- @indyboomer I'm thrilled that you have kept your commitment to send me an @mention every business day. It's the only way to learn. #
- @indyboomer Can't wait to see what major award I'll receive at Houlihan's today. =) #
- @BeefandBoards I LOVED Spelling Bee. Amazing talent on stage and funny! Miss Thing loved it, too. I can't WAIT for Hairspray =) #
- @BeefandBoards I forgot to mention, Bob Burchfield aka @AroundIndy commended you on your promptness at sending releases last week… #
- @BeefandBoards @AroundIndy is impressed w/ the completeness of press kits. He's just sad U can't get pics to him sooner, but he understands. #
- Hey @DanaMNelson I've been in twitter blackout working on 2 prezi's. Did you enjoy meeting @DrThomasHo ? He's a good guy. #
- @GrandmaOnDeck thnx 4 the RT. Edgar Bergen is the only ventriloquist I've ever enjoyed until I found Paul Zerdin – wasn't it fun? #
- RT @CBalling "Social networking under fresh attack as tide of cyber-scepticism sweeps US" http://is.gd/eDRqxl #
- It makes me sad you won't be there Wednesday @aplaceonthelake It's always a pleasure to see you. #
- Forget ego stroking @robbyslaughter -I just like the hugs! –/– cc @aplaceonthelake #
- Pope warns of alienation risk in social networks http://reut.rs/fUuPVg -//- and yet http://www.pope2you.net just went live. #irony #
- @aplaceonthelake I'll hold you to that! See you tomorrow! =) #
- #Indiana Asks if Companies R 'Illinnoyed' http://bit.ly/gliw2Q Hey @daltonsbriefs RU asking Chicago folk if they R Illinnoyed? #
- @AroundIndy #Indy Today: Devour Downtown Winterfest, daily thru Feb. 5. http://bit.ly/5vbEvX #Indianapolis #Indiana #
- RT @IndyBeards Feeling left out ladies? No need. Even gals can join in the fun. http://beardteamusa.org/btusa/samantha-rae/ #
- @JimmyDanielsEsq If you aren't already – you should connect w/ @nancymyrland and @KLFlegal <= source of good info. #
- Thanks for the follow @howieperks – my sis lives in San Diego and my oldest Brother's name is Howie. Coincidence? =) #
- Hey @PreziSupport This makes me very sad =( -/- PreziError id: 2000 the reason is: ErrorEvent ioError Error #2124 -/- HELP! #
- @edeckers -You were correct about Spelling Bee @BeefandBoards . Miss Thing and I saw the Sunday Matinee. It was great! #
- RT @KLFLegal: Renewed Push to Give Obama an Internet "Kill Switch" http://ow.ly/3Jwc6 -//- #NetNeutrality cc @dszp @indygeeknet @codatory #
- @DrThomasHo Yes, I knew a little something about it. There's some weirdness about SMCIndy – Would love to fb chat about it w/ U sometime #
- Hey @indyboomer I'll give you a call later today. Yesterday got a little crazy with wrapping up my prezis. Keep the tweets comin' girl =) #
- Hey @Starla_West and @momentumsm Thanks for the shout outs yesterday. That was mighty neighborly! #
- @jmctigue I was a little braggadocios about and my "big" numbers until I looked at your stats. Over 1,000 lists. Now that's impressive. #
- RT @CBalling "The Unconventional Harvest" An interesting #book by @follownathan. He's interesting too. Engaging. -//- I'll check it out. =) #
- Thanks John! RT @jmctigue Just downloaded a free copy of The Tweeter's Almanac: http://bit.ly/dD9aHs -/-It's amazing how dated it already is #
- RT @CBalling @talipa2012 Like intercourse is an inefficient & goofy way to get a wife pregnant? Enjoy inefficiencies!-//-what prompted that? #
- @seppichdaily – What's the twitter handle for A2Z. The food was amazing – as a locally owned restaurant – I'd like to give them exposure #
- @talipa2012 haha me too! That's why I asked. @CBalling is a bit anti-progress. And much younger than his tweets would suggest. =) #
- If A = success in life, Then A = X + Y + Z. Work = X :: Y is play :: and Z is keeping your mouth shut #I lt;3Einstein
Albert Einstein #
- Real listening is a willingness to let the other person change you. -Alan Alda #
- I'm just glad I got a hug @aplaceonthelake =) I will need your services in 2 years, btw. I want a lake-house in NE #Indiana #
- Hey @gotchababy It was wonderful seeing U @a2zcafe Tues night. Great food and Great discussion w/ @pamelareilly1 . I'm glad 2 know you both. #
- Hey @indyval @gotchababy @pamelareilly1 @seppichdaily @msswank Are you all up for a panel discussion @a2zcafe Flipcam recorded for @YouTube? #
- Belated thanks for the Egypt / #netneutrality tweet @KLFLegal I went Amish for a couple of days. #
- @KLFLegal Repressive regimes always LOVE to control the flow of information. That will become increasingly difficult #Iran #Tunisia #Egypt #
- @JimmyDanielsEsq It was my way of saying, "Thanks for the follow!" @nancymyrland and @KLFLegal are trustworthy tweeters. #
- @GrandmaOnDeck a Belated thank you right back! You add real value to the twitter-verse. #
- haha RT @talipa2012 @CBalling … I won't lie still a little creeped out.-//- you guys R cracking me up. @CBalling is a good guy, btw. #
- @CBalling you're right, not everything IS progress. But -from a historical perspective- our species has made some improvements #
- haha #I lt;3Realtors RT @sandrarichard and my motto: never miss an oppty to shut up! If realtors did this they might have more biz. #
- I'm thinking out loud @indyval Whenever we can all set up a time to have a late lunch! and @pamelareilly1 –Topic #IndySocialMediaChicks #
- @pamelareilly1 @indyval @gotchababy @seppichdaily @msswank #IndySocialMediaChicks or "Babes" @a2zcafe Roundtable Discussion #
- Beauty is all around. RT @ResourcefulMom View from my deck this morning. http://twitpic.com/3tv2xj #
- Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. – Oscar Wilde #
- @pamelareilly1 @gotchababy and I had a great social media conversation going on when we were @ @a2zcafe cc @seppichdaily @msswank @indyval #
- @MsSwank @pamelareilly1 @indyval @gotchababy @seppichdaily after I left I thought it would be cool to do a panel chat and flipcam it… => #
- @MsSwank @indyval @seppichdaily Just sharing ideas, chatting, spontaneously like @pamelareilly1 @gotchababy and I did and flip-camming it. #
- @HildyGottlieb Inside peek at a celebrity charity that is making a huge difference http://is.gd/6OP0kf (Pls RT) #
- RT @vknipper What can marketers .. learn from lawyers .. http://bit.ly/hnQ5nS -//- do U follow @NancyMyrland , Vanessa? #
- Great Post – worth reading RT @jmctigue Why I'm Following You on Twitter (Or Not)… http://ow.ly/1b2Tl5 -//- my standards, too, btw. #
- #Indiana sunsets can take your breath away. http://twitgoo.com/1xz4pe #
- RT @andrewbonar Everything ██is████ ████ ███fine ███ █ ███ love. ██ █████ the ███ Egypt ██ ████ government █ #Egypt #censorship #
- @MsSwank Not trying 2 prove anything-I enjoyed the chat & learned some things from @gotchababy & @pamelareilly1 thought others could benefit #
- Hey @LeePings and @ScLoHo tnx 4 the RT. I'm so glad I have my camera/phone w/ me at all times now to capture fleeting moments like that one #
- RT @zeepaduganan Egypt is the headlines of every news website! #cairo #egipto #
- Amazing Live coverage http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ cc @drthomasho #
- @jmctigue Hi right back at ya, John! It was a great conversation. #FreightTrain cc @ChrisKnipper @CPollittIU #
- If you are not watching twitter trends => Five of them are about the Egypt: Hilary Clinton, Mubarak, Cairo, Egypt, #egipto #
- Thanks 4 the #ff mentions @a2zcafe @pamelareilly1 @naptownbuzz @LindsayManfredi @AroundIndy @ScotTolin @kmullett @GregCooper I <3 #Indiana #
- More #ff thanks. Right back at ya, @jc__russell @CarmelBruce @LeePings @lindaAWI @djtrend @ellen5e Mighty Neighborly of you. #
- RT @mideastmedia …'Made in USA' printed on canister used by #Egypt police… http://yfrog.com/h7a0dvj -//-this makes me sad #
- RT @diyzh RT @freemoren 图:随着警方已经离散了市中心,开罗平民在路上指挥交通 #egypt .. http://yfrog.com/h3lhgmj -//- global grassroots communications #
- thousands of ISPs + decentralized ownership of infrastructure = net neutrality http://is.gd/Z6tUPa cc @KLFLegal @dszp @Indygeeknet #
- @lindaAWI That's great Linda! Send me a link to RT when you're ready to go live. #
- Thanks for the mention @jonswerens It always makes me feel good to be grouped in a #ff with #FortWayne peeps -//- thnx again @kmullett =) #
- RT @jmguardia Great cartoon on #Egypt at UK's The Times- via @danieltercero @basteiro http://twitpic.com/3uhsdc -//- #peace #
- Bio RT @genuinegal … has a passion for relationship marketing, behavioral science and all things genuine -//- thnx 4 follow, nice bio! #
- RT @BenLEllis RT @AnthonyCumia Breaking News. Peace talks begin in Egypt. First photos. http://yfrog.com/h2k3sjnj #
- "Omar Suleiman (Arabic: عمر سليمان) (born July 2, 1936) is the current Vice-President of Egypt" <=Wikipedia is ALREADY Updated #
- Omar Suleiman is now Vice President of #Egypt Live coverage: http://aje.me/ajelive …=> Promoted by Al Jazeera English #ad ? #
- RT @ShubnumKhan Political cartoon. Free to use but please credit me. #Egypt #Tunisia http://twitpic.com/3uilm9 #
- Powerful Image RT @theplayethic The human wall protecting Cairo museum. So beautiful http://yfrog.com/h7h2fwj #egypt #
- Welcome Back! RT @beleidy The data connection on my mobinil mobile phone is working, Egypt is getting back online #Jan25 #
- RT @rsgrice In #Egypt they are protesting corruption, poverty, unemployment. In the US we protesting the end of football season #
- @KM_Zencat FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @MervetteImam FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @whitehouse FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @rsgrice FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @CBSNews FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @EDSETIADI FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @marcelobarajas FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @7AmDa FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @mand0z FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @zeenat FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @SaleemaGul FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @lurainpenny FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @ajtalk FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @wsjworldnews FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- @MarkClayson FYI you are quoted in my story http://storify.com/amystark/internet-cell-phone-blackout-the-straw-that-broke- #
- Please forgive blast, but I like the idea of letting people know when I quote them in a storify http://bit.ly/fyZjL1 #Egypt #
- ugh – @BengtWendel just told me my storify link doesn't work =( You can get Final Straw storify here: http://bit.ly/fyZjL1 #Egypt #
- @rsgrice You're from Starkville aren't you =) #
- Please forgive the link @MervetteImam try this one=> http://bit.ly/fyZjL1 @Storify did not post a complete link in the automated message =( #
- I seem to have lost the capacity to amplify from firefox… What Up With That? I jumped through the hoops in th (cont) http://bit.ly/gBYpPp #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Novelty Dances: The Rejects http://youtu.be/crNx9mArhW8?a #
- haha @BeefandBoards http://ht.ly/3MyUG Bravissimo @willhutcheson and Sam. <Hey @NancyMyrland my little seed finally took root> #
- RT @QRCodeART RT @amystark check this out. #IN_SM10 plaque on Twitpic: http://is.gd/lvRHJK -//- ck this @signaramaevv #
- @BeefandBoards Beef and Blogs is Brilliant, btw. #