Miss Thing (My 15 yr old daughter) got a new phone yesterday and wanted to transfer her pictures from the old to the new.  According to the first Verizon customer support person we spoke to we needed to re-format the smart card to a version that the new phone would accept.  This required hooking up the old phone to the PC and connecting with LG directly to get the update.  I spent an hour trying install the recommended driver to no avail.   PLUS I had to do it with Miss Thing looking over my shoulder pointing out what I was doing wrong.

We were told that if the download didn’t work to go to a Verizon store and they could do the transfer for us.  So today at 4:30 Miss Thing and I went to the Verizon Store next to the Super Target in Fishers.  We were told by the receptionist @ Dr. Patrick Craig’s office that the employees at that location were particularly helpful and friendly – and they were –  but they were unable to complete the transfer.  They were so nice that they LOANED me an adapter and Miss Thing and I felt like we were making real progress.

A brief glimmer of success taunted us as we were able to download the pics to the computer – thanks to the adapter card LOANED to us by the friendly and helpful peeps at the Verizon Store next to the Super Target in Fishers – BUT we were unable to reload the pics on the new phone.  Let’s see… that’s a half hour at the Fisher’s store, plus fifteen minute drive home, plus another 45 minutes computer time extracting the pictures, plus a lot more frustration at the time already wasted on what seemed to be a simple task.

So we called Verizon customer support AGAIN – 20 mins – and were told the store at Greyhound Pass in Carmel could resolve our issues.  He told us he would contact that location and instruct them how to accomplish the transfer.  The customer support guy also told us he was going to make sure we were NOT charged for the transfer because of everything that had transpired up to this point.  We were instructed to get to the store by 8:30 and everything would be swell.

We arrived at 8:07 pm and the door was locked.  There were still customers in the store and as one customer left, I explained to the employee -who unlocked the door – that we were told by a VERIZON customer support person that the store was open until 8:30.  I also shared a brief synopsis of the ongoing saga hoping she would realize that simply doing the transfer would be the best option. 

After a brief  congenial exchange of words, the only thing I accomplished was to embarrass my daughter by saying, “Wow I can’t believe you will not accommodate us. I am definitely going to tweet about this.”  The Verizon store employee’s tone turned more even more congenial after I mentioned twitter, but from that moment on it was apparent that everything she said came straight from a script.  It was a bit eerie.

Total time spent – 3 hours and 20 minutes.  And the saga continues, because the photos still have not been transferred to the new phone and now Miss Thing isn’t speaking to me. VERIZON FAIL