My knee jerk reaction was, “How can anyone think of changing this classic piece of literature?” After I read this article it moved me to, “I see both sides and understand they are attempting to resuscitate a declining readership of this amazing story in schools, but how can anyone think of changing this classic piece of literature?”
Amplify’d from
Twain scholar Alan Gribben and NewSouth Books plan to release a version of Huckleberry Finn, in a single volume with The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, that does away with the “n” word (as well as the “in” word, “Injun”) by replacing it with the word “slave.”
See this Amp at
My friend Cissi Sherlock posted this response on my facebook wall regarding the N dilema in Huckleberry Fin:
From Cissi Sherlock!/operationopenup.cissisherlock :
My question would be, “Are they going to take the “N” out of aklex Haley’s Roots? Are they going to take the “N” out of the history of America?
I have big problem myself fiddling with history and classics, no matter the argument. It got u…s to where we are today an no one, TODAY, can change that facT. Poo-poo on that crap of changing “how it is expressed in the 21st century.”
This is the same ideology behind not having losers in a little league game or giving the same trophy to all the girls who ran for prom queen. This is the same crap thought pattern that got prayer taken out schools. One person didn’t like it so they moved to make us all live by their personal doctrines.
America is the land of the free, but being represented as a land of woosies who can’t stand the truth and who don’t respect how we gloriously got to where we are today. Next thing you know, they will be taking the “N” word out of The Diary of Anne Frank. Nazi! Or other words, n or otherwise, from key places.
Well, I have an “N” word for those people who want to skewer the facts, history and literature, i.e.: my life. NEVER!
“1984” (George Orwell) has come and gone and we are still here….but for how long for our minds will be changed to putty by those wanting to control our every move, thought and perception.
Thank you! I’ll sit down now!!!!
Tuesday at 14:54