#IN_SM10 FB Discussions about Voting/Nomination

Nomination/Voting Governing Committee Delete topic|Reply to topic Displaying all 8 posts. #Indiana Social Media Summit From the Wall of Robby Gehlhausen Slaughter Hear ye, hear ye! I have been appointed head of the governing committee for the 2010 Indiana Social Media...

Kuno Creative’s Social Media Community Manager

A few people have asked me what I will be doing as Kuno Creative’s new Social Media Community Manager. Here are the highlights: Social media research and marketing for Kuno and their clients. Advise on engagement strategies and implement campaigns. “Kuno...

Land a Job Using Inbound Marketing

A few weeks back my friend, Chad Pollitt, told me his company was looking for a candidate to fill a brand new position at their inbound marketing agency – Social Media Community Manager. I connected with Chad Pollitt over two years ago on twitter. We finally met...

Truth@Work Presentation

I had a great time with this group. They asked fabulous questions and there were several social media “aha” moments. I love it when that happens. Thanks for the invite, Bob Haddad! I’m sad Cara Dafforn couldn’t be there, but at least I can...