#IN_SM10 Final Ballot

This list will be sent to Chris Theisen from Hare Chevrolet ( who graciously offered to help with the FormStack ballot ) at Noon December 21 EST.  No changes to the final ballot will be accepted after that time. INstructions for Voters. You will be required to provide...

#IN_SM10 Awards Ceremony Tickets

Below please find the stipulations placed on reserving a free ticket to the SMackdown event at Scotty’s Brewhouse on E. 96th in Indy: ____________ DO NOT Reserve a Ticket without reading the “This ticket is absolutely free, BUT*….” statement...

Nominee Update INdiana SMackdown 10

Click here for #Indiana’s 2nd Annual Social Media Summit Facebook page Click here to nominate a worthy INdividual for #INdiana’s 2nd Annual Social Media Summit and SMackdown Event! closed! Click Here for a List of Social Media Peeps who are INeligible to...

SMackdown Press Release

#Indiana’s 2nd Annual Social Media Summit and Smackdown Event arrives December 30, 2010. The State of Indiana is quickly becoming known as a digital media hotbed, as innovative companies such as Exact Target, Compendium Blogware, FormStack, DK New Media and many...