by Amy Stark | Jul 23, 2010 | My Tweets
Cities finding social networking offers cheap, effective outreach -/ /- #IN_SM Who can get me an appt w/ Mayor Ballard? # Hey @WilkersonRick & @Keywerx Ck this out => It would be great if U sent a "Hire @AmyStark tweet to...
by Amy Stark | Jul 22, 2010 | My Tweets
Hey #IN_SM -Let's write a case study on how a state banded together to make some noise during the dawn of the information age. # @davewoodson As a brief intro. what if U asked panelists 2 share the story of their most successful TweetUp?...
by Amy Stark | Jul 21, 2010 | Shift Happens
Very unlikely to be nominated for an Oscar
by Amy Stark | Jul 21, 2010 | My Tweets
Where Social Media Meets Strategy “The average social network user is 37 years old.” # Chicago Museum offering $10000 Cash to SM Freak for a “Month at the Museum” -/- I am VERY tempted. # I voted for Beef &...
by Amy Stark | Jul 20, 2010 | My Tweets
Social media seen as potential problem in Miss. "State Supreme Court wants jury instructions revised" cc @nancymyrland # Social Media's Black Hole Found At Chump Dump Hey @ChumpDump .. no web interface? # RT...