• How to gain at least 1 follower a day for the next 30 days
  • How to establish your brand on twitter in 30 days
  • Why you should care about the world’s LARGEST bridging social capital group in the history of our species.
  • How to start a global viral marketing campaign using ONLY open-source at zero-cost software and free cloud applications
  • The 30 day twitter challenge for social media nay-sayers
  • The 30 day workout to help you “GET” twitter and Social Media
  • A rebuttal to a pithy negative comment that spread virally and tainted a town’s perception of twitter-in effect slowing down the adoption of social media in the great state of #Indiana*

After the 30 day workout you will appreciate why this new communication tool- a platform for global grassroots communication at the speed of light- is all the rage. Twitter isn’t for everyone, however it is being used by tens of millions of people** around the world RIGHT NOW, and it’s important that you understand why it – and other twitter-like social media platforms – are evolutionary game changers. Twitter can be likened to Gutenberg’s movable type on steroids.

When Rudyard Kipling said, “East is East, West is West, and never the twain shall meet” he never envisioned twitter. If you watch the public-timeline you will see many different languages including Mandarin, Japanese and Farsi along with the Latin-based languages.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If someone tells you twitter is a waste of time, they’re only telling you how THEY use it. Twitter is extremely flexible and with the varied devices, over 2,500 different user-interfaces and unique combinations of following – followers, no two tweeters have the same experience.
*Backstory. A prominent social marketer in Indianapolis was quoted as saying, “twitter is the most useful waste of time.” I heard this repeated by other prominent social marketers in Indianapolis and the idea spread virally. People who think social media is simply a fad LOVE to have comments such as “Time Waster” to justify their non-participation. Shame on you.

** @Pistachio, a twitter power user, estimated 300 Million by the end of 2009 in a Google Tech Talk recourded in the first half of 2009.