Twitter Updates for 2010-01-07

@sushirevenge Thanks for the #TweetersAlmanac plug. Please keep in mind some of the data is old, even though it was accurate in August 09 in reply to sushirevenge # @prebynski It's a New Year's Miracle.Thank you SO much 4 adding that plugin to my blog....

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-06

@robbyslaughter I went to the site. I didn't like google ads, or the aesthetic value PLUS they don't offer jobs in #Indiana in reply to robbyslaughter # @robbyslaughter My desire 2 C #Indiana succeed isn't just lip-service.Unless there is...

#Tweetsgiving 2009 – What are you thankful for?

I was blessed to grow up in NE Indiana in a Norman Rockwell-like atmosphere surrounded by family who knew how to laugh and how to love unconditionally. Thanksgiving always included turkey, apple-pie, plenty of wine, and home-made noodles over mashed potatoes...

Statewide social media initiative to increase Indiana’s visibility on twitter December 3, 2009 (12:30pm EST / 11:30am CST) tweeters from the banks of the Ohio River to the shores of Lake Michigan will donate one minute to the future of our state by sending a...

Brilliant use of real time twitter training

While minding my own business on a un-eventful Thursday, I began to receive a number of tweets with a common theme.  I captured some of the tweets in the image you see on the  left. Gregory Cross of Cross Creative was giving a twitter training and he told all of his...

I’m a micro-blogger —

..but not an expert blogger, yet. If you are visiting the site to order The 2009 Tweeter’s Almanac – First Edition: The Great #Indiana Initiative of Aught Nine, please be patient as I work through some paypal hurdles. If you must have a copy RIGHT NOW you...