Tweet Archive 2011-10-31

This book is not to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force. – Dorothy Parker # The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflection of my int… (via @clatko, @SheonaHG & @ModelSupplies) # Multiple...

Tweet Archive 2011-10-24

The automated tool @Summify compiled these posts as a reflec… (via @supportmatters, @supportbygary & @endlesssupport) # We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur ~ Dan Quayle # Love is composed of a single soul...

#IN_SM10 FB Discussions about Voting/Nomination

Nomination/Voting Governing Committee Delete topic|Reply to topic Displaying all 8 posts. #Indiana Social Media Summit From the Wall of Robby Gehlhausen Slaughter Hear ye, hear ye! I have been appointed head of the governing committee for the 2010 Indiana Social Media...