- RT @SteveGarretson Admiring the sunrise… — at Major General Emmett J. Bean Federal Center http://gowal.la/c/3gCiV #
- @cjtheisen do you think it was more? I want to be as accurate as possible. Everyone except for me was a guess. #
- @cjtheisen @kmullett LOL #
- @kmullett Really it was a total guess on my part -is 8 closer? =) #
- @cjtheisen @kmullett It's important we count 2 show a potential supporter how a little focused time -can turn into tons of exposure and fun #
- @AmyStark I've quoted you in my story, check it out: http://storify.com/amystark/smackdown-domain – cc @drthomasho @cballing #
- @noahwesley I've quoted you in my story, check it out: http://storify.com/amystark/smackdown-domain – cc @drthomasho @cballing #
- Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.~Eleanor Roosevelt Wisdom in 84 Characters #
- @mike_gingerich I think the @tabsite worked beautifully. Do you promote it as a landing website alternative or add on to a website? #
- @mike_gingerich I liked the idea of using only free social media platforms too, but I see real value in having a stand-alone site. #
- NWI Representing at the Indiana Social Media Summit http://t.co/7XyMrvh via @ValpoLife cc @ripsup @davewoodson #
- RT @mike_gingerich 71% Of U.S. Web Users Are On Facebook: Infgraphic renderings of #fb demographics by iStrategyLabs http://bit.ly/gGIZOm #
- Taking the N out of Huckleberry Fin http://bit.ly/fRXJKd #
- RT @GregCooper Previewing a vacant home & floor seems to be moving. Oh wait, they're FLEAS. Have I mentioned I hate FLEAS? #
- Great 2C @GregCooper today @ H&C. As I left I saw a pig fly over the roof of the Vogue. Prolly because @edeckers was NOT there. #
- Fave SMackdown tweet #6 RT @ripsup RT @bgkahuna ..Vote early & often #IN_SM10 <-Hey, that's our motto from up here in Chicagoland, thieves. #
- @edeckers Wow! then that WAS a pig flying over the Vogue. I was wondering if you were just in the bathroom for a long time. #
- New @storify story: #INdiana Social Media Summit and SMackdown Awards – Top 10 Tweets by @amystark http://t.co/LFyqyRm #
- @johnpwooton It was a great meeting today, too, sorry you missed it. They are a good group of caring people. #
- RT @DayNurseryIndy RT @PeteThePlanner I will give $10 per Colts point 2 the charity that appears on my twitter & fb walls most by Sat 12p #
- Hey @DayNurseryIndy craft an easily RTable tweet- then send it in an @mention to influencers asking them 2 RT it 4 U cc @PeteThePlanner #
- @RobbysLaughter & @kmullett this is a template to use for the SMackdown digital kit http://www.shespeaks.com/ownbloggertoolkit #OWNtalk #
- Checkout "Dominate Your Destiny Indy Business Conference" http://t.co/FYq8fxr via @eventbrite #
- What's the tweet on the street about http://cmp.ly ? @douglaskarr @kmullett @ripsup @natfinn @firebelly @dszp #
- thnx 4 the delicious links- great info, @kmullett but I was wondering about using http://comp.ly specifically. Feels like creative commons #
- @CBalling The '87 Berry piece was interesting. I wonder how he would have felt in 1450 about the printing press? Time marches on! #
- @DanaMNelson I've been thinking about you and sending positive energy southward. Take Care! #
- Bio RT @HelpMyResume 's mission is to assist [the unemployed]… by offering a free resume rewriting service. 501(c)3 #
- Thanks for the follow, @DanHajji If you don't already follow @NancyMyrland , you would be smart to connect with her. #
- RT @DennyCoates "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." – Chinese Proverb #
- @kmullett right! I was just wondering if http://comp.ly had a good reputation or not? #
- You can lead a person to twitter, but you can't make him tweet. #
- My Favorite SEO Tools for 2011 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DouglasKarr/~3/vsP5E8LF1EA/ -/- @douglaskarr <= Smart Central #Indiana Geek #
- RT @nancymyrland THE MOST EFFECTIVE SOCIAL MEDIA TOOL YOU NEED IN 2011 IS…. http://bit.ly/hTOa3M -//- must read from a good peep. #
- 2 pgs is ok @rickyleepotts Lots of digital resume scanning for keywords. If something isn't there, the scanner weeds you out real fast. #
- I disagree @Slingshot_SEO twitter is for everyone- because of its reach, and the fact it's the largest bridging social capital group EVER! #
- @Slingshot_SEO PLUS twitter teaches U 2 express a thought in 140 characters or less-an increasingly important skill 4 every organization #
- Sorry I whipped out my twitter soapbox, @Slingshot_SEO That's twice in two days. I did the same thing yesterday when I met w/ @GregCooper #
- Thanks @planningforever @DanaMNelson and @SweetSoaps for the RT. @drthomasho was right, twitter is the most subtle SM platform #
- @DanaMNelson LOL Yes Dana can testify to the fierceness with which I whip out my twitter soapbox. cc @Slingshot_SEO @GregCooper #
- @Slingshot_SEO LOL I grew up in Ft. Wayne about 10 minutes outside of Amish Country. I love Amish Farmer's Markets. #
- @Slingshot_SEO The sooner businesses learn 2 digitally communicate w/ their customers in 140 characters or less, the better. #
- @Slingshot_SEO U R right, some people will resist change no matter what. But I can always hope =) cc @DanaMNelson @GregCooper #
- RT @CPollittIU #WOW – Words of Wisdom RT @AmyStark: You can lead a person to twitter, but you can't make him tweet. -//- thank U Chad #
- haha @kmullett Last time I drove 2 Smucker's farm, I saw at least one peep with a cell phone. I <3 the #Amish cc @Slingshot_SEO #
- @NickiLaycoax Since I believe EVERY organization can benefit from practicing their short messaging skills… #
- @NickiLaycoax ..I encourage EVERYONE to jump in the largest Bridging Social Capital Group in the recorded history of our species. #
- @kmullett they just don't like buttons =) The Amish totally rock. Their views on forgiveness are quite profound and brilliant. #
- @NickiLaycoax I want your grandma to tweet. I want my 85 yr old mom to tweet, too. They could add value to the conversation. #
- Dear Shawn, Please stop sending @mention ads to people whose name appears in a tweet with one of your keywords #TwitterFauxPas #
- RT @paulcastain Prospecting Tip: Listen to comedy before calling. Note the difference when you are in a great mood! #salesplaybook #
- @Slingshot_SEO @DanaMNelson @johnpwooton Thank goodness @GregCooper was wearing protective gear when I whipped out my soapbox #
- Hey @BengtWendel Great post from a good person Ck http://bit.ly/hTOa3M @NancyMyrland is a long time friend. She gets it, too. #
- RT @edeckers @andreadill just got the very last ticket 2 the #BrandingYourself book launch. We're going 2 the waiting list now. #
- RT @sbh_bruce Want a great job with advancement opportunities? Scotty's @brewhouse is hiring. Apply online today. http://tinyurl.com/2c96c58 #
- @CaraDafforn I adore the pickled green beans Cara. Just opened 'em today. @jojosmojo said your crock-pot concoction is fab, too #
- To be conscious that we are perceiving or thinking is to be conscious of our own existence~Aristotle (Descartes was a copycat) #
- Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. ~Will Rogers #
- RT @chrisbrogan A Scary Admission | My Escape Velocity http://bit.ly/fHmz9d #
- thnx for the heads up, @DrThomasHo I met @jeffstanger at #IN_SM10 as a matter of fact. #
- REALLY? @helpmyresume @rickyleepotts U both agree – Resume = one page only? Maybe I need to reconsider. #
- @CaraDafforn I just found a neighbor who has an extra crock pot who'll just give me one. She's a caterer – I mentioned URelish #
- @CBalling maybe I'm a Pollyanna, but we are making progress. Ck out @HansRosling – he'll cheer you right up! #
- Hey @paulcastain Have you ever trained a B2B sales team on how to use social media to network virtually? #SM4B2Bsales <-I just made that up #
- @jojosmojo I think you should devise a green approach to tie dying and retail them for $75. I'm not even kidding. #
- Рождеством Христовым is a TT? I can't wait 4 the day @twitter introduces an automatic translator into the cloud. #
- Huckleberry Finn continues to trend -3rd day! Messing with a classic really touched a digital nerve with tweeters. #
- 25 Tweeple to Follow Who Will Make You a Better Inbound Marketer http://t.co/6mdc5s5 I'm honored, @CPollittIU #
- Look at me all growed up and appearing in lists w/ the likes of @MariSmith @KylePLacy @HubSpot … and @kmullett Thanks again @CPollittIU #
- Narcissistic RT @CPollittIU 25 Tweeple to Follow Who Will Make You a Better Inbound Marketer http://t.co/6mdc5s5 #
- How To Get What You Want – part 1 – http://bit.ly/g5JE9s by @BengtWendel #
- @rickyleepotts Do you have a PDF to send? I'd love to see it. Amy at Stark reAlity Check dot com #
- RT @REALTORFnd [Amy] PLEASE RT 🙂 And @PeteThePlanner will give $10 for ea Colts point to @REALTORFnd to help the homeless #givecreatively #
- @REALTORFnd Thanks for asking me in the public-timeline. It gave you twice the tweets because I always thank @mentions . cc @PeteThePlanner #
- @woodycollins R U in #Indiana or the Congo? I took your advice and "got this party started!" Let's have coffee =) #IN_SM10 #
- @ripsup I still hold the hope @CPollittIU will see the error of his ways and move back to "God's Country" -as my father referred 2 #Indiana #
- @CaraDafforn Savory and spicy! Miss Thing – my 15 yr old – likes spicy things. Me, too! #
- #ff @lindaAWI She's passionate about empowering and enriching #Women #039;s Lives – I've a feeling AWI will kick-ass in 2011 #
- @CBalling Hmmm interesting case of misinterpreting sentiment. I picked up a cranky vibe. Mia Culpa =) Puccinni's soon? #
- @paulcastain If U were selling "SM virtual networking" 2 a B2B sales manager, what blog post would U recommend they read #SM4B2Bsales #
- Taking the N out of Huckleberry Fin | http://t.co/HWHrNCt -//- Ck Cissi Sherlock's comment. Brilliant! Is she on twitter yet? #
- @paulcastain 1) learn and get comfortable with SM 2) connect with industry specific influencers 3) promote an upcoming tech event #
- Twitter is one giant Dr. Seuss book in the making. #
- @jeffstanger Is there a convenient parking spot REAL close by? #
- @Indytina amen sister! cc @rickyleepotts #
- RT @joeporterme I do not like twitter in a boat or in a moat. I do not like it with sam i am. No, I do not like twitter w/ green eggs & ham #
- 3KindsOfPeeps: Those who Make things happen, Those who Watch it happen, & Those who ask,"What just happened?" @Hazewalker quote #
- U Both Rock @paulcastain & @barbaragiamanco ! What a fabulous little Social Media vignette to add to my #SM4B2Bsales pitch! thnx! #
- New story: #SM4B2Bsales by @amystark http://t.co/qfqQN8m cc @PaulCastain @BarbaraGiamanco #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — #Indiana #039;s Most INfluential Social Media Dame 2010 – Nico… http://youtu.be/8zmjt__riXM?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — #Indiana #039;s Most INfluential Social Media Dame 2010 – Nic… http://youtu.be/8zmjt__riXM?a #
- …Batman! Holy Moly! http://t.co/sAkmGz1 via @typertist -/- For those who remember the 60s TV show… this is HILARIOUS! #
- I appreciate the #ff shout outs, @rgrosskett @jc__russell @Typertist and @WebGrrrrl I hope 2011 brings you all you desire. #
- @ripsup @CPollittIU On the whole I've found #Indiana folk to be caring and ethical. NOT all-but most. Few states have that characteristic. #
- @DannyKindle I've quoted you in my story, I hope you don't mind. http://storify.com/amystark/jim-irsay-insm10-grooviest-sm-nominee #IN_SM10 #
- @j88ess I've quoted you in my story, I hope you don't mind. http://storify.com/amystark/jim-irsay-insm10-grooviest-sm-nominee #IN_SM10 #
- @JimIrsay I've quoted you in my story, I hope you don't mind. http://storify.com/amystark/jim-irsay-insm10-grooviest-sm-nominee #IN_SM10 #
- @HoosierMP I've quoted you in my story, I hope you don't mind. http://storify.com/amystark/jim-irsay-insm10-grooviest-sm-nominee #IN_SM10 #
- @FacesMyFav I've quoted you in my story, I hope you don't mind. http://storify.com/amystark/jim-irsay-insm10-grooviest-sm-nominee #IN_SM10 #
- @aaronrlinn I've quoted you in my story, I hope you don't mind. http://storify.com/amystark/jim-irsay-insm10-grooviest-sm-nominee #IN_SM10 #
- Sorry for the @Storify link blast. I thought it would post only one tweet. =( "I D ten T" error #
- 25 Tweeple to Follow Who Will Make You a Better Inbound Marketer http://t.co/6mdc5s5 -//- @CPollittIU I just changed my twitter bio. Ck it! #
- A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of. –Jane Austen haha #quote #
- Hey @CaraDafforn ck this http://www.soupswap.com My friend Jane from Expressive Cutouts found this <= on facebook #