Below please find the stipulations placed on reserving a free ticket to the SMackdown event at Scotty’s Brewhouse on E. 96th in Indy:
DO NOT Reserve a Ticket without reading the “This ticket is absolutely free, BUT*….” statement below.
I really mean it.
On December 30, 2010 at 1:30PM EST cities all across Indiana – from the banks of the Ohio River River to the shores of Lake Michigan – will connect via Ustream to watch the Official Awards Ceremony taking place at Scotty’s Brewhouse on the North Side of Indy.
Attendees will be invited to arrive at Scotty’s around noon when the frivolity, fried dill-pickle eating, and lots of fun will ensue. The Awards Ceremony will begin promptly at 1:30PM EST.
The tickets are free for this event with a few CAVEATS:
BY RESERVING A TICKET you agree to the following:
IF YOU RSVP and learn you will not be able to attend before December 28, 2010 at 11:59AM EST — you PROMISE to pay a $10 donation to AND release the ticket for someone else immediately!
IF YOU RSVP and learn you will not be able to attend this event after Noon EST December 28th — you PROMISE to pay a $10 donation to PLUS send a worthy substitute in your stead. This is just common courtesy. Scotty’s Brewhouse will make special arrangements to have an appropriate number of staff on hand to accommodate the SMackdown. Please respect him and his wait-staff.
IF YOU RSVP, are unable to attend the SMackdown and you fail to send a worthy replacement — you PROMISE to donate $25.00 to plus go to Scotty’s soon thereafter to enjoy a nice lunch or dinner and — not only leave a generous tip to your server but — seek out the wait-staff who counted on a tip from you at SMackdown Event and slip ’em a fin. =)
If the above stated conditions are not met by January 29, 2011 you agree to public reminders. Amy Stark will engage with you on twitter in @mentions to hold you accountable beginning January 30, 2010.
*there always seems to be a big but
and BTW… this is totally on an honor system. The only retribution would be a public tweet or two.
I came up with them, Robby. There have been two times this year when I RSVPd for an event and just plain didn’t show up. A pox upon me for a clumsy louse.
I know that Chuck Gose and John Palmer have had issues with no-shows even when they set a $5.00 price for their breakfast meeting. There are only 60 seats in the Blues Brothers Room at Scotty’s – last year we had 58 peeps. This year we may have to co-opt more areas at Brewhouse.
In other words, PLEASE don’t reserve a ticket and not show up.
Although these “rules” were not mentioned as part of the initial process (and have never been discussed by any of us), generally speaking it’s a not nice to reserve a space for yourself and then not be there. So please don’t do it.
And if you do decide you can’t make it after all, do something nice like Amy suggested and make a donation. 🙂