Twitter Updates for 2010-01-20

@BuckarooIndy Thanks 4 offering 2 help w/ my PDF dilemma, Deb. It's all good now. How RU doing? I hope you & yours are well & happy! # You honor me with your mention, @davewoodson Please tell the #TweetersAlmanac winner to put it on the back of the toilet...

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-19

@RockPlanck I registered because you asked me so nicely. Plus @DaveWoodson will be there! R there any other groovy #nwindiana peeps comin'? in reply to RockPlanck # @twestivalteam It would be great if you could followback so I can DM my e-mail. in reply to...

Overview of Communication History

On the chart below you will find new technologies that enhanced our way to spread a message. x = the documented year it was introduced y = the number of years for the new technology to reach 50 Million users Verbal communications? 65,000,000 BCE Cave drawings 30,000...

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-18

THNX @DaltonsBriefs I am truly humbled. I've been diligently working on a communications timeline and haven't paid attention to Shorty's yet # Fabulous Idea about getting #Indiana2Trend in conjunction with #MyColts, @BgKahuna and @bcimages . The #Colts...

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-16

East is East, West is West, and never the twain shall meet~Rudyard Kipling -/ /- I wonder what Rudyard would say about twitter? # A rose among the thorns. =) Thanks @CPollittIU # Stop everything and #FollowFriday @CPollittIU -he "gets" it, he's from my...

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-15

If you are in Central #Indiana, please take a moment to look at the sunrise. Truly breathtaking. # @beckypruitt @BrianMJessen @mmercenary Wasn't it amazing? Thanks for the RTs and comments. # @mmercenary When I saw it there was more purple on top and a full range...

Compelling reasons behind Get #Indiana2Trend

The other day Joe Shoemaker wondered publicly on twitter why it was important to get #Indiana2Trend. From Joe: “I really don’t understand the need to have #Indiana as a trending topic. Seems synthetic to just add it haphazardly in tweets.” I answered on twitter...

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-14

@CPollittIU Hey Chad- could U ask the winner to put the #TweetersAlmanac on the back of the families' hometown toilet? # RT @IndianaChamber #Indiana Sports Corp.: Landing World Cup matches could pump $300-$500 million into Indy area # Hey...

Twitter Updates for 2010-01-12

I can't wait to write this blog @natfinn @jojosmojo @bcimages @BgKahuna @robbyslaughter @ScooterSMD @NickiLaycoax @sushirevenge @ripsup # @ChadRichards was kind enough to show my how to NOT send all tweets to update my facebook page. Thanks Chad! # @chadrichards...