by Amy Stark | Jan 20, 2010 | My Tweets
@BuckarooIndy Thanks 4 offering 2 help w/ my PDF dilemma, Deb. It's all good now. How RU doing? I hope you & yours are well & happy! # You honor me with your mention, @davewoodson Please tell the #TweetersAlmanac winner to put it on the back of the toilet...
by Amy Stark | Jan 19, 2010 | My Tweets
@RockPlanck I registered because you asked me so nicely. Plus @DaveWoodson will be there! R there any other groovy #nwindiana peeps comin'? in reply to RockPlanck # @twestivalteam It would be great if you could followback so I can DM my e-mail. in reply to...
by Amy Stark | Jan 18, 2010 | Shift Happens
On the chart below you will find new technologies that enhanced our way to spread a message. x = the documented year it was introduced y = the number of years for the new technology to reach 50 Million users Verbal communications? 65,000,000 BCE Cave drawings 30,000...
by Amy Stark | Jan 18, 2010 | My Tweets
THNX @DaltonsBriefs I am truly humbled. I've been diligently working on a communications timeline and haven't paid attention to Shorty's yet # Fabulous Idea about getting #Indiana2Trend in conjunction with #MyColts, @BgKahuna and @bcimages . The #Colts...
by Amy Stark | Jan 16, 2010 | My Tweets
East is East, West is West, and never the twain shall meet~Rudyard Kipling -/ /- I wonder what Rudyard would say about twitter? # A rose among the thorns. =) Thanks @CPollittIU # Stop everything and #FollowFriday @CPollittIU -he "gets" it, he's from my...
by Amy Stark | Jan 15, 2010 | My Tweets
If you are in Central #Indiana, please take a moment to look at the sunrise. Truly breathtaking. # @beckypruitt @BrianMJessen @mmercenary Wasn't it amazing? Thanks for the RTs and comments. # @mmercenary When I saw it there was more purple on top and a full range...
by Amy Stark | Jan 14, 2010 | Shift Happens
The other day Joe Shoemaker wondered publicly on twitter why it was important to get #Indiana2Trend. From Joe: “I really don’t understand the need to have #Indiana as a trending topic. Seems synthetic to just add it haphazardly in tweets.” I answered on twitter...
by Amy Stark | Jan 14, 2010 | My Tweets
@CPollittIU Hey Chad- could U ask the winner to put the #TweetersAlmanac on the back of the families' hometown toilet? # RT @IndianaChamber #Indiana Sports Corp.: Landing World Cup matches could pump $300-$500 million into Indy area # Hey...
by Amy Stark | Jan 13, 2010 | Shift Happens
Introduction What type of life do you think Stephen W. Hawking would have experienced if he had lived in the early 19th Century? How many ideas have been lost over time, simply because there was no outlet for their expression? New technologies are providing greater...
by Amy Stark | Jan 12, 2010 | My Tweets
I can't wait to write this blog @natfinn @jojosmojo @bcimages @BgKahuna @robbyslaughter @ScooterSMD @NickiLaycoax @sushirevenge @ripsup # @ChadRichards was kind enough to show my how to NOT send all tweets to update my facebook page. Thanks Chad! # @chadrichards...