Twitter Updates for 2010-07-28

US Nonprofits' Social Media Adoption Outpaces All Other Sectors for 3rd Year in a Row … -//- @SafeSitter # Brands Need To Re-Examine Their Twitter Strategy # Social Media Analytics vs. Social Network Analysis...

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-27

State of Mich. finalizing policy on social media -/ /- Someone please tell Mitch Daniels and Greg Ballard about this. # RT @lindaAWI [Amy] You started the saying "narcissistic RT". -/ /- haha. I was hoping it was something profound....

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-26

IAC's Barry Diller: Not everything has 2 B Twitter -//-Twitter teaches a skill that will become increasingly important # RT @naptownbuzz {..I have proof too} RT @AmyStark If you want 2 maximize your twitter experience=>follow quality and...

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-25

@TheFunSalesDude I just ousted @chuckgose as the mayor of Dunkin Donuts on @foursquare! -/ /- =) in reply to TheFunSalesDude # If you want 2 maximize your twitter experience => follow quality and forget about quantity....

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-24

Indy airport use of Twitter puts it in top 10 <= Brand new airport and it is very cool @INDairport Bravo! # Thanks for listing me w/ this awesome group, RT @CPollittIU #FF Indy Internet.. @firebelly @douglasskarr @jamespaden @chrislucas5...