by Amy Stark | Sep 9, 2010 | Misc., Shift Happens
Miss Thing (My 15 yr old daughter) got a new phone yesterday and wanted to transfer her pictures from the old to the new. According to the first Verizon customer support person we spoke to we needed to re-format the smart card to a version that the new phone would...
by Amy Stark | Sep 5, 2010 | My Tweets
@theAaronCraig I’ve been cogitating. @ChuckGose is dead on… the #SMackdown event on Dec 30th should be all about Social Media # @theAaronCraig it seems to me @IndyIABC & PRSA folk could use a little social media mingling. How about just invite them, we...
by Amy Stark | Sep 2, 2010 | Shift Happens
Be human in the very first exchange and set an expectation of involvement. Case Story: August 29. 2010 @mrnoobie posts: chachas-incorrect-answers-continue-to-disappoint The following is the first comment: #1 August 30, 2010 at 9:41 am Jacob Elsts — You’re right....
by Amy Stark | Aug 31, 2010 | Philanthropy, Shift Happens, Tweeter's Almanac
< It’s a Welsh Assembly Government programme which is delivered by five partner organisations – the Wales Co-operative Centre, the Novas Scarman Group, Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services, Carmarthenshire County Council and the George Ewart Evans Centre...
by Amy Stark | Aug 29, 2010 | Shift Happens
As I reviewed the latest PEW data for how Americans use the Internet, I had renewed hope for the evolution of our species. Not only did social networking use in adults 65 plus DOUBLE in one year, but twitter/status update use of 50-64 yr old adults increased by 120%....