- @raekridel If I were at a Lake Cottage with my family I could without breaking a sweat. We like to play bridge, eat, drink and be merry! #
- @CBalling Sorry I was late to RT the Hog Roast http://gowal.la/c/2ucGx?137 Fish Fry seems more humane for some reason. How's Life, C? =) in reply to CBalling #
- @indyscompugeek After seeing your tweet I asked Miss Thing what her model number was, to which she replied, "I'm over it." So mode it be =) in reply to indyscompugeek #
- Hey @dszp and @spillrecovery thanks 4 http://bit.ly/SanBrunoTweets RT. It was a powerful chronicle. I will add it to all presentations. #
- Did I thank you yet 4 the Ikea cat RT? @markydsr and @IBBSolutions http://bit.ly/9LrDiT I found it in @BengtWendel 's tweet stream. #
- Back @ ya Linda! RT @lindaAWI Blessings on these wonderful folk in my stream @portion @shelms06 @HeshieSegal @anitasantiago @SerendipityJane #
- @lindaAWI My sis was in town last night from San Diego so I went Amish for quite awhile. Was it a gorgeous day in Central #Indiana or what? in reply to lindaAWI #
- RT @raekridel Oooh, that sounds like fun! When are we going?? -/- There isn't one planned, I'll keep you in the loop. I hope to B@Bubs Fri #
- RT @CBalling RT @PaulPoteet RT @dtsn: Everyone who does social media for a large company should read todays dilbert! http://is.gd/f8cSR #
- @lindaAWI going Amish simply means un-tethering yourself from the digital grid – technology. I <3 the Amish in #NEIndiana in reply to lindaAWI #
- The great enemy of the truth is very often not the Lie–deliberate contrived & dishonest–but the Myth–persistent persuasive & unrealistic JFK #
- RT @CBalling … RT @GregWHoward Education Bubble? A College Education of Diminishing Returns http://bit.ly/aza2GA #
- RT @CBalling http://bit.ly/9MjjCW @amystark will appreciate this tweetup post -//-I did C, thnx.Hey @DaveRamseyLIVE when is the #Indy stop? #
- No RT @CBalling …Is it nuts 2 think Twitter users might enjoy writing & receiving real letters? Pen & ink on paper http://www.letter-exchange.com #
- RT @lindaAWI ..May the day tickle your fancy..-//-update=>my fancy was tickled. Hey @vixwrld Did your fancy get tickled yet? =) #
- @JohnCorcoran haha whenever I see that headline it makes me L right OL Thanks for the RT =) #
- The Tweet That Shook The World http://bit.ly/cVF3qs -/- Fabulous breakdown of how information spreads in the digital age #IN_SM #
- @CBalling I'm surprised U posted that.I saw the headline in my news alerts & purposely ignored it. I'll have 2 read it now. Ck my last tweet in reply to CBalling #
- @danalbyers Thanks. I'm glad it made you smile. It's been ages since I heard -tickle my fancy- and it struck me funny. Just what is a fancy? in reply to danalbyers #
- RT @CBalling RT @HeatherCarpente …a PhD in NP leadership-we're recruiting 4 R program so DM me-//-U must reciprocate follows to get DMs #
- Surprised why? Never imagined U would tweet something about a celebrity tweeter @CBalling J.Mayer's PUBLICIST must not B the brightest bulb #
- @HeatherCarpente Great! Why DMs anyhow? Wouldn't you want to strike up a conversation in @replies? More exposure for you and the school. in reply to HeatherCarpente #
- @HeatherCarpente If you encourage them to send @replies – it will create a bigger buzz. Free advice and worth every penny. in reply to HeatherCarpente #
- RT @lindaAWI .. subway from Queens to Manhattan. Brave 'vintage dame'-/ /- Only thing that bothered me about the subway was the smell. #
- The best way 2 stop bad or misinformation from spreading on the Internet is 2 FLOOD the space w/ good and correct information. #
- RT @CBalling Great video The intro is hilarious.Lifestyles of the Professional Truck Driver http://is.gd/fb3kX @TruckingSchool #
- It's always great 2B greeted by friends in the morning. Right back at ya, @typertist @MizShelly @lindaAWI #
- @TruckingSchool Bravo! If I ever decide to drive a big rig I'm SO calling you guys first. What fun! in reply to TruckingSchool #
- @CBalling If U R a celebrity-being able 2 reach 3.7 million fans w/ a single FREE tweet is THE MOST productive use of time I can imagine. in reply to CBalling #
- Hey @MillerBrooks What is your opinion? http://bit.ly/aQ7FQ7 "juicy essay, RIP, the Press Release … & Long Live the Tweet" #
- @CBalling If U notice the @cof_ tweets originate from co-tweet.That plus the frequency of tweets might mean they R automated. in reply to CBalling #
- Pianos R always fun at an event @typeamom Invariably 5-7 people have that one piece they mastered and want to share. Wish I could B there =( #
- RT @CBalling … educ speak to themselves. It's an echo chamber. … -/ /- that hits too close to home. =) #
- @CBalling We should have a #copTweetUp with @Nathan_Hand . We had a great chat a couple of weeks ago. Nathan has interesting stories in reply to CBalling #
- 112 characters=> RT @Takagenha ノ RT @sub12573namis へ RT @massy7001 ノ RT @at0_0: ノ RT @yowano_k 【挙手緩募】カレーライス派はノ ハヤシライス派はへ 挙手願う!へ #
- Sensor Networks Top Social Networks for Big Data http://bit.ly/bavtct "the Internet of Things" -/ /- The age of Big Data #
- Duke Long Shares a #LafayetteTweetUp Best Practice – http://bit.ly/cTlI4R ck this @DaveWoodson and @NatFinn -U R mentioned =) #
- @davewoodson haha it took me a few moments to figure out what your acronym meant. I had to sound it out. Thanks for RT It is a fun clip. in reply to davewoodson #
- RT @natfinn @AmyStark @DaveWoodson @NatFinn beautiful. We don't hang out with @dukelong enough! -//-I agree! Did U do the SM Word Scramble? #
- Facebook users warned of burglary risk http://bit.ly/cJtdUM higher insurance premiums if you tweet where you are @foursquare #
- RT @featherchick via @CBalling #Maryland Police continue 2 harass citizens who record them http://is.gd/fc4Tt -//-What is #Indiana 's policy #
- Duke Long TweetUp Best Practices | SRC stark reAlity check http://bit.ly/aChVzQ two word summation: "Free Beer" #
- Tues 9/21 4pm digitally inscribed @CBalling @nathan_hand Corner of BR Ave and Guilford #ImpromptucopTweetUp #
- Facebook users warned of burglary risk http://bit.ly/cJtdUM "higher insurance premiums"..What about @foursquare ? cc @CBalling @nathan_hand #
- Thanks for the RTs yesterday, @MartinDorgan @YorktownLibrary @tkographix
It was very kind of you. # - Quick reminder to tweeters who tweet an ad @ me in the public timeline — I will block you. Just bein' honest #IN_SM #
- @VZWMichelle your response came too late. Miss Thing will no longer talk to me about because I embarrassed her bit.ly/dhKOyi in reply to VZWMichelle #
- @VZWMichelle I mean no disrespect to you, I'm sure U R lovely, but the post hit FB and Twitter 9/9 @10:18pm You are just now responding? in reply to VZWMichelle #
- No doubt @wadeshull RTs me more often because of my wit and wisdom, @ripsup =) Thanks Wade! #
- @CBalling 3 minutes after you tweeted "We're not in Kansas anymore" @KellyKramer from Kansas City MO RTd http://bit.ly/cJtdUM THNX Kelly in reply to CBalling #
- Thanks 4 the RTs @PricelessTeam @ADDcrafter @insuranceman45 what if someone was turned down 4 insurance because of @foursquare participation #
- RT @ElaineLuke just saw this after RT @MikeAndMike brought it up youtube.com/watch?v=9NXq6D via @youtube… what do you think? #
- RT @ElaineLuke ..how proud are you! *sigh* {proud moment!} -/ /- Look @ U all growed up & RTing videos <as a tear spills over onto my cheek> #
- @johnpwooton Here is the website @ripsup sent to me http://tweetstats.com It shows WAY more than 14% are using the web. #
- Hey @VZWMichelle I quoted your tweets from yesterday – http://bit.ly/cjmcMm @verizon #verizon #
- @ripsup @johnpwooton RE: I think 14% is recent use. I wondered if the 14% just reflected the US. Are apps big EVERYWHERE? in reply to ripsup #
- @ripsup @johnpwooton I don't recall the data's origin but I wonder if any ONE twitter app has more than 14%? cc @DouglasKarr #
- "While most states R broke, #Indiana ’s in the black"- @MyManMitch via RT @hostagehoosier Keeping Indiana a Step Ahead http://nblo.gs/7W1wX #
- RT @hostagehoosier @CBalling I love DST -/ /- at any given time during the year at least two of my clocks are wrong, but I like it, too. #
- RE:1 person both of you @reply to http://tweetstats.com/graphs/amystark -//- I wonder who SENDS me the most @replies? xx @ripsup @wadeshull #
- haha My left hand must not have been on the home keys.. I meant cc not xx @ripsup and @wadeshull I rarely send hugs or kisses in a tweet. #
- thnx 4 RT @adamlockwood77 I'll wager, "Do U participate in digital geo-location games?" will soon appear on insurance forms. #
- RT @erikjfisher RT @Coxymoney: McDonald’s Foursquare Day Campaign Brought in 33% More Foot Traffic http://bit.ly/ad1td3 #
- Social Media Use Exceeds Email Among B2B Sales Professionals http://bit.ly/9BC1iC #
- @aplaceonthelake #NotFreudian haha you got that right! How are things in beautiful Northern #Indiana #
- Thanks! Back @ ya, RT @indyscompugeek Good MOrning! #FF @imavex @dszp @pamelareilly1 @mymanjoe @breroz @amystark #
- Something fishy is happening at @BeefandBoards http://ht.ly/2FM8z They put on great kid shows at my Bro's place, too. #
- @VZWMichelle not sure what U could do @ this point to make it better — and even if there was I prefer public interactions. in reply to VZWMichelle #
- Please #ff my friend @lindaAWI if you want to connect with someone who is a champion for #Women around the world. #
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