #
- SOCIAL MEDIA: DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? http://bit.ly/e8aj8S #
- @CaraDafforn @CBalling I haven’t noticed a difference, either. Did you just now get NEW twitter? What App and device are you using? #
- @ejmusgrave1 I think paper tiaras might be ok. =) I can’t wait to tell you all about the #Indiana Social Media Summit and SMackdown Awards #
- RT @TwitSprout Happy to follow up by email / phone. Thanks Amy! -//- REALLY? You get lots of bonus points for using old technology <= Phone #
- @KristieCapow YES! Miss Thing is in The Accents -1 of only 2 competition choirs. It’s a Red Letter Day and we celebrated with @Fazolis #
- RT @ejmusgrave1 @434ARW Thanks for the follow! -//- Good Job Tech Sgt. Mark! =) #
- RT @IndyCopierCat: @AmyStark -//- did you forget what you were going to tweet, Carole =) Sorry I couldn’t cocktail with you girls tonight. #
- Social Media – The Big Picture http://t.co/eDGXlTp -//- thanks for the comment @sysomos — Hey @jmctigue and @CPollittIU -ck out sysomos.com #
- @sysomos is using their favorite tweet stream wisely http://twitter.com/#!/sysomos/favorites cc @jmctigue @CPollittIU #
- @40deuce I want to know WHY knowing your brand has a 70% Internet approval rating can increase sales. #
- @40deuce I’m not being argumentative… I’m really curious and would like to know a good answer if someone asks me the same question. #
- @40deuce no need to answer right away. We can have this conversation tomorrow during business hours. I just realized I almost missed #GLEE #
- Hey Thanks for the RT @mytnameischris http://bit.ly/e8aj8S Are you connected to @NancyMyrland ? She wrote the post and is a good friend. #
- haha “I thought adultery meant I was a dolt. You know, adoltery” #Glee #
- RT @CPollittIU: .. @kuno & @alexisexhibits webinar “Social Media Before, During & After Your Trade Show” => http://bit.ly/enr0nJ #
- RT @kniahynyckyj: RT @kuno: How a Small Company Overcame Social Media Reluctance http://bit.ly/g1SP2T … #
- RT @MarkMathson: @cpollittiu great article on avoiding social media burnout. So true, great advice man! http://ow.ly/4pEVI via @kuno #
- @windstream are you just residential? I thought you just bought @Norlight #Telecom and they sell/sold BIG Internet Pipes. #
- @windstream nice co-tag use, btw. #
- @windstream I used to work at Norlight. What’s up with the merger? Will Norlight folks still be in Evansville? #
- RT @loopdesk: Read about @Kuno in Ohio!!! They are now on LoopDesk along with business owners in over 60 countries! http://tiny.ly/LPWO #
- It made me haha again RT @Maulizasry: RT @AmyStark: haha “I thought adultery meant I was a dolt. You know, adoltery” #Glee #
- @CBalling Why doesn’t that surprise me? =) #
- RT @CBalling I use Twitbird Pro on my cell phone. -//- Do you like it? #
- @IndyCopierCat No worries! Miss Thing is becoming a bit of a Diva! #
- RT @ejmusgrave1 @434ARW Thanks for the follow! Will follow YOU anywhere…even to the skies at 400 mph on May 5 with @AmyStark -//- =) #
- RT … How a Small Company Overcame Social Media Reluctance http://bit.ly/g1SP2T RT @CPollittIU #
- How are things in #Wisconsin @tommytrc ? Are life and social media treating you well? Tell me something Good! http://youtu.be/TkJFodl9I1U #
- @ejmusgrave1 I’ll tell you all about the paper tiaras on Saturday night. #
- and worthy of a RT @BengtWendel worth reading! – The Anti-Predictor: A Chat with Mathematical Sociologist Duncan Watts http://bit.ly/dFPQWR #
- @DorothyDalton Thanks for the RT! I’ve found that if @BengtWendel tweets something is worth reading, it is! #
- Tech Sgt. Mark from @434ARW spoke highly of you, @RockyWalls #GUSFlt0511 cc @cjtheisen @roundpeg @davewoodson @bgkahuna ejmusgrave1 #
- I’m not going if they allow you to fly,@roundpeg cc @RockyWalls @cjtheisen @davewoodson @bgkahuna @ejmusgrave1 @434ARW #
- @davewoodson what???? I prefer we don’t mention fire anymore, ok? #GUSFlt0511 #
- haha RT @BgKahuna ..If there’s an engine problem, they’ll be plenty of hot air up there -//- a truer tweet was never tweeted. #
- @nook Thanks for the mention! #
- @windstream Did you find anything out about my Norlight Friends in #Evansville #
- T O M M Y ! ! ! RT@tommytrc whats good… Social media Managers are good! #Wisconsin -//- #Indiana #Ohio =) #
- @roundpeg I’m right there w/ ya, Lorraine.No more of that kind of talk cc @davewoodson @RockyWalls @cjtheisen @BgKahuna @ejmusgrave1 @434ARW #
- @CBalling I just saw the craziest thing… a pig flew by my window moments ago. =) Guess who has an iPhone4? <raising hand> #
- @davewoodson You are just trying to scare me, aren’t you? #
- @BgKahuna L right OL #
- We don’t have to wear pressurized suits #GUSFlt0511 @BgKahuna @davewoodson @roundpeg @RockyWalls @cjtheisen @BrKahuna @ejmusgrave1 @434ARW #
- @BgKahuna L right O L. Wow- I really missed one helluva conversation. Hey @gotchababy ck => http://youtu.be/0CB9SKCuVyU cc @RockyWalls #
- @ejmusgrave1 OK! I pulled you into the conversation that happened all day on twitter. Some wonderful crazy peeps flying w/ us #GUSFlt0511 #
- I hope you are well @gotchababy It was nice seeing your avatar pop up in my stream. I’m surprised you’re letting @BgKahuna go on #GUSFlt0511 #
- Hey @vnipper @JamiSchneider @CPollittIU @kniahynyckyj @chrisknipper do you know about @OhioInteractive ? #
- @gotchababy You make a great point! #GUSFlt0511 #
- @CBalling It’s the most expensive one, too! #
- @40deuce Mentioning me was a great way 2 suck me in2 your hours long twitter chat I just spent 20 mins reading.Is #smmeasure a weekly thing? #
- RT @CPollittIU Social Media activities fall into 3 major groups: Automated, Critical Thinking, Humanity http://bit.ly/er7gxG via @AmyStark #
- @BrennerMichael I appreciate the RT! Thanks! #
- Here we go again RT @BgKahuna Then I want to be fat Val Kilmer @ejmusgrave1 @RockyWalls @roundpeg @cjtheisen @434ARW @zacharydowns #
- RT @ejmusgrave1 Didn’t Goose die? And Maverick lost it? … Do your homework kids, @434ARW #
- RT @KarenMHeck In Pictures: 15 Cities Where Economies Are Getting Worse – Forbes – http://tinyurl.com/4jnchhw #
- @roundpeg RE:”flu this thong” what in the heck is that, Lorraine? cc @BgKahuna @ejmusgrave1 @rockywalls @cjtheisen @434arw @zacharydowns #
- @kristina64 I know, right? What does “flu this thong” mean? I’m not sure how to use it in a sentence. #
- haha RT @RockyWalls LOL RT @kristina64: @roundpeg @BgKahuna @ejmusgrave1 @rockywalls @cjtheisen @434arw @zacharydowns flu this thong? #
- @chadrichards Stark Naked was my nickname in college, #
- @chadrichards but my nickname had nothing to do with the skinny dipping incident after the Huey Lewis and the News concert. #
- Wow, @@dheil1970 This looks great! R U getting the response you hoped for http://www.go-cfi.org/ cc @CFIINC #
- RT @chrisbrogan Fun: go to Google and type in “helvetica” and search. #
- @ChrisKnipper As far I as can tell you get a trophy, a certificate suitable for framing and recognition from your peers. #
- Well worth 2.35 minutes. Go Dawgs! http://es.pn/fFcZFI cc @ButlerBlue @Butler @ESPN #
- Facebook, Zuckerberg Sued For $1 Billion After Not Removing A Page Fast Enough http://t.co/KNp8SaT via @techcrunch #
- @lindaAWI thanks so much for your #Women 2 #follownow recommendation, Linda. I will send a #ff right back at you. #
- @indysawmill are you one of those peeps passionate about Comic Sans? #
- #FF @CPollittIU because he is relentless when it comes to blog posts. He’s a blogging machine! #
- Thank you most kindly for your RTs, mentions and #FFs @MaryDreesen @jc__russell @BrittineyZ and @GrandmaOnDeck I hope you have a great day! #
- @indysawmill I would classify hate as very passionate. What have you got against Comic Sans anyhow? What’s it ever done to you? =) #
- Hey @vknipper and @WaltWinchel – How do you feel about comic sans? Are you haters? #
- @CFIinc This non-profit is having a “Give Us A New Name” contest and the prize is an iPad http://bit.ly/4F6JhY -#NPIdeas cc @HildyGottlieb #
- Thanks so much for listing me among amazing folks, @simon_youth You just made my day! #ff @Simon_Youth – they use vortex banks. =) #
- If I’ve never seen U before -and U ask me 2 click a link in a tweet containing several other tweeters I don’t know- I ignore U #
- @ejmusgrave1 I went Amish for a day. Sometimes I have to digitally disconnect. I’m envious of your swiftness in writing. What a great post #
- Me too! RT @ejmusgrave1 Enjoyed Girls’ night company & chocolate goodies. http://bit.ly/h5TDfg -//- what fun indeed! Thanks for inviting me. #
- @ejmusgrave1 as I mentioned it’s the first time anyone’s ever invited me to see a show @BeefandBoards =) Is Caroline on twitter? #
- @firebelly @chadrichards I used to introduce myself that way. No one forgot my name after that. #ItWasAHook — Not biographical. #
- @firebelly @chadrichards I’m happy that @YouTube and @facebook weren’t around when I went to college. #
- @ChrisKnipper I think JAI could win for Social Media Interactive Giveaway cc @CPollittIU @vknipper @jmctigue #
- Thanks for your kind #ff shout outs! @typertist @ThillLogistics @MaryDreesen #FantabulousFriday I’m #grateful =) Have a great week! #
- @ejmusgrave1 It was wonderful to see so many old friends. Reminded me of who I was in my twenties. A whole lifetime ago, really. #
- @ejmusgrave1 I’m going to find that picture of Seven Brides with Curt Dale Clark and Doug King. It will make you smile. #