- RT @Ed Hi [name] we noticed you tweeted about "advice". Get free shipping on "advice" now. Find "advice" at 80% off at http://www.spam.com 😉 #
- Good Morning @LindaAWI and @vixwrld – Here's hoping to a good hair day! #
- RT @kmullett … those things are just a riot… -/ /- what things? Is there a site that has canned spam messages? #
- RT @kmullett Interactions! @djtrend @theAmazingBen @JonHusen @ScLoHo @gwensdad @theMsAJ .. @CPollittIU @dutchrapley -/-Hey #forTWayne peeps! #
- I wish I'd been here earlier to say hey to @lindaAWI @vixwrld and @sensiblecharity =) Belated Hey! #
- Risk anything! Care no more for the opinion of others..Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself! K. Mansfield #
- RT @Ed Keeping up a healthy web presence, w/out wasting all week 4 Google @CopyBlogger 's new report is key http://bit.ly/ScribeFriends #SEO #
- Treat yourself to 7 minutes of Ella http://bit.ly/cyB1I1 she is magnificent! But I wonder why the drummer is naked? #mystery #
- Hey @DaveWoodson What's the good word? =) Can I help? #
- RT @davewoodson ..do U know G Wayne Clayton? He used 2 do #michianatweetup but I have messaged him just 2 be ignored-//- #BADIdea G Wayne #
- @davewoodson do we know G Wayne Clayton's twitter handle? Let me see if he will tweet with me. I'm all about engaging in dialog. in reply to davewoodson #
- Does anyone have G Wayne's twitter handle? @ripsup @davewoodson @notwayneclayton And just to clear things up. I'm the best =) #
- RT @HarrisonPainter @AmyStark uhhhmmm uuuhhhmm (clearing throat sound) -/ /- ah, come on. Let me just think I'm the best for a little while #
- LOL RT @douglaskarr @PaulPoteet great meeting you, Paul! … we'd make a good Laurel & Hardy. -//- I would actually pay money to see that! #
- RT @tommytrc What foursquare Needs To Change Or They Will Fail http://bit.ly/cCctry -/ /- T O M M Y ! =) #
- RT @pamelareilly1 Hubby's watching "Glengarry, GlenRoss" ..my coworkers will have to deal w/ quotes all day tomorrow./ ABC Always Be Closing #
- @davewoodson Thanks Dave! There is a phone number on their website's about page. Shall I give G Wayne a call tomorrow? in reply to davewoodson #
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